"Five accused of plotting suicide bombing; Afghan police say they foiled major attack on capital" by Amir Shah and Christopher Bodeen, Associated Press | April 9, 2010

The five men accused of planning a bomb attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, are linked to a Taliban faction, authorities allege. (Musadeq Sadeq/Associated Press)
Anybody tell the government and MSM that is AGAINST the GENEVA CONVENTIONS?
If it were our guys they were showing they would be bellyaching about it.
KABUL, Afghanistan — Acting on an intelligence tip, Afghan police said they arrested five would-be suicide bombers yesterday as they tried to enter Kabul, thwarting a major attack and capturing the largest such team ever in the capital.
Police believe the bombers were sent by an Al Qaeda-linked insurgent group based in Pakistan, and their capture follows widespread rumors that militants were planning attacks in the diplomatic quarter of Kabul....
Ah, the sweet stench of MSM s***.
Related: Taliban Coming For Kabul
Yeah, look at what a great job the Afghan government is doing, 'eh, newspaper readers?
Abdul Ghafar, deputy commander of the Afghan National Police crisis unit, said police had been given a description of the vehicle and were able to seal off the area. Police said they believed the would-be bombers were headed for a safe house somewhere in the capital to make final preparations for their suicide assault. “If this team had made it through, it would have been a disaster,’’ Ghafar said. “I would call this a major blow to the terrorists.’’
So the CIA wound up their little cutouts and sent them on their way and then made a phone call, huh?
Police said the five men — ranging in age from 20 to 25 — refused to give their names or nationalities. But authorities were convinced they were sent by the Haqqani group, a Pakistan-based Afghan Taliban faction with close ties to Al Qaeda....
Ah, yes, the Haqqani network, yes:
"Haqqani.... credited with introducing suicide bombing to the region.... cultivated as a "unilateral" asset of the CIA and received tens of thousands of dollars in cash for his work.... He may have had a role in expediting the escape of Osama Bin Laden.... In July 2008, CIA officials confronted Pakistan officials with evidence of ties between Inter-Services Intelligence and Haqqani. Haqqani has been accused of involvement in the 2008 Indian embassy bombing in Kabul...."
The Haqqani group’s ailing leader, Jalaluddin Haqqani, was a hero of the war against the Soviets in the 1980s. A US missile strike Feb. 18 apparently targeted Haqqani’s son Sirajuddin, who effectively runs the group. Instead the missile killed another son, Mohammed, and three associates....
Yeah, whatever, MSM.
The five were shown to journalists at a heavily guarded police base on the city’s outskirts, along with their vehicle and bags containing explosive material and suicide harnesses. They stood silently with their backs to the journalists, their eyes covered by blindfolds and hoods and their wrists in handcuffs....
Yup, CIA called the government and then the government called the press and said come on down, we have something to show you.
Related: Operation Mockingbird
Sort of came around full circle, didn't it?
A Taliban spokesman, Zabiullah Mujahid, said the Taliban were unaware of the apparent plot, saying, “We have no information on these people.’’
Oh, I BELIEVE THEM!! Isn't that SAD, dear Americans?
That I would believe the "enemy" when reading my lying, agenda-pushing, war-promoting newspaper?
Or the government it gets its information from?
In a statement yesterday, the US military called the release of a video showing an American service member held by Afghan insurgents “a deplorable act.’’ The Taliban posted a video Wednesday of a man identified as Private First Class Bowe Bergdahl, who was captured in Afghanistan in June. It shows Bergdahl, the only known American serviceman in captivity, pleading to be returned home and saying the war in Afghanistan is not worth the human cost.
Smells like a psyop to me; can't do what those "terrorists" want, can we?
Also see: Sunday Globe Censorship: Abducted American Video a False-Flag Fake
The Taliban Tool to Keep AmeriKa in Afghanistan
Afghanistan: Assassinations, Audits, Abductions, and Airstrikes
And the CUI BONO timing of the latest release?
Also yesterday, NATO reported yesterday that an international service member was killed in fighting with insurgents in eastern Afghanistan, but gave no further details. It was the 10th death in the NATO force this month. A helicopter belonging to international forces in Afghanistan went down in Qalat, in the southeast, NATO reported today. Taliban and Afghan officials said militants shot it down.
Like I care about the Empire and its imperial forces anymore.
Don't like your soldiers dying for lies anymore? Then leave.
In the southern town of Marja, the Taliban killed a local tribal leader, his nephew, and three other people, said Daud Ahmadi, government spokesman.
Related: Marines Lose Marjah
Oh, I understand now.
Do the deceptions, distortions, obfuscations, and omissions ever end, AmeriKan MSM?
I guess I have an answer:
"US Osprey crashes, killing 4 in Afghanistan" by Associated Press | April 10, 2010
KABUL, Afghanistan — A US Air Force Osprey went down in southeastern Afghanistan, the US military said yesterday, killing three service members and one civilian contractor in the first crash of the costly tilt-rotor aircraft in a combat zone.
It’s unclear what caused the crash of the US military’s latest-generation transport aircraft — beset for years by cost overruns and design flaws....
And YOU PAID for it ALL, American taxpayers!
A Taliban spokesman said militants shot down the aircraft, but the insurgents often make exaggerated claims.
What an offensive statement considering all the war lies this MSM told about Iraq.
NATO said the cause was still under investigation. A Pentagon spokesman, Marine Major Shawn Turner, said it was the first time that an Osprey, which cost nearly $70 million apiece, has crashed during operations in a war zone.
Is it worth it, America?
Are the frame-ups presented as successes when nothing improves and things get worse worth it, America?
"Police arrest 9 in plot to strike Kabul; Security forces seize weapons, bombs from cell" by Rahim Faiez, Associated Press | April 20, 2010
KABUL, Afghanistan — Afghan security forces arrested nine members of a terrorist cell and seized nearly a quarter-ton of explosives, foiling a plot to stage suicide bombings and other attacks in Kabul, the country’s intelligence service said yesterday.
I've stopped believing lying "intelligence services," sorry.
In the southern province of Kandahar, meanwhile, a remote-controlled bomb planted on a donkey exploded near a police checkpoint, killing three children aged 11, 12, and 15, said Zalmai Ayubi, spokesman for the governor.
"Now stop and think here for a moment. All revolutions depend on public support. Revolutionaries try to first win the people before they take on the government. So, no revolutionary goes out and murders civilians in cold blood. Did Washington and his men just mow down a marketplace of their fellow colonials for the heck of it? No, they did not. Washington and the Founding Fathers knew that their revolution to build a new country needed the support of those who would live in that country. This is true for every revolution in history. Therefore, these acts of terror being blamed on the insurgency must all be fakes, committed by intelligence agencies working for the governments to be blamed on the insurgents in order to destroy public support for the revolution." -- Wake the Flock Up
The victims were nephews of Fazel Uddin Agha, a tribal elder in Kandahar who served as an election campaign manager for President Hamid Karzai last year, Ayubi said. The blast also wounded two police officers and two civilians.
An American soldier was also killed and several wounded in an explosion at an Afghan National Army facility just outside the capital, Kabul, said a spokesman for international forces, Colonel Wayne Shanks. The blast originally was reported to have killed an Afghan soldier.
Don't like it? Then leave.
I've screamed and hollered about the wars for so long I'm done.
Stay and die for all I care, empire. I am no longer interested in trying to save you from yourself when you have no interest in such.
I'll be checking out now, bellhop.
The discovery of the terror cell in Kabul marked the second time in recent weeks that the security services took credit for preventing major attacks on the capital, a result they say of better training and use of informants.
CIA made a call.
Intelligence service spokesman Saeed Ansari said four of the suspects were arrested while traveling in a vehicle in the city’s eastern district, while five others were picked up at an Islamic school in Kabul....
The suspects, one of whom was a Pakistani citizen, ranged in age from 16 to 55 and had been given specific responsibilities within the group, such as arranging accommodation or transporting arms, Ansari said.
Oh, that is PERFECT for the agenda-pushers, isn't it, readers!!!
Three members of the group were identified as would-be suicide bombers, although Ansari said the cell possessed enough explosives and vests to equip up to six suicide attackers. He said the group was acting under orders from a Pakistan-based Taliban faction, which had rented a house in eastern Kabul, shipped weapons across the border, and provided funds for the purchase of a vehicle to be used in suicide attacks....
That is the CIA ARM! Has to be!
The terrorism arrests follow the interception of a vehicle on April 8 on the outskirts of Kabul carrying what police said were five would-be suicide bombers on their way to carry out a major attack — the largest such team ever detained in the capital. Police said at the time the bombers were sent by Al Qaeda-linked insurgents based in Pakistan, and their capture followed widespread rumors that militants were planning attacks in the diplomatic quarter of Kabul.
The last major attack within Kabul took place Feb. 26 when suicide bombers struck two small hotels in the center of the city, killing at least 16 people, including six Indians. Afghan authorities blamed the attack on Lashkar-e-Taiba, the same Pakistan-based Islamist militia that India blames for the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks that killed 166 people....
I'm tired of the lumping together of false flag lies in my Zionist War Daily, folks.
See: Pakistan Needs to Imitate India
And you know who was behind killing of the Indians.