Just so sad what Israel has been and what it has become.
Cosmic forces will come and get them, too.
And check out the MSM censorship (and the coincidental timing) of the strike.
Apr 01: Israel pounds Gaza with missiles
Israeli planes and helicopters bomb Gaza targets
Israeli warplanes bomb Gaza Strip
But nothing appears in my printed paper until.... Slow Saturday:
"Hamas hints it wants to prevent attacks; Statement made after Israeli strike injures 3 children" by Rizek Abdel Jawad, Associated Press | April 3, 2010

Palestinian youths viewed damage after air strikes by Israel in Gaza City, a response to the latest rocket attack on southern Israel. (Hatem Moussa/Associated Press)
GAZA CITY — Gaza’s Hamas rulers indicated yesterday that they were trying to keep attacks on Israel in check, in an apparent attempt to keep a recent spate of violence from spiraling into open conflict.
Hamas made this known just hours after Israeli aircraft pounded multiple targets in the territory in response to the latest rocket attack on southern Israel.
See: Israel Goes Back Into Gaza
Three Palestinian children were wounded in one of the Israeli air strikes, Gaza health official Moaiya Hassanain said. A statement released by the Hamas government after the aerial attacks accused Israel of an “escalation’’ against Gaza. But the Hamas government also said it was “making contact with the factions to safeguard internal agreement.’’
See: A War Criminal Government
Now what s*** does Israel keep spouting? Damn liars.
Hamas has never explicitly criticized attacks against Israel, though top officials have said such attacks do not serve Palestinian interests.
Yeah, a BIG, STINKY CUI BONO on that one!
Yesterday’s statement signaled the Islamic group was pushing to get the territory’s other militant groups to honor this policy. Last year, Israel conducted a devastating military offensive in Gaza after years of rocket attacks.
The removed Israeli government graph: 'Monthly distribution of rockets hits.'
On the 4th November, the day when Americans were watching the results of the Presidential election, the Israeli army broke the ceasefire by raiding the strip.
--MORE--"Hey, what's another MSM lie or distortion, huh?
Since then, Hamas has tried to avoid provoking sweeping Israeli military action and has not claimed responsibility for rockets in more than a year.
Well, IF YOU DIDN'T DO IT why should you say you did?
Makes you see the poot rockets in a whole new cui bono light, doesn't it?
But a string of recent Palestinian rocket attacks on southern Israel and retaliatory Israeli air strikes have ratcheted up tensions.
In March, Gaza militants fired nearly 20 rockets and mortars at Israel, about half the more than 40 fired overall since the beginning of the year, according to the military’s count. Israel has retaliated with strikes on 28 sites in Gaza since Jan. 1, the military said.
The lying, war-criminal Israeli military? Pfft!
Most of the recent militant attacks have been claimed by groups considered more radical than Hamas who accuse Gaza’s ruling movement of going soft on its main rallying cry of armed confrontation with Israel.
The militant group’s leadership is eager to avoid being held responsible for increased suffering in Gaza, where 80 percent of the population relies on UN food handouts for basic sustenance. Gazans have been unable to rebuild the large swaths of the territory that were damaged or destroyed during the Israeli offensive because an Israeli and Egyptian blockade keeps out building materials.
Yeah, never called what it is, a war criminal siege.
Israel, for its part, has an interest in keeping tensions in check so its southern communities can live peacefully. New violence in Gaza could also intensify world criticism of Israel as it tries to fend off war crimes allegations linked to its Gaza offensive and to ease friction with the Obama administration over settlement construction.
This is all such boo-hoo for the joo-hoo garbage.
Hamas, did, however, get involved in gun battles with Israeli forces last week that were the fiercest since the Gaza war ended in January 2009. Two soldiers and three Palestinians were killed in those clashes, including one whose body was discovered yesterday. One of the Palestinians was a civilian; the Islamic Jihad militant group said the other two were members of its organization.
Hamas officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not articulating official policy, said the group did not mean to get involved in last week’s fighting, but was forced to do so once the shooting started to maintain its standing in Gaza.
Yeah, it is called DEFENDING the TERRITORY -- you know, like what an ACTUAL GOVERNMENT is SUPPOSED to do!!!
Israel holds Hamas solely responsible for maintaining peace in the Gaza Strip. In a statement yesterday, the military vowed “to operate firmly against anyone who uses terror against it.’’
That is like me blaming Obama for every single shooting death in this nation!
That would be unfair to him -- or Bush, for that matter -- but if they want to go that where, show 'em a mirror.
And just more BS while Palestinians get worse than.... you know.
"US, Israel still at odds over Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem" by Matti Friedman, Associated Press | April 8, 2010
JERUSALEM — Israel’s prime minister acknowledged yesterday that his government has yet to iron out its differences with the United States over Israeli construction in East Jerusalem, a dispute that has stalled American efforts to restart Mideast peace talks.
Related: Usraeli Food Fight
See why I just get sick of the paper?
I'm tired of the bull.
Benjamin Netanyahu said both countries are still working to find a solution but staunchly defended his government’s contentious settlement plans in the disputed holy city, calling them a long-standing Israeli policy....
We know who is on top in the "special relationship."
The worst crisis in US Israeli ties in years erupted last month when Israel announced plans to build 1,600 new homes for Jews in East Jerusalem during a visit by Vice President Joe Biden, drawing sharp condemnation from Washington.....
Related: Israel Biden Their Time on Iran
Yeah, so WHEN do the BOMBING RUNS begin, because they sure as hell were not over getting orders about peace.
The announcement derailed US-mediated indirect peace talks between the Israelis and Palestinians just before they were slated to start....
Yeah, Israel torpedoes them every time.
Netanyahu on Tuesday dismissed talk of a crisis with Washington and accused the media of blowing the disagreement out of proportion.
Yeah, well, that's either incredible chutzpah or PART of the PLAN so when Israel goes off on Iran the U.S. can protest -- and then lustily join in.
“What is being published doesn’t fit what we are talking about,’’ Netanyahu said. “Apparently, the discussion between us is more serious and more to the point than what is generally believed.’’
Basically confirming what I said.
It's not about peace with Palestinians; it's about points east.
The Palestinians, meanwhile, are wary of Netanyahu and his hawkish coalition partners. They have refused to resume direct negotiations until Israel halts all construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The Palestinians claim those territories, along with the Gaza Strip, for their future state.
I don't know how you are going to get a state out of this when more disappears every day and Israel is keeping all settlements.

And the suffering of Palestinians continues to be concealed by America's MSM.