"I think it was some Catholic Bishop that recently said that the Zionistas were behind the outcry against the Catholic Church. Let me say, without reservation that is true. The reality is that Zionist gangsters control the press world wide so, if you are hearing about it everywhere then they are behind it and they are doing it for some reason that benefits them because they do nothing that does not.... This is just how it is.... Does this excuse The Church? No, it does not. It’s just good to know that this isn’t about what it seems to be about"
It never is when reading an AmeriKan "newspaper."
Also see: Holy Week
Slow Saturday Special: Smoking Mirrors MSM Monitor's Mood
Yeah, you put the two together and....

Pope Benedict XVI was given a birthday cake by members of the Papal Foundation, an American Catholic fund-raising organization for papal charities, during a private audience at the Vatican yesterday. The pope turned 83. (L’Osservatore Romano/Associated Press)
The AmeriKan MSM doesn't even have the decency to leave him alone on his birthday! Getting a nice cake and everything.
It JUST MAKES ME SAD, readers!
This is what arrives as "news" nearly every day now.
"Pope’s 5th anniversary is troubled; Sex abuse scandal hits close to home" by Victor L. Simpson, Associated Press | April 17, 2010
VATICAN CITY — Soon after becoming pope, Benedict XVI flew to Germany to keep a promise to attend a church youth festival. Upon arrival, strong winds blew off his skull cap. The same day, on a boat bringing the pope down the Rhine, gusts toppled a cross from the bow, breaking one of its arms.
In retrospect, not an auspicious beginning.
Not really "new," either.
This is what the AmeriKan MSM is "retrospecting" about, huh?
Sigh, sob.
Benedict, elected as an “interim pope’’ by cardinals seeking a breather after nearly three decades of the charismatic John Paul II, is now marking five years as a successor to St. Peter.
Yeah, I bet they thought he would have croaked by now.
But the anniversary of his election on April 19, 2005, is clouded by a worldwide sex abuse scandal that touches Benedict himself, follows earlier controversies involving ties with Islam, and is causing the gravest crisis to hit the church in recent times.
Yeah, drag out all the dirty linen, Zionist press.
Catholics must be a threat to the Jewish New World Order.
The first German pope of the modern era took the helm of the Catholic church after 24 years in the backroom of power with a clear design: to make its 1.1 billion member flock more in line with church teaching even at the cost of shedding members and without catering to the mass media.
But since a 2006 speech in which Benedict angered Muslims by appearing to suggest the prophet Muhammad spread a message of violence, the papacy has been marked by missteps, mismanagement and media disasters.
Yeah, but at least the guy had the balls to visit Palestine!
That's one of the reasons he is getting ripped on a daily basis over here -- that and the fact that he is one of the few Israel can not stop from traveling there.
And about those "media disasters? "
Brought to you by you-know-who trampling on any faith not their own!
Benedict, who turned 83 yesterday, is seeing his very legacy threatened as his own actions as bishop and cardinal have come under question.
Hey, if no one said it, "Happy Birthday," Pontiff.
The pope has come under suspicion of trying to quash investigations into pedophile priests during the time he ran the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican’s guardian of church discipline and orthodoxy. In perhaps the biggest irony, the sex abuse scandal is one Benedict inherits from his charismatic and immensely more popular predecessor, John Paul II.
Yeah, toss dirt on his grave. I already know that deal. Guy was against Bush and Iraq so his character needs to be cratered.
The Polish pontiff is now widely seen as dragging his feet on eliminating sex abuse from the church, presiding over a system where even notorious pedophile priests were allowed to retain their parishes, or were transferred to serve in other countries. Benedict almost immediately took a hard stand on sex abuse when he become pope five years ago. He is credited with removing a prominent Mexican cleric — a favorite of John Paul’s — from power following decades of allegations that he abused seminarians.
Many of Benedict’s woes stem from his chronic inability to manage his message, a weakness perhaps rooted in his career as an academic with extremely limited experience handling a flock.
Well, when everything has to pass through the Zionist filter it is going to be kind of difficult to get the message out!
Even staunch defenders acknowledge communications problems.
“Let’s be clear. Everyone has communications problems. One could do better,’’ Giovanni Maria Vian, editor of the Vatican’s daily newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, told reporters in Rome a few days before the anniversary.
I know what he is getting at there (hello, readers).
But Vian also stressed that the pope still enjoys the full support of his collaborators and has been undeterred by the sex abuse maelstrom....
That is just CHARGED TERMINOLOGY, folks!!!
What immediately comes to my mind is lying collaborators (MSM) undeterred (endless war propaganda and lies), with full support of "government" -- if being run by a foreign power can be called "governance."
This is only one example of several outrageous journalistic offerings I will be posting today, dear readers. It should be a fun ride, so stay tuned.
Oh, yeah, the attack on the faith is BACKFIRING like everything else they do!
As happens so often when one finds themselves under attack, they bind together. You know, like populations attacked in wars.
The government may stink, but it's ours! We will decide when a regime is to be removed! That is what most people say after being attacked by USrael.
While Benedict has made clear he doesn’t see the papacy as a popularity contest, he did put John Paul on the fast track toward sainthood after a popular “Santo Subito’’ (Sainthood Now) movement took root at his funeral. Benedict’s tougher stance against abusers started in the latter years of his tenure at the Congregation. Looking back, John Paul appears to have been more reluctant to follow up on abuse accusations against priests based on his experiences in his native Poland under communism, where the regime used such allegations when it sought to discredit clerics.
Looking back isn't really anything "new," is it?
And they are ignoring so much of the WORLD TODAY!
Well, we know why, so no surprise.
John Paul has been accused of letting his appreciation for the discipline, fundraising prowess, and conservative bent of the Legionaries of Christ get in the way of an investigation into decades-old allegations that its Mexican-born founder had sexually abused young seminarians.
I read that stuff, look at Israel, and say WTF?
A government like that is somehow okay?
Benedict had been thwarted in his efforts to pursue a church trial against the Rev. Marcial Maciel during John Paul’s papacy. Upon assuming the papacy, Benedict moved against Maciel, ordering him to live a life of reserved prayer while also launching an investigation into the order itself.
So why is he getting hammered in the AmeriKan MS.... oh, yeah, right.
And LOOK at all the MSM PRESENTS, dear readers!
Priest in India accused of abuse won’t fight extradition to US
2,670 call German sex abuse hot line
Vatican crisis touches chord in Boston
Norway bishop resigned after admitting to abuse
Future pope resisted efforts to remove priest
Letter shows church officials in Canada tried to hide abuse
Vatican defends handling of case
Vatican not told of abuse charge in Kenya
Predator priests were shuffled around globe, investigation finds
Did they leave anyone out?
"Aide defends Benedict’s silence on abuse cases; More allegations arise in pope’s former diocese" by V. Schmitt-Roschmann, Associated Press | April 14, 2010
BERLIN — More old cases surfaced....
In you-know-where, readers.
Priests getting it done to them what they did to others, in a sense, huh?
Mighty zharp pen.
Meanwhile, the house in which the pope was born in the southern Bavarian village of Marktl am Inn was vandalized overnight yesterday with an “obscene’’ phrase spray-painted above the main door, police said. Police are searching for the person who vandalized the house.
A HATE CRIME, right?
Also yesterday, a Minnesota prosecutor appealed to the pope as she tries to get an Indian priest back to the United States to face sexual assault charges.
He already opened that one!
Roseau County Attorney Lisa Hanson mailed Benedict a letter asking him to intervene in the case of the Rev. Joseph Palanivel Jeyapaul, who is charged with two counts of criminal sexual conduct for the alleged assault of a 14-year-old female parishioner while he served at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Greenbush, Minn., in late 2004.
You might be waiting a while for a response.
Jeyapaul returned to India before the charges were filed in early 2007, and continues to serve in the Diocese of Ootacamund. He denies the allegations.
A parish priest at St. John the Evangelist Church in North Chelmsford is on leave after he was arrested Friday during a prostitution sting by police in Nashua. The Rev. William Ventura, 31, faces a misdemeanor prostitution charge after Nashua police said he responded to a fake posting on Craigslist Friday and was planning to pay a woman for sex.
This actually HELPS the IMAGE!!
Thank God is was an OVER-AGE WOMAN!!!!!!
Bless you, father!
And this agenda-pushing is getting to darn predictable, MSM!!
"Vatican tries to quell uproar over comment about gays; Cites own data on homosexuality and pedophilia" by Frances d’Emilio, Associated Press | April 15, 2010
VATICAN CITY — The Vatican yesterday tried to defuse growing anger over remarks by the pope’s top aide that the problem behind the pedophile priest scandals is homosexuality, not the church’s celibacy requirement.
Keep stepping in their s*** traps, you guys?
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Holy See’s secretary of state, outraged gay groups, politicians, and the French government with his remarks Monday in Chile.
Oh, he was in Chile (keep reading)?
“Many psychologists and psychiatrists have demonstrated that there is no relation between celibacy and pedophilia,’’ the Italian cardinal said. “But many others have demonstrated, I have been told recently, that there is a relation between homosexuality and pedophilia. That is true. That is the problem.’’
I haven't wanted to touch that (bad pun) one, and I will not.
Related: The Child Prostitution Ring that Reached Bush Whitehouse
It's the POSITION and EXERCISE of POWER, isn't it?
A Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, contended that Bertone was not talking about pedophilia in society at large, nor making any medical or psychological assertions. Rather, Bertone was evidently referring to statistics, recently supplied by the Holy See’s own prosecutor handling sex-abuse allegations against clergy, Lombardi said in a written statement. Lombardi cited some of the statistics, from a March interview in a Catholic newspaper with Monsignor Charles Scicluna, the Vatican’s abuse prosecutor....
Well, most of the abuse is priests pumping little boys' poopers, so....
The Vatican has been on the defensive amid contentions that the church’s hierarchy, by allegedly trying to cover up rape and molestation, and church policy, by making celibacy a requirement for the priesthood, are major factors behind decades of sex abuse in parishes, orphanages, schools, and other Catholic institutions around the world....
I feel like I need a shower after so much MSM s***.
And about Chile:
"Chilean priest accused of abusing daughter" by Federico Quilodran, Associated Press | April 15, 2010
SANTIAGO, Chile — A Chilean priest has been charged with eight cases of sexually abusing minors, including his own daughter, and his diocese says he was suspended from his duties in the Roman Catholic Church early this year.
Little head, big head, doesn't matter.
Let God sort it out; maybe the war dead will decline with so much other work stacking up for him.
Ricardo Munoz Quinteros, 55, is accused of paying young girls for sex.
(Blog editor exhales sigh of relief; at least they were girls. Now the age.... ?)
State television broadcast video Tuesday night that it said shows the priest entering a motel with a young girl he paid for her services. Prosecutors in Curacavi, on the outskirts of Santiago, formally charged Munoz on Tuesday with crimes dating back five years, expanding the initial sex abuse charges for which he was jailed in January....
According to the charges, the priest abused girls between 16 and 18 years old, as well as his daughter, who was 5 at the time.
Well, that first group is borderline (although his age requires a sliding blade in my book); however, that last one.... let it fly, f*** it.
Prosecutors are also processing charges against the girl’s mother, Pamela Ampuero.
Yeah, where was she?
What is a priest doing having a kid, anyway?
They say she facilitated the abuse of their daughter and other young girls. Ampuero offered $60 to the girls to accompany Munoz to motels, prosecutors say.....
Oh, this is SAD!
Prosecutor Cristian Caceres said Munoz also was found with stores of child pornography that he has been charged with producing.
When the scandal broke in January, Munoz was serving in the parish of Melipilla, a rural town 55 miles west of Santiago, and the bishop expressed “shock and dismay’’ at the priest’s alleged double life....
No, nothing is as it appears to be, is it?
Related: The Most Important Thing to Come Out of Chile
Yeah, it is as if that historic earthquake never happened.
At least all the agenda-pushing got the Pope to make a peep:
VATICAN CITY — Pope Benedict XVI broke his recent silence on the clerical abuse scandal yesterday, complaining that the church was under attack but saying that “we Christians’’ must repent for sins and recognize mistakes.
I guess I would expect to see such terminology from the AmeriKan MSM at this point.
The main US victims group immediately dismissed his comments, saying they are meaningless unless Benedict takes concrete steps to safeguard children from pedophile priests.
Are they working or run by the you-know-whos or what?
And didn't Christ say something about forgiveness?
Repent, war sinners, and you shall have it!!!
Benedict made the remarks during an off-the-cuff homily at a Mass inside the Vatican for members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission....
Hey, he's relaxed, doing his thing, not under the glare of the Zionist prism we call MSM.
Victims of clerical abuse have long demanded that Benedict take more personal responsibility for clerical abuse. Demands have intensified in recent weeks as the Vatican and Benedict have been accused of negligence in handling cases in Europe and the United States....
An East Longmeadow priest called yesterday from his pulpit for Pope Benedict XVI to step down, demanding greater protection of children and greater accountability from the Catholic Church hierarchy.
The church’s top leader has not been truthful, said the Rev. James Scahill of St. Michael’s Parish, violating an important tenet of the faith. His strongly worded sermon echoed sentiments he shared with parishioners several weeks ago, but this time, he spent more time and spoke with greater conviction on the controversial subject.
“Any who deny the truth deny Christ, and we, as people, must reclaim our church,’’ Scahill said in a phone interview last night. “Those in authority must be willing to admit to the truth, admit their horrific crime of coverup, and beg for forgiveness, and until that happens, there will be no healing.’’
I'm sorry, readers.
I keep reading stuff like that and correlate it with the AmeriKan MSM and government on issues such as 9/11 and the Iraq (now Iran) war lies -- not too mention all the other distortions and deception -- an I just find this hard to read anymore.
Where are you on that, "Father?"
Controversy within the church over priests’ and bishops’ roles in the abuse scandal has been going on for more than eight years since the scandal broke in Boston but recently it has escalated, with new allegations about the actions of the current pope when he was an archbishop.
“If we cannot get a pope that’s going to give us the truth, then our church is dead,’’ Scahill said.
Well, he wishes. Still have ton of followers in Africa and Latin America.
That's the problem, isn't it?
And what was the WEB CUT from my PRINTED ARTICLE (sigh?):
Scahill described the latest chapter of the abuse scandal as "sins of omission."
Yes, I can see why the NEWSPAPER would want to EXCISE THAT from their web version, seeing as they are guilty of it day after day after day.
Of course, the VERY NEXT DAY the PRIEST is on the FRONT PAGE!
"The parish priest from East Longmeadow was fielding media calls from around the country yesterday about his request from the pulpit on Sunday that Pope Benedict XVI step down over his handling of clergy sexual abuse....
Yup, that is the agenda for the AmeriKan "newspapers."
“One sentence can’t immediately reverse centuries of self-serving secrecy.’’
That puts me in mind of all the Israeli false flags over the years as well as my "newspaper" again.
An apology would never be enough.
TURIN — By late yesterday, 1.5 million people had reserved their three-to-five-minute chance to gaze at the long linen with the faded image of a bearded man, which is kept in a bulletproof, climate-controlled case....
That number doesn’t include Pope Benedict XVI, who will fly up to Turin, Piedmont’s capital, in northwest Italy, on May 2 for a day trip to pray before the shroud. Traditionally, the public gets a peek at the 14-foot-long, 3.5-foot-wide cloth once every 25 years. But recent decades have seen shorter intervals. The shroud went on display in 1998 after a 20-year-wait and then in 2000 during millennium celebrations.
Related: Long list of Jewish Child Molestor Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish homosexual pedophiles are undisturbed
Jews Tell Catholics How to Read Bible
Now that's chutzpah.
Also see: Catholic Caritas Makes Deal With the Devil
Yeah, I'm not feeling too good about them lately, either.