Front page: The stories they've carried
Why not, huh?
Been planning and promoting the next one for a long time.
Related: Finally, first US women ‘pilots’ in WWII receive Congressional recognition
That's what Congress is busy doing?
And you ladies think bombing innocent people into oblivion makes you "equal?"
Memories you may not be so proud of, America:
"Gateway to hope and heartache; First a point of entry for immigrants, later a makeshift prison, this East Boston building is slated to be razed" by Andrew Ryan, Globe Staff | April 11, 2010
For untold others, the building represented the antithesis of freedom. In the hysteria after Pearl Harbor, it became a detention center for local Germans and Japanese, a gateway to faraway internment camps....
How far we have co.... actually.... oh, how embarrassing.
World War II changed everything. On April 1, 1941, authorities in Boston Harbor seized two ships — one Italian, one German — and imprisoned the crews in the station. Boston immigration officials sent word weeks later to the US Justice Department about plans for half-inch thick metal bars to be welded on the station’s windows and skylights, the installation of steel doors with “bullet proof, prison-type hardware,’’ and the building of a chain-link cage over the roof. Boston immigration officers were told to expect “a large number of aliens.’’
The attack on Pearl Harbor prompted the arrest of some local Japanese, Italians, and Germans, who were dragged into East Boston for temporary imprisonment.
Related: Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies
One was Karl Otto Heinrich Lange, a 39-year-old German-born physicist and renowned meteorologist at Harvard’s Blue Hill Observatory who had been living in the United State since 1931. Federal agents also grabbed a German-born artist named Paul Lameyer out of his Newbury Street apartment, even though he had lived here for almost two decades.
“This wasn’t invented at Guantanamo. This has happened before, many times,’’ said Lameyer’s grandson, Randy Houser, of Charleston, S.C., who has visited the immigration station. “In your city, this is where it happened. This is the place where people were held without habeas corpus.’’
Lameyer spent several months in East Boston before bouncing to internment camps in Long Island, Maryland, Tennessee, and finally North Dakota. He was released in May 1945 and died in 1960. His etchings of bucolic New England still hang in the Childs Gallery on Newbury Street....
With evil right under our noses.
Massport, which took ownership in 1985, wants to raze the structure “for safety reasons,’’ said spokesman Matthew Brelis, and would probably use the land for boat repair and maintenance. The agency has hired a consultant to document the building’s historic significance; Massport would not make the consultant available for interviews....
Up go the parking rates again!
--more--"Here is one I'm sure you will beam at with pride; however, maybe you should not.
"For Eisenhower, a towering tribute
WASHINGTON — A national memorial to World War II general and later President Dwight D. Eisenhower would include eight-story columns and metal “tapestries’’ of photos, according to plans unveiled yesterday in Washington.
Actually, I don't like Ike: Eisenhower's Holocaust
They NEVER TOLD ME THAT in my Zionist indoctrinated and inculcated state school system!!!!
Architect Frank Gehry designed the $100 million memorial, which still needs millions of dollars of funding and the approval of federal agencies to be completed.
You have that kind of cash lying around, 'eh America?
A commission overseeing its construction expects it to be finished by 2015....
The federal government has already spent about $29 million to develop the Eisenhower memorial, and the rest will be a combination of public and private money....
Yes, we honor our war criminals here in AmeriKa.
Related: Liberators share memories
Let's move forward a bit:
"Troop, gear move is largest since WWII" by Pauline Jelinek, Associated Press | April 3, 2010
WASHINGTON — The military is scrambling to finish what it calls the largest movement of troops and equipment since the buildup of World War II as it draws down in Iraq and ramps up in Afghanistan.
The Third Army commander, Lieutenant General William G. Webster, told Pentagon reporters yesterday the top priority is to keep moving the planned 30,000 troops and their supplies that President Obama has ordered into Afghanistan to bolster the fight against insurgents.
Speaking from Kuwait, Webster said the military is moving as fast as it can on the massive and complex job. There are roughly 3 million pieces of equipment in Iraq, including 41,000 vehicles and trailers. Some of the equipment will remain in Iraq; some will return to the United States to be used for troop training; some will be reconfigured for use in Afghanistan....
The cost of the three-point move of troops and materiel between Iraq, the United States, and Afghanistan is estimated at tens of billions of dollars. There are about 95,000 US troops remaining in Iraq, and that number is to fall to 50,000 by the end of August. All US troops are scheduled to leave Iraq by 2012.
And if you are believing that carrot, readers....
"Few veterans seeking review of injury benefits, panel finds; Advocates urge better outreach on eligible claims" by Kevin Maurer, Associated Press | April 3, 2010
WILMINGTON, N.C. — Only a small fraction of wounded veterans who could get better benefits have applied in the two years since Congress, acting on concerns the military was cutting costs by downplaying injuries, ordered the Pentagon to review disputed claims....
But they will pay cost overruns and bonuses for electrocutions.
Congress created the board after investigations found inconsistencies in how the military assigns ratings for the level of disability that soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines have before they are discharged. Veterans advocates protested that the military was manipulating disability ratings to save money....
For those without a clue, you are just another piece of equipment to this government.
Some who were not as lucky:
"Army collects mementos left at Arlington; Military center archives loved ones’ items" by Kimberly Hefling, Associated Press | April 17, 2010

James Speraw and Alan Bogan of the US Army Center of Military History collected items left at graves of those who served in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. (Charles Dharapak/Associated Press)
The bear begat the blubbering, sob!!!
ARLINGTON, Va. — Army curator James Speraw had little time to ponder the grave of 43-year-old Specialist Christopher Coffland, who was killed in Afghanistan.
“8955,’’ he called out to a fellow curator, who jotted that grave site number down. They took photos of the dog tags and placed them in an archival bag, part of a new trial effort to preserve graveside mementos at Section 60 — Arlington’s primary resting place for the dead from the Iraq and Afghan wars. The two then moved on to another grave to collect a teddy bear and blue stuffed bunny left for another fallen soldier.
I am officially struggling at this point.
A few rows away, a backhoe pushed dirt over the grave of a service member buried minutes earlier, its loud, steady rumble punctuating the air in a sad refrain. “It’s an honor to do it, but you just really hate to see the graves,’’ Speraw said, choking back tears.
Especially when they are built upon lies and completely unnecessary.
Without a national memorial to the more than 5,300 service members who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, Section 60 has become its own community of remembrance. Thousands of mementos left at their graves stand as testament to the grief of loved ones.
And that is not counting the millions (and counting) Iraqi and Afghan (and Pakistani) victims.
Crown Royal whiskey bottles, war medals, birth announcements, wedding photos, Christmas ornaments, GI Joe action figures, painted rocks, church bulletins, a fishing lure, even a rubber duck are among the items left at the graves of the more than 600 from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars who are buried at Arlington. Families gather for birthday parties for the fallen, leaving cupcakes and balloons. War orphans drop off handmade valentines. Twenty-somethings with crewcuts and military boots smoke a cigar and set an empty beer bottle next to a buddy’s white grave marker.
(Blog editor struggling)
It has created a quandary for Army officials who hadn’t seen the phenomenon in past wars. What do you do with such items? Unlike the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, where the National Park Service collects and stores such objects daily, Arlington is a working military cemetery with strict rules to keep it pristine. Because there were no collection procedures in place, most of the items left at grave sites simply ended up in the trash.
Maybe it is stoo-pid and silly, but that gets the water flowing from the eyes.
They LOVED ONES DID NOT LEAVE THEM there thinking they would be THROWN INTO the TRASH!
Then again, that is EXACTLY what this government and MSM did by LYING THEM IN THERE in the first place and CONTINUING TO LIE EVER SINCE!!!!!
That changed in the early fall when the US Army Center of Military History at Fort McNair in Washington quietly stepped in at the request of then-Army Secretary Pete Geren. Now, each Thursday, typically three curators in dark jackets carrying cameras walk through Section 60 to collect and catalog nonperishable objects left at the graves. The project is a pilot, and it is unclear whether it will become permanent....
Well, the wars are not ending anytime soon (if ever), and pilot programs by government always become permanent.
And how about this tearjerker of a story?
On a recent sunny Sunday, as she does nearly every Sunday, Nicki Bunting, 29, of Potomac, Md., loaded her two boys into her blue minivan for the cross-town journey to Section 60.
Her youngest, Cooper, was 3 days old last fall when he paid his first visit to the grave of his father, Captain Brian “Bubba’’ Bunting.
“We go meet Daddy,’’ the Buntings’s oldest son, 2-year-old Connor, chimed excitedly that day, his mother recalled.
She snapped a photo of Cooper next to the grave and left behind a blue “welcome baby’’ balloon.
Bunting’s husband, a 29-year-old West Point graduate, died in a roadside bomb blast in Afghanistan on Feb. 24, 2009. He never knew Cooper was coming; Nicki Bunting learned she was pregnant a few days after her husband’s death.
Almost as if God wanted to replace one life with ano.... oh, never mind.
Other Section 60 families warmly greeted Bunting as she arrived on her latest visit. The sister of another fallen soldier kept an eye on Connor, as he played with a toy truck while Bunting sat by her husband’s grave with Cooper in her arms.
It is a comfort to know that curators are preserving some items she has left at the grave — like the balloon when Cooper was born and a card Connor made for his father on the anniversary of his death, Bunting said. She hopes they will be in a public exhibit to illustrate the lives of those who died, so they are remembered as more than just casualties of war.
Actually, there are more important victims to remember.
Thankful and appreciative for their service, not being sacrificed on an alter of war lies.
About those other victims:
"It’s as though the Holocaust never ended.
Palestinians, right?
As Israel tonight begins its annual 24 hours of remembrance of the Nazi genocide, the focus is on the 6 million Jews murdered and on the survivors who built new lives in the Jewish state.
Oh, why didn't I know that!
"Holocaust survivors in Israel have long complained that instead of spending their final years in dignity, they lack money for basics, sometimes even food. Some have said European countries treat them far better than Israel."
No wonder they are suffering mental problems.
"Holocaust lessons stated anew; Services emphasize preserving memory" by James F. Smith, Globe Staff | April 12, 2010
Bostonians yesterday remembered the Nazi Holocaust and the 6 million Jewish lives it claimed....
Odd that the number stays them same after the sign was changed.
"It was previously thought that four million died at the camps. More recent research has revealed the figure to be closer to 1.5 million."
I didn't say that; the New York Times did.
I don't deny something happened; I just question the numbers and what it actually was that did happen as told to us by the AmeriKan MSM (and schools) over 65 years later.
One of several ways in which the Jewish community used the annual remembrance to keep alive the memory of the Holocaust and pass it down to younger generations as the survivors dwindle in number....
No disrespect intended; however, we are TIRED of hearing about a certain holocaust of a certain group of people when there have been MANY MORE SINCE with SOME PERPETRATED by the very victims of a certain holocaust.
And never missing an opportunity to advance a war....
"At Holocaust ceremony, Israel warns of Iran nuclear threat" ny Mark Lavie, Associated Press | April 12, 2010
JERUSALEM — The specter of Iran hovered over the start of Israel’s annual memorial day for the 6 million Jews killed by Nazis in the Holocaust, as Israeli leaders warned of an Iranian nuclear program they believe is aimed at weapons production.
There it is again!
You know, repeating lies does not help the old credibility, MSM.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sharply criticized the international reaction to what he called Iran’s drive toward nuclear bombs and its intention to destroy Israel, but he did not hint at a possible Israeli response....
Yes, I FEEL a FALSE FLAG COMING, don't you?
A study released hours before the opening ceremony found that anti-Semitic cases doubled worldwide last year, to 1,129, compared with 2008.
Even if true, I simply no longer believe anything that comes out their mouths.
Related: Hate Crime Hoaxes Appearing All Across America
Doing it to themselves, huh?
The Tel Aviv University report concluded that Muslim groups and radical leftists used Israel’s bruising 22-day invasion to stop rocket attacks from Gaza, starting in late December 2008, as a wedge to expand their anti-Jewish agenda.
Oh, does it not just make you want to PUKE!
Awwww, the poow wittle WAR CRIMINAL WEWS!!!!!!
Yeah, the "terrorists" used Israel's war crime to advance their agenda!
Meanwhile, Israel has a WORLDWIDE MEDIA NETWORK to COVER UP their crimes and they STILL FAIL!
That genie ain't never going back in the bottle no matter what Israel does.
And you DO SEE who is MORE IMPORTANT than your silly one-day wonder of an Arlington Saturday, right, readers?
"The Nazis murdered 6 million Jews during World War II, wiping out a third of world Jewry....
All right, that does it!
Third time lying you are out on strikes!!
Just for the sake of it, let us say they are not lying, dear readers.
Then ask yourself this:
"We are being told that tens of thousands of holocaust survivors are living in crushing poverty in
No, this particular holocaust never ends for the mentally ill survivors and that means all the rest of us who have been driven insane by having to hear about it over and over and over again, while the damning truth of the much larger Soviet Holocaust stands as witness to what these ‘victims’ are capable of. They were actively engaged in this holocaust ‘before’ this other holocaust came along. This fact is indisputable....
(Blog editor's addition):
Secret Facts - Soviet & Jews"
Jewish Murderers Of The Russian Revolution The third Revolution was the Bolshevik uprising in Russia, of which this treatise focuses. The Bolshevik Revolution was financed by Jewish bankers, led by Jacob H Schiff of the Jewish Banking house, Kuhn, Loeb Co. Jews gained prominent roles in the Soviet government.
Without batting an eye they then went directly to another land and began exterminating an entire indigenous population and they are hard at it still today.
Here’s the point. I don’t personally know what happened in
The point is not what the real details were. Let is be so that all of what they say is true. Let it be so and let it be said they acquired a certain currency from that; leaving out what they did in the Bolshevik Revolution. The point is that that currency is now exhausted. The world owes them nothing more.
Since World War 2, this nation of former Soviet secret police; leaving out what they did in the Bolshevik period, has been engaged in systematic genocide; has ‘initiated’ numerous wars against her neighbors, has engaged in continuous land theft and has ghettoized the former inhabitants of this land without people, has assassinated world leaders and taken control of the world’s money supply and media, has attacked its biggest benefactor, both at sea (U.S.S. Liberty) and in her own country (9/11), has caused her biggest benefactor to engage in two financially ruinous wars on her behalf and caused the death and displacement of millions of people, is busy pressing and arm-twisting for yet another war and is routinely killing, slandering and imprisoning people who violate self serving laws that they ramrodded through legislatures around the world.
Oh, he has hit on something there.
Related: Bishop inquest may leave some issues unsettled
"Bishop convicted of denying Holocaust" by Associated Press | April 17, 2010
BERLIN — A German court convicted ultraconservative British Bishop Richard Williamson yesterday of denying the Holocaust in a television interview.
A court in the Bavarian city of Regensburg found Williamson guilty of incitement for saying in a 2008 interview with Swedish television that he did not believe Jews were killed in gas chambers during World War II. The court ordered Williamson to pay a fine of $13,544.
Related: Flogging the Bishop
You finished now, or.... ?
The Roman Catholic bishop was barred by his order from attending yesterday’s proceedings or making statements to the media.
Yeah, they are already having enough trouble with the Jewish media.
His lawyer, Matthias Lossmann, said after the court ruling that Williamson has yet to decide whether he would appeal. Denying the Holocaust is a criminal offense in Germany.
Speech a crime in the FREE WEST?
The court ordered a fine of $16,195 for Williamson last year, without a trial. But the bishop appealed, forcing his case to be tried publicly. Lossmann said that Williamson had explicitly asked the Swedish television crew conducting the interview not to broadcast it in Germany.
In issuing her ruling, Judge Karin Frahm said the bishop could not have expected that the clip would show up on YouTube and be seen directly in Germany, and that led her to reduce the fine, court spokesman Bernhard Schneider told the AP.
Aww, here, judge for yourself:
The journalists who conducted the interview ignored a court order to attend the trial, Lossmann said, leaving the judge to rely on written statements as testimony.
Hey, it's only German "justice"; what are a few cut corners, 'eh?
Related: Catholic bishops oppose abuse case bill
Can you think of any group of people more evil?
Well, besides them?