See: 2006 All Over Again
Abandoning Obama
The Israel Lobby: Targeting Democrats for Election Day Defeat
Looks like he's going to lose both houses.
WASHINGTON — President Obama’s winning coalition from 2008 has crumbled and his core backers are dispirited. It’s now Republicans who stand to benefit from an electorate that is again craving change.
Nearly two years after putting Obama in the White House, one-quarter of those who voted for the Democrat are defecting to the GOP or considering voting against the party in power this fall, according to an Associated Press-Knowledge Networks poll released two weeks before Obama’s first midterm elections....
You mean his only midterm elections.
Yet in a reflection of broad dissatisfaction with politics, just as many people who backed Republican presidential nominee John McCain are either supporting Democrats now or still considering how to vote.
Still, McCain voters are far more “fired up, ready to go’’ — to borrow Obama’s campaign rallying cry. Two-thirds say they are certain to vote next month.
It’s a wide enthusiasm gap that’s buoying Republicans, who are poised for big electoral gains, and worrying Democrats, who are seeking to hang onto majorities in Congress as well among governors. Obama’s party hopes its superior get-out-the-vote operation, updated from his groundbreaking campaign, can overcome Republicans’ energized supporters to mitigate expected losses across the board.
Translation: let the vote-rigging begin!
Although no president can be expected to fully rally his supporters when he’s not on the ballot, the survey illustrates the wide scope of Obama voters’ disappointment with the president and his policies almost halfway through his first term — and two years before he is likely to seek their backing again.
Yeah, the THIRD TERM of GEORGE BUSH is NOT what they had in mind!
“He’s not listening to the majority of the people who elected him. It’s like he is ignoring his base,’’ said SaraSue Crawford of Jacksonville, Fla., who points to Obama’s health care overhaul law.
Crawford is deciding whether to support Republicans in the hopes of “shaking up the status quo’’ and restoring a balance of power in Washington. She says she may back Obama in 2012 — if he changes course by listening more....
Obama has been campaigning coast to coast as the Nov. 2 midterm elections fast approach.
Yeah, thanks for ruining the environment with all the taxpayer-funded trips.
He is trying to convince wary voters that his policies have put the nation’s economy on a path toward recovery.
Though Michelle Obama campaigned heavily for her husband during his presidential bid, she has largely stayed out of politics since moving to the White House.
Her popularity has stayed high, while the president’s has fallen, making her a valuable asset on the campaign trail.
Related: AmeriKa's Marie Antoinette
Then his numbers must be in the toilet.
Michelle Obama’s campaign message has echoed the president’s: that he can’t make good on the promises he made during the 2008 campaign unless voters keep Democrats in charge of the House and Senate.
After all the broken promises when they had the filibuster-proof majority and all we got was this stinking health plan of his?
You guys had FOUR YEARS and you FAILED!
That is why the American people are turning it over again!
Recent polls suggest Republicans may retake the House and make major gains in the Senate....
I'll state for the record now that the Senate will be 50-50 or 51-49 Democrats come November 3rd -- with Joe Lieberman as the lynch pin of control from the catbird seat.
"Obama Coalition Is Fraying, Poll Finds
Critical parts of the coalition that delivered President Obama to the White House in 2008 and gave Democrats control of Congress in 2006 are switching their allegiance to the Republicans in the final phase of the midterm Congressional elections, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.
Republicans have wiped out the advantage held by Democrats in recent election cycles among women, Roman Catholics, less affluent Americans and independents.
WOW! The Democrats are going to get a REAL SPANKING on November 3rd!
All of those groups broke for Mr. Obama in 2008 and for Congressional Democrats when they grabbed both chambers from the Republicans four years ago, according to exit polls.
If women choose Republicans over Democrats in House races on Tuesday, it will be the first time they have done so since exit polls began tracking the breakdown in 1982.
The poll provides a pre-Election Day glimpse of a nation so politically disquieted and disappointed in its current trajectory that 57 percent of the registered voters surveyed said they were more willing to take a chance this year on a candidate with little previous political experience. More than a quarter of them said they were even willing to back a candidate who holds some views that “seem extreme.”
That is what MY ANALYSIS has been POINTING OUT on this blog!!!
Disapproval of Congress, however, remains near its highest level in the history of the Times/CBS poll: 76 percent of respondents disapproved, 14 percent approved, and 10 percent expressed no opinion.
Thus we will have a RECORD FLIP of SEATS!
Mr. Obama’s approval rating remains below 50 percent. It is 43 percent among registered voters, which is about where President Bill Clinton’s approval rating was in the 1994 midterm elections when Republicans swept control of the House and the Senate....
And with Karl Rove behind the current strategy it might as well be a given this time out.
And see Obama in BUSH TERRITORY with the polling.
Didn't take long, did it?
In the case of women — a traditionally Democratic-leaning group that the White House has been courting actively in recent weeks — the shift toward the Republicans was marked in the latest poll, especially when compared with their stated preferences in the last Times/CBS poll, in mid-September.
In the earlier poll, women favored Democrats over Republicans by seven percentage points. In the latest poll, women said they were likely to support a Republican over a Democrat by four percentage points, suggesting Republican gains among women who were undecided as of last month.
But the shift extended geographically, as well. Among poll respondents from the Western United States, more said they expected to vote for Republicans this year than said they expected to vote for Democrats; majorities of voters from that region voted for Mr. Obama in 2008 and for Congressional Democrats in 2006, according to the exit polls taken in those elections.
The Democratic House speaker, Representative Nancy Pelosi, clearly emerged as a political liability for her party in the latest Times/CBS poll. Over all, 43 percent of respondents had an unfavorable opinion of Ms. Pelosi; 15 percent had a favorable opinion, and 40 percent said they had no opinion....
Related: First Female Speaker Failed
And how.
In a follow-up interview, one poll respondent, Judy Berg, an independent from Morton Grove, Ill., said she voted for Mr. Obama in 2008 because she was “looking for a change,” adding, “the change that ensued was not the change I was looking for but something totally out of left field.”
The PULSE of the American people!
This year, Ms. Berg, a registered nurse, expressed a preference for Republicans because “I’m pro-life and I’m also looking at the immigration issues and the tax issues.” She added, “I like the Republican agenda on these issues better than the Democratic agenda.”
Like several other national polls, the latest Times/CBS poll shows a considerable “enthusiasm gap” between Republicans and Democrats. Six in 10 Republicans said they were more enthusiastic about voting this year than usual. Four in 10 Democrats said the same.
The poll includes indications that Republicans will have their own challenges should they gain control of one or both chambers of Congress with a new crop of lawmakers who identify with the Tea Party....
Related: Tea Party Refuses to Take the Pledge
Yeah, that is a problem for the two-headed war party.
Of course, the WARS are NOT PART of the AGENDA-PUSHING "debates."
"In 2010 Campaign, War Is Rarely Mentioned
WASHINGTON — The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have dominated American foreign policy for the past nine years, but debate about them is all but absent from this year’s midterm election campaigns.
It's been all RACE, GAYS, Muslims, mosques, and IMMIGRANTS in my "newspapers!"
From Wilmington to Cleveland to Seattle, as Republicans try to wrest control of Congress from Democrats, the subjects barely come up. Ditto for President Obama’s stump speech as he zig-zags around the country....
Both Democrats and Republicans appear to have decided that talking about the wars is not in their best interest.
I thought the ELECTION was about US VOTERS!!
Democrats are divided on the war, and do not want to air internal divisions in a year when they have so many other problems. Republicans are unified in support of the war in Afghanistan and the president’s decision to send more troops there, but see no need to stress an issue on which they are more or less allied with Mr. Obama.
It is NOT TRUE that Republicans are unified on the wars. I am PROOF of that!
And in any case, Republicans do not want to distract attention from the economy, which is working for them as an issue.
Oh, so our suffering is just a political football to keep our eyes off the wars, huh?
The lack of focus on the Iraq and Afghanistan is a big shift from the 2008 and 2006 election cycles.
Different times call for different agendas, right?
In 2006, Democrats used voter unhappiness with the Bush administration’s conduct of the Iraq war to help them gain control of Congress.
Is that why I FEEL SO BETRAYED?!!!
In 2008, Mr. Obama stood out from the Democratic field for his early opposition to the Iraq war and his position that the United States should focus more on Afghanistan, and the wars played a key part in the general election campaign until the economy became dominant in the closing stages....
While liberal Democrats are unhappy with Mr. Obama’s decision to escalate the fight in Afghanistan, they have yet to challenge the White House over the issue in a concerted way.
That's why you get the acidic vitriol from these quarters, DemocraPs!
“I think the president is an ironic beneficiary of the success of Bush’s Iraq war surge,” said Charles Cook, publisher of the Cook Political Report and an independent analyst of Congressional races.
Even though it was no success at all.
Do they have political reconciliation yet?
At the time that Mr. Bush ordered additional American troops to Iraq, many foreign policy experts argued that was a move bound to fail. It did not. “So the Afghan surge is getting a honeymoon of some time,” Mr. Cook said....
I want a divorce!
So do the American people:
65% Favor Getting Rid of Entire Congress and Starting Over
The wars (and Wall Street looting) are why, world.
"Via video, Obama sends a message about bullying
WASHINGTON — President Obama said he was “shocked and saddened’’ by the recent suicides of several young people who were bullied and taunted for being gay.
Related: Still Being Bullied By the Boston Globe
“As a parent of two daughters, it breaks my heart. It’s something that just shouldn’t happen in this country,’’ Obama said in a video posted late Thursday on YouTube and the White House website.
It’s time, he said, for Americans to dispel the myth that bullying is “just a normal rite of passage.’’
“I don’t know what it’s like to be picked on for being gay. But I do know what it’s like to grow up feeling that sometimes you don’t belong,’’ Obama said. “It’s tough.’’
The victims of bullying can sometimes feel that they are responsible for the taunting because they’re different or don’t fit in with everybody else. “What I want to say is this: You are not alone. . . .
You didn’t do anything to deserve being bullied,’’ he said.
This is the same guy tossing missiles around Pakistan, threatening Iran, and allowing Israel to grind the Palestinians into the dirt?
Just checking.
Also see: US warns schools they may be liable when bullying is ignored
And the biggest bullies on the planet, folks:

President Obama saluted before boarding Air Force One in Washington to travel to Ohio for midterm election campaigning. (Jason Reed/ Reuters
--Obama may be on his own if he wants big changes--"
Yeah, poow, poow, pwesident doesn't get cwedit fow nuffin'!
"Obama’s $116b tax cut goes unnoticed by many
HUNTERSVILLE, N.C. — What if a president cut Americans’ income taxes by $116 billion and nobody noticed?
It is not a rhetorical question. At Pig Pickin’ and Politickin’, a barbecue-fed rally organized here last week by a Republican women’s club, a half-dozen guests were asked by a reporter what had happened to their taxes since President Obama took office.
“Federal and state have both gone up,’’ said Bob Paratore, 59, from nearby Charlotte, echoing the comments of others.
After further prodding — including a reminder that a provision of the stimulus bill had cut taxes for 95 percent of working families by changing withholding rates — Paratore’s memory was jogged.
That is NOT a CUT! They are just KEEPING LESS of YOUR MONEY -- so you will have to PAY IT BACK IN LATER!!!!
In a troubling sign for Democrats as they head into the midterm elections, their signature tax cut of the past two years, which decreased income taxes by up to $400 a year for individuals and $800 for married couples, has gone largely unnoticed.
Actually, the tax cut was, by design, difficult to notice. Faced with evidence that people were more likely to save than spend the tax rebate checks they received during the Bush administration, the Obama administration decided to take a different tack: It arranged for less tax money to be withheld from people’s paychecks.
Yeah, this is ALL SHELL GAME SHIT being PROMOTED by the AGENDA-PUSHING PAPER as a TAX CUT! What a bunch of LIARS!!!!!!
They reasoned that people would be more likely to spend a small, recurring extra bit of money that they might not even notice, and that the quicker the money was spent, the faster it would cycle through the economy.
Yeah, they DIDN'T DO IT for YOU, Americans; they DID IT to serve their OWN POLITICAL SELF-INTEREST!
Economists are still measuring how stimulative the tax cut was. But the hard-to-notice part has succeeded wildly.
So the liars say.
In a recent interview, Obama said that structuring the tax cuts so that a little more money showed up regularly in people’s paychecks “was the right thing to do economically, but politically it meant that nobody knew that they were getting a tax cut.’’
Because they would have the same reaction as I did when I found out.
I'm about ready to leave the campaign trail:
"Obama not exactly a cutup on ‘The Daily Show’
WASHINGTON — President Obama apparently thinks politics is no laughing matter, even when he’s staring down a comedian.
Obama barely cracked any jokes during an appearance yesterday on “The Daily Show’’ despite host Jon Stewart’s many attempts to draw the president out with a few wisecracks.
Less than a week before the Nov. 2 congressional elections, Obama said he hopes Democratic lawmakers who made tough votes will be rewarded with another term in office.
Yeah, reward the bastards for the rape of the American people.
He promised more but unspecified accomplishments in the two years left on his own term and urged people to vote — early if they can.
And OFTEN, right?
Stewart asked how the political environment got to the point that Democrats “seem to be running on ‘Please, baby, one more chance’ ’’ just two years after Obama ran a successful presidential campaign built around “very high rhetoric, hope and change.’’
We know why!
“Are you disappointed in how it’s gone?’’ asked the Comedy Central satirist.
Obama seemed to suggest that he wasn’t disappointed.
The lies never stop. Must be the office.
He said his advisers had told him during the euphoria of his 2008 election to “enjoy this now because two years from now folks are going to be frustrated. That is, in fact, what’s happening.’’
He listed high unemployment, sinking housing values, and an economy that is growing but not fast enough as reasons. But Obama said that his administration has also stabilized the economy, noting it has grown for nine months in a row, and that he signed health care and financial bills. He suggested that his administration did so much that “we have done things that some folks don’t even know about.’’
The comment seemed to catch Stewart by surprise.
“What have you done that we don’t know about?’’ he asked. “Are you planning a surprise party for us, filled with jobs and health care?’’
Obama cited legislation extending health care to children and broadening a national service program as examples.
“Over and over again, we have moved forward an agenda that is making a difference in people’s lives each and every day,’’ Obama replied. “Is it enough? No. And so I expect, and I think most Democrats out there expect, that people want to see more progress.’’
After the party is weakened at the polls?
He really thinks you are 'too-pid, Amurkns!
Obama also said he hopes voters will reward some Democrats for taking tough votes. Obama cited Representative Tom Perriello of Virginia, who voted for the health care bill and is in a tight race against Republican state Senator Robert Hurt. Obama plans to campaign with Perriello tomorrow.
And now he is getting out the checkbook:
"Obama donates $4.5m to Democrat committees
WASHINGTON — President Obama, campaigning for fellow Democrats in the final days before the midterm election, has put his own money on the line.
Obama donated $4.5 million from his presidential campaign account — more than half of the money left over from his record-setting fund-raising — to the three Democratic party fund-raising committees last month, Federal Election Commission reports show.
The Democrats are going to need one hell of an operation to keep the House:
"Antiabortion group targets 42 Democrats
WASHINGTON — An antiabortion group spending heavily to influence the midterm elections is targeting 42 House Democrats, including Barney Frank of Newton, in a $1 million mail campaign aimed at turning them out of Congress.
Into the back alleys!
The Susan B. Anthony List, focused on electing women who oppose abortion rights, is sending mailings to more than 2 million like-minded voters spotlighting Democrats’ records on abortion.
That's usually where the litmus-test leftist feminists groups get tongue-tied over women in politics.
The pamphlets, which feature photographs of a sleeping baby juxtaposed against close-ups of the targeted lawmaker, President Obama, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, equate a vote for the health care law with support for taxpayer-financed abortion....
The ad campaign is the latest salvo from abortion foes geared toward turning out socially conservative voters who Republicans hope will help oust a growing list of Democrats and hand the GOP House control on Nov. 2.
The same group has run TV and radio ads in several close contests, including Senate races in California and Nevada, and has been hammering House Democrats in conservative districts....
Also see: Obamacare the End of Employer-Based Health Plans
That doesn't help, either!