The South just went on alert:
"South Korea on edge, warns North of strike if it is attacked again" by Chico Harlan | Washington Post, March 07, 2013
SEOUL — South Korea’s military warned Wednesday that it would respond to any attack from North Korea with “strong and stern measures” against Pyongyang’s top leadership, in a particularly vivid threat coming after the North vowed to nullify an armistice agreement ending the Korean War.
The tit-for-tat threats could prove to be mere bluster, analysts said. But the rhetoric sets up an especially tense period on the Korean Peninsula, with the US and South Korean militaries set to carry out joint training drills that the North considers a “dangerous nuclear war” maneuver, and with the UN Security Council deliberating new sanctions to limit Pyongyang’s weapons program.
We call it fart mist.
The North said Tuesday that it will “completely declare invalid” the armistice on March 11, the day those joint drills enter the “full-dress stage.” The United States and South Korea began a two-month series of war exercises March 1, but an additional set of exercises — the Key Resolve drills, involving 10,000 South Korean and 3,500 US troops — kicks off Monday.
The joint drills are an annual event, as are the North’s denunciations of them. But the South’s rare warning Wednesday highlights how leaders here are increasingly on guard over their militant neighbor, which is emboldened by an improving nuclear and missile program, guided by a relatively unknown leader, and prevented from backing down because of its own posturing.
South Korea typically shrugs off the rhetoric from North Korea, but Wednesday its Joint Chiefs of Staff released a statement saying the South would respond to provocations by striking “not only at the origin of provocation [and at] supporters of the provocation but also the top operatives.”
North Korea hit the South in two fatal attacks in 2010 and South Korea promised to strike decisively if attacked again.
North Korea has started submarine drills before nationwide military drills begin next week, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported.
In its statement Tuesday, the North threatened to cut off a hotline at the demilitarized zone and blasted the United States and South Korea for their effort to “slap” tougher sanctions.
Related: Kornering Park Geun Hye
I'm sure John Kerry can solve the problem:
"Kerry offers missile defense concession; Seeks help from China in dealing with North Korea" by Michael R. Gordon | New York Times, April 14, 2013
BEIJING — Secretary of State John Kerry flew to China on Saturday and offered a concession on missile defense meant to elicit China’s help in dealing with an increasingly recalcitrant and nuclear armed North Korea.
In a news conference after meetings with China’s top leaders, Kerry said the United States would reduce its missile defenses in Asia if North Korea abandoned its nuclear weapons program.
Kerry’s overture appeared aimed at addressing Chinese concerns that North Korea’s provocative actions were leading the United States to build up military strength in the region as China is boosting its own influence there....
What a warped distortion of what went on there. U.S. was already doing that before this flare-up.
‘‘Obviously if the threat disappears — i.e. North Korea denuclearizes — the same imperative does not exist at that point of time for us to have that kind of robust forward leaning posture of defense,’’ Kerry said....
What a liar!
Kerry’s offer to cut back on the newly fortified missile defense appeared to be part of a diplomatic strategy to get China, the North’s only true ally, to do what it has long resisted — to crack down hard on Pyongyang....
Oh, once again it's all geopolitical bulls***!
In the past China has worried that any move to destabilize the North would lead to a collapse of the regime and deliver the entire peninsula to the United States’ sphere of influence, possibly bringing US troops in South Korea closer to its border.
And sending thousands of refugees over the border.
China remains a linchpin to the Obama administration’s policy of holding a tough line on Pyongyang, a reversal from the past. Previous administrations used aid to mollify the North and gain concessions on its nuclear program, only to see the North’s promises evaporate once the aid had been delivered.
We are the ones that broke the promises; however, I should expect such s*** reporting now.
Kerry said the Chinese shared the US goal of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, although he declined to say what steps China said it would take to accomplish it.
Even if China were to take a harsher stance, North Korea might not fall into line. Under the new leader, Kim Jong Un, the North has snubbed China several times....
Kerry’s remarks are likely to stir concern among staunch advocates of missile defense in the United States, who also see antimissile systems as a means of responding to China’s growing military might....
The Chinese stance on North Korea has never been a simple one, though. On the one hand, the Chinese prize stability and are eager to avoid a crisis on the Korean Peninsula that would spawn a flood of refugees or prompt the United States to shift more forces to the Pacific....
Why didn't you mention that earlier?
On the other hand, that same Chinese concern for stability has meant that it is reluctant to take steps that would undermine the North Korean government’s hold on power and eliminate a friendly buffer between Chinese territory and South Korean and US forces.
In an effort to solicit China’s help, Kerry met with Foreign Minister Wang Yi, President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang, and State Councilor Yang Jiechi. Wang said at a dinner with Kerry on Saturday that the ‘‘issue should be handled and resolved peacefully through dialogue and consultation.’’
Then AmeriKa can't be involved.
"John Kerry says US would reward restraint by North Korea; But Pyongyang unlikely to halt nuclear program" by Michael R. Gordon | New York Times, April 15, 2013
TOKYO — Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday that the United States was prepared to reach out to Kim Jong Un of North Korea if he made the first move to abandon his nuclear weapons program.
“We need the appropriate moment, appropriate circumstance,’’ Kerry told reporters in Tokyo....
Can't be too soon after Kim backed us down and made us blink.
The United States has also postponed tests of an intercontinental ballistic missile and toned down its statements in recent weeks to try to create an atmosphere in which talks with North Korea might begin, a theme that Kerry emphasized on Sunday.
Weeks, huh? Try days, you lying AmeriKan s***-bag.
And that is what AmeriKa has been doing, huh? Trying to foster talks?
‘‘What we really ought to be talking about is the possibility of peace,’’ he said in a joint news conference on Sunday with Fumio Kishida, Japan’s foreign minister....
Yeah, we OUGHT TO BE, but....
But it seemed unlikely, given the country’s dedication to a ‘‘military first’’ stance that channels resources to its armed forces.
Hey, look, they FINALLY TOLD the TRUTH about AmeriKa!
One ironic feature of the Obama administration’s North Korea policy is that the White House has been willing to conduct direct talks with Iranian officials and sought early in President Obama’s first term to forge a constructive relationship with President Bashar Assad of Syria.
But the administration has remained unwilling to meet openly with top North Korean officials....
Hey, we need a war.
Kerry indicated there were some circumstances in which he could imagine sending a representative to talk to North Korean leaders or engaging directly with the North Koreans through a diplomatic back channel.
Diplomacy, he said, requires risk-taking and secrecy, such as when President Nixon engaged China in the 1970s or US back-channel talks were able to end the Cuban missile crisis a decade earlier.
Who is it going to be? Bill Clinton?
‘‘I am open personally to exploring other avenues; I particularly want to hear what the Chinese have to say,’’ he added....
Yeah, but ARE YOU LISTENING? Big difference.
Related: China's Leadership Change
Republican lawmakers in Washington have generally backed the Obama administration’s efforts on North Korea....
Yeah, it is amazing how the partisan bickering becomes bipartisan when it comes to the concerns of Empire.
Also see: Calm on key North Korean holiday
President Obama doubts North Korea ability
Related: Korean Crisis Calming Down
So what was with all the LIES and HYPE?
Also see: Third Time's Not a Charm
Related Updates: Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect: ID'd By 4Chan Think Tank?
"The corporate media is teasing this as a breakthrough, but my first thought is that if I were planting a bomb in a crowd, knowing there were cameras all around, I would wear sunglasses and possibly a cap. So if these guys did plant the bombs, and left their faces bare, they intended to be identified. Certainly, by announcing they have an ID in the media before they have arrested the suspect, the suspect(s) will be alerted and likely be headed for the border! This reads more like a scripted TV show than real life. No doubt, following their arrests, they will confess their membership in a grand nation-wide underground terror plot amongst white, gun-loving, gay-hating, Constitution-kissing, Federal Reserve hating, christian conservative patriots, supplied with bomb-making materials by Iran via North Korea!

The following clip is being shown on TV news and websites
(like Alex Jones') claiming that the highlighted man is a suspect, seen
fleeing the scene of the bombing. I don't know about you, but if I
planted a bomb, I would leave before it detonated.

UPDATE: DOJ is now aying there has been no arrest and there is no suspect.
UPDATE 2: The person identified as a potential suspect in the photo
above, wearing black jacket, tan slacks and boots, is part of a larger
group all dressed the same.

In the wider view, it is clear this is after the bombing. But they are not helping the victims, nor searching for clues. Although dressed in uniform, they show no insignia at all, not even for police or fire department. And they seem to be wearing the same backpacks used to conceal the bombs.

Who are these guys? Did they have more bombs inside those backpacks? The Boston PD radio reported additional unexploded devices, since officially denied. (but after that "arrest" gaffe yesterday, the official story on anything is automatically suspect)." -- What Really Happened
Photos Show 'Persons of Interest' in Boston Marathon Bombings

"So, let me see if I have this right, The FBI has some new patsies persons of interest, although there is no evidence they had anything to do with the crime. They just "look right" i.e. Middle Eastern. and the FBI (probably in response to the way the credibility of yesterday's photos were shredded here at WRH) are not releasing the new photos to the public, but the New York POST is pretty sure they have the right persons of interest because after all, they "look right" i.e. Middle Eastern. That about sum it up? And again, given that the bombers had to know know there are literally thousands of cameras present, these two men make no effort to conceal their faces. The man on the right has his sunglasses up above his cap and the man on the left has neither sunglasses nor cap at all." -- What Really Happened
Also see:
"The image of the “scary Muslim” without the backpack is actually taken BEFORE the image of him WITH the backpack… think about it… did he plant the bomb, then go back and get it? In the screen grab from the video you see the two young men who are the same two young men who were pointed out in the earlier release of images put together by 4Chan two days ago. They found multiple people carrying backpacks and at least 3 sets of men who each had a backpack and looked rather suspicious. Not that it’s hard looking suspicious when you are a grown man carrying a backpack. Who does that? College students, homeless guys and terrorists. But I digress."
Obama Covering Up Saudi Link to Boston Bombing?
"Alex Jones is pushing the Israel/DEBKA line here, trying to blame Saudi Arabia for the Boston attack. But Saudi Arabia has invested much of that money paid for their oil here in the United States. They would not risk having the US Government seize all that wealth in response to a state-sponsored act of terror. And indeed if Saudi Arabia wished to harm the United States, they do not need a pressure cooker bomb to do it. All they have to do is ask for their money back, all of it, all at once, and the whole system would crash. Saudi Arabia would get their wealth back, and best of all it is 100% legal. Alex Jones has clearly drunk the Kool-Aid on this one!" -- What Really Happened
Related: The Boston Globe's Radio Show
From what I saw the Globe also listen to the Hal Turner show.
Tenergy rechargeable battery found at Boston bombing site used in remote-control cars
"Tenergy batteries are not something you find at the local store. They primarily sell business to business. This suggests a professional demolitions expert crafting a bomb to look like an IED." -- What Really Happened
Emanuel Stresses Value Of Surviellance Cameras In Probe Of Boston Bombings
"Really? All those surveillance cameras (and the TSA, DHS, FBI, CIA, warrantless wiretaps, email scanning, social media data-mining) did not prevent the Boston bombing. And so far, every "person of interest" derived from those surveillance cameras has turned out to be a dead end." -- What Really Happened
Also see: Boston False Flag - FULLY EXPOSED
208 innocent people dead because of our policy in one day

In the wider view, it is clear this is after the bombing. But they are not helping the victims, nor searching for clues. Although dressed in uniform, they show no insignia at all, not even for police or fire department. And they seem to be wearing the same backpacks used to conceal the bombs.

Who are these guys? Did they have more bombs inside those backpacks? The Boston PD radio reported additional unexploded devices, since officially denied. (but after that "arrest" gaffe yesterday, the official story on anything is automatically suspect)." -- What Really Happened
Photos Show 'Persons of Interest' in Boston Marathon Bombings

"So, let me see if I have this right, The FBI has some new patsies persons of interest, although there is no evidence they had anything to do with the crime. They just "look right" i.e. Middle Eastern. and the FBI (probably in response to the way the credibility of yesterday's photos were shredded here at WRH) are not releasing the new photos to the public, but the New York POST is pretty sure they have the right persons of interest because after all, they "look right" i.e. Middle Eastern. That about sum it up? And again, given that the bombers had to know know there are literally thousands of cameras present, these two men make no effort to conceal their faces. The man on the right has his sunglasses up above his cap and the man on the left has neither sunglasses nor cap at all." -- What Really Happened
Also see:
"The image of the “scary Muslim” without the backpack is actually taken BEFORE the image of him WITH the backpack… think about it… did he plant the bomb, then go back and get it? In the screen grab from the video you see the two young men who are the same two young men who were pointed out in the earlier release of images put together by 4Chan two days ago. They found multiple people carrying backpacks and at least 3 sets of men who each had a backpack and looked rather suspicious. Not that it’s hard looking suspicious when you are a grown man carrying a backpack. Who does that? College students, homeless guys and terrorists. But I digress."
Obama Covering Up Saudi Link to Boston Bombing?
"Alex Jones is pushing the Israel/DEBKA line here, trying to blame Saudi Arabia for the Boston attack. But Saudi Arabia has invested much of that money paid for their oil here in the United States. They would not risk having the US Government seize all that wealth in response to a state-sponsored act of terror. And indeed if Saudi Arabia wished to harm the United States, they do not need a pressure cooker bomb to do it. All they have to do is ask for their money back, all of it, all at once, and the whole system would crash. Saudi Arabia would get their wealth back, and best of all it is 100% legal. Alex Jones has clearly drunk the Kool-Aid on this one!" -- What Really Happened
Related: The Boston Globe's Radio Show
From what I saw the Globe also listen to the Hal Turner show.
Tenergy rechargeable battery found at Boston bombing site used in remote-control cars
"Tenergy batteries are not something you find at the local store. They primarily sell business to business. This suggests a professional demolitions expert crafting a bomb to look like an IED." -- What Really Happened
Emanuel Stresses Value Of Surviellance Cameras In Probe Of Boston Bombings
"Really? All those surveillance cameras (and the TSA, DHS, FBI, CIA, warrantless wiretaps, email scanning, social media data-mining) did not prevent the Boston bombing. And so far, every "person of interest" derived from those surveillance cameras has turned out to be a dead end." -- What Really Happened
Also see: Boston False Flag - FULLY EXPOSED
208 innocent people dead because of our policy in one day