Thursday, April 18, 2013

Third Time's Not a Charm

It's a NoPP

Also seeBoston Marathon Bombing Made Me Stop Buying the Boston Globe

"Failure of U.S. war on terror and hyper security state: clueless on Boston

by John Robles
April 18, 2013

The bombing at the Boston Marathon was a tragic event, which like the events of 9-11, caused, are causing and have caused, untold suffering and pain to innocent unsuspecting civilians, and my heart and I am sure the hearts of all normal, thinking people go out to the innocent people who were killed or had their lives torn apart. Condolences certainly go out to all of those affected by this, but in light of more than a decade of a U.S. war on terror, the tragedy would indicate a complete and utter failure in protecting the citizenry.

Even before the dust had settled the finger pointing began worldwide and the usual suspects were named: Al-Qaeda, Muslims, Tuareg sympathizers, terrorists of every persuasion and, according to one Russian media outlet citing CNN, a “dark-skinned” suspect. Of course it is a natural function, when an event like this occurs, after the initial shock and trauma recede, to feel anger and a desire for retribution, yet no one has really pointed the finger where it should be pointed because people are too afraid or too conditioned or both to actually face the truth that is right before their eyes.

Americans love to point to the perpetrators of their endless events of mass violence, child killings, mass shootings and now terrorism as being some sort of abomination and isolated single events or as being in some way “evil victimizing innocents” yet refuse, no matter how clear and in their faces the evidence is, that American society, their own government and they themselves and the culture they support are directly to blame.

Americans also love to play the label game and generalize, not everyone of course but it is a fact. If the perp in this case is dark-skinned all browns and dark-skinned people will be demonized, if he or she is Muslim, then all Muslims, if it turns out to be a white person then off course the generalization stops and it will of course be some “deranged” or sick individual. Regardless of the individual reasoning behind the planning of this act, the loss of innocent lives cannot be forgiven, and a whole group of people must not be demonized.

Unless of course it was members of the government or the black-ops community seeking to justify and heighten the entire “war on terror” paradigm, the further stripping of the freedoms and the rights of common Americans and the expansion of the all powerful security state to new levels beyond the Orwellian one that it has already attained.

The failure here is clear: the U.S. authorities and the U.S. government failed and they failed miserably. Despite the stripping away of civil liberties, personal freedoms, constitutional rights, freedom of speech and expression, freedom of movement, coupled with turning the United States into a militarized hyper security state, engaging in an endless global “war on terror”, decimating country after country, torturing, indefinitely detaining people without trial, committing crimes against humanity by aggressively invading sovereign nations, placing missile batteries all over the planet, installing puppet regimes all over the world, clamping down on protests, censoring communications and the media, stifling the internet and meddling in everything and anything they please, all in the name of “TERROR” and “making the American people safe”, they failed to prevent what should have been a preventable act of terrorism.

What is clear here and from statements by counter-terrorism experts and security officials both in the U.S. and the world over is that; no matter how much they monitor and spy on the activities of the people, no matter how many billions of Americans tax dollars they spend on surveillance, programs like Echelon, satellite monitoring, communication intercepts and every other form of security measure known to man, they are incapable of stopping a lone individual or small group operating autonomously and off the grid.

Have Americans been lied to then? You make that judgment. Sure they tell the American people they need Echelon, the CIA, the NSA, the DHS, fusion centers, tracking devices, RFID chips, drones, indefinite illegal detention, illegal torture prisons that provide no actionable reliable intelligence, satellites, gun control, pre-crime arrest, a stifling of freedom of speech and expression, militarized police armed to the teeth, control of every channel of communication, censorship of the media, complete control of the internet and a cowed and dumbed down population to keep “Americans” safe, but doesn’t this act in Boston prove that all of that is a lie?

Could it be the elites and the corporations who now own and control the U.S. Government have another agenda they are carrying out, one which includes total and complete control over the population? Or are we to continue to believe that they care about your safety? Why then did no one inspect the area under the bleachers where the parents of the victims of the Connecticut shootings were sitting and where there were reports that an unexploded bomb was found? Why were these bombs allowed to sit where they were unnoticed for hours, or perhaps days? Why didn’t the U.S. security apparatus think to conduct a sweep of the area before the marathon started, or did they and they were so inept they failed to notice what some reports say were 9 bombs?

Whilst doing all of the above and after over 12 years of the “War on Terror” the American people are supposed to accept that the FBI, CIA, DHS, etc. and the entire U.S. security establishment haven’t got a clue as to who carried this out. Americans are supposed to accept that despite the trillions spent on the war-on-terror-post 9-11-paradigm some individual with pressure cookers, radio-controlled model batteries and black duffel bags, outsmarted the entire U.S. security apparatus and pulled off a heinous act. To top it all off everyone is supposed to accept that the FBI and police are begging the public for assistance, because they are, in reality, clueless.

I wonder how Americans digest the fact that their president, who signs off on an illegal extra-judicial global assassination list every “Terror Tuesday”, authorizing precision surgical drone assassinations based on real-time and iron-clad intelligence, then appears on television after a terrorist attack takes place in his back yard and says things like, “We have no sense of motive in Boston Marathon bombing”, without suffering total brain meltdown.

The bombing at the Boston Marathon might call for questions to be raised as to whether the entire U.S. security and intelligence apparatus really cares one iota about the American people, and whether they exist only to advance and protect themselves and their elite corporate masters. But we won’t go there will we?

The latest news has been that a suspect was arrested and then was not arrested and the ineptness of the authorities continues to go unquestioned and the main point in all of this continues to be missed. That point being that the U.S. with all of its meddling, invasions, extra-judicial assassinations, wars, droning, bellicose rhetoric, sabre-rattling, military expansion, missile shields, internal crack downs, security measures and all the rest, has done absolutely nothing to curb anti-American sentiment, achieve peace, respect foreign cultures and sovereign nations, stop terrorists from being created both inside the U.S. and abroad and guarantee real security for the American people. Instead they continue to create more and more terrorists worldwide and internally, whether this is by design has yet to be seen.

No sense of motive they say? I could list thousands of motives why a terrorist might attack the United States of America, from the destruction of the Serbian people and their country, to North Korea, to the droning of small children in Pakistan, but we won’t go there either will we?

Meanwhile for the rest of the world it is business as usual as U.S. backed terrorists continue killing thousands in Syria, U.S. drone strikes continue massacring entire families and children in Afghanistan, North Korea continues to be pushed into a corner which might lead to nuclear war and yet the world is engaged in round-the-clock coverage of a terrorist attack which took three lives in New York. Not that those lives are not important but why aren’t the lives of poor innocent Afghan children given the same import?

 The coverage will continue, as will the debate but on a closing note, I would like to add that unlike the waves of international support that flowed into the U.S. after 9-11, this time the international response seems much more muted, with many thinking people the world over seeming to possibly share the opinion that: “you reap what you sow”.


"Washington Perfects the Art of Illusion: Keep America Focused on Boston Bombing while they Strip us of Rights and Prepare for War

Posted on April 17, 2013 by Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor.  Her website, The Organic Prepper, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions. You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at

The bombing at the finish line of the Boston Marathon was a shocking act of terror.  All over the world, people watched in horror as the bombs went off, as people staggered and fell, and in the aftermath, saw the gory bloodstained sidewalks and graphic photos of people missing limbs.

We don’t expect acts like this to occur in America.  Although this is a regular occurrence in places like Iraq, where 55 people died, the victims of bombings that very same day, it seems to people in the insulated Western World that it is far more appalling when it occurs on American soil.  

And with that shock value comes a tool kit for the powers that be.

A horrific act that has society reeling can serve multiple purposes. It can distract the people from manipulations that would generally cause backlash.  It can make people plead for protection, which always means the taking away of another right.  And finally, it can serve as a tool to propagandize a message and demonize the villain of the day.

This is not a debate about whether the bombing was a false flag or a legitimate act of terrorism.  It’s not a comparison of the losses here versus those in a desert on the other side of the world.  It isn’t about the ethnicity of the bomber, who might be getting set up as an unwitting patsy, or who is actually responsible for the bombing itself.

This is a notification: the people who pull the strings will use this horrific instant of violence to manipulate and control the American people.

Please save us, Police State!

One thing that the events like the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the 9/11 hijackings, the Aurora theater shooting,  and this most recent act of violence all have in common is the fear factor.  The very randomness of these attacks makes them even more terrifying.  You think that sending your child off to school, going to the movies, traveling by air to go visit family, going to work in a high-rise, or watching a race would be the most harmless of activities.  Everyone does these things.  These are not the types of risky behaviours that are fueled by vast quantities of alcohol.  No one was behaving recklessly by going to watch Batman.  Brutal acts of violence occurred during these ordinary activities, and this says, by sheer normalcy, that this could happen to you too.

Many people seek protection when they are afraid.  And this is when the government steps in with something like a new gun control law or, after 9/11, the Patriot Act, all presented in a way to make us feel safer.  But what is actually happening is a chiseling away of your God-given rights, all in the name of security and safety. People actually plead for their rights to be taken away.  Who can forget NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s offensive “Demand a Plan” video response to the Sandy Hook shootings?

“Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security.”
~ Ben Franklin

Creating Monsters

Immediately after the Boston Marathon bomb, without any evidence whatsoever, the mainstream media and government mouthpieces began pointing the finger at the current bogeymen of choice, those who resist the establishment. Any patriotic believer in the Constitution was fair game for speculation.

Phrases like “right-wing extremists”, “homegrown terror”, “so-called Patriots”, “Tea Party”, “anti-tax protesters”, and “anti-government groups” were bandied about as the likely culprits.  Without one shred of evidence, a bulls-eye was immediately painted on those who love God, liberty, and the founding principles of the country. even posted an article offensively entitled “Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American.”
“In those awful episodes, a religious or ethnic minority group lacking such privilege would likely be collectively slandered and/or targeted with surveillance or profiling (or worse) if some of its individuals comprised most of the mass shooters. However, white male privilege means white men are not collectively denigrated/targeted for those shootings — even though most come at the hands of white dudes.”
Don’t be surprised if an unwitting patsy is wheeled forth by the media – he’ll be white, own an AK-47, fly a Gadsden flag, and carry a well-thumbed pocket copy of the Constitution.  Why?  Because this culprit will fit the agenda of making those who resist the unconstitutional activities of the government look like crazed killers, terrifying lunatics, and all-around dangers to society.  The message is this:  ”Is your next door neighbor a prepper or a constitutionalist?  Look out, because the next thing you know, he’ll blow you up too – you’d better report him, or at the very least keep your eye on him!”

The Art of Distraction

When someone is performing a magic trick and they make wide flourishing gestures, it’s often to distract the audience from the sleight-of-hand needed to produce the illusion.

This is the big Kahuna of benefits to a crisis for the Powers That Be.  Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, President Obama’s ally in Chicago, famously said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste, and what I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do thinks that you think you could not do before.”

It’s very clear that whatever the source of this crisis, Washington has no intention of letting the Boston Marathon bombing go to waste.

There are several things going on in Washington that would be much more easily accepted if they’re just quietly slipped in.  Washington doesn’t want an uproar from outraged citizens.  The politicians that run things have a penchant for sneaky maneuvers.

1.)  For example, did you know that late Monday, incidentally, the day of the Marathon, Obama signed into law that makes it easier for members of Congress and their staffers to engage in insider trading?  There’s a reason that most  politicians are rich, and it’s not generally because they’re just lucky.  According to “On the Money“, The Hill’s economy and finance blog:
President Obama quietly signed legislation Monday that rolled back a provision of the STOCK Act that required high-ranking federal employees to disclose their financial information online.
The White House announced Monday that the president had signed S. 716, which repealed a requirement of the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act requiring the disclosure, which had previously been delayed several times by Congress.
That provision, added to the bipartisan bill aimed at halting insider trading by members of Congress, would have required roughly 28,000 senior government officials to post their financial information online, and had come under harsh criticism from federal government employee unions.
Both chambers of Congress quickly — and near silently — approved the repeal legislation at the end of last week by unanimous consent, just before heading home to their districts.
But wait – there’s more.

2. )  Today, just about the time it was announced that a suspect was in custody – but then it was announced that there was not a suspect in custody – but then it was announced that there were photos of a suspect -in the midst of the confusion, while people were busily googling whether or not there was actually even a suspect……shhh…the US Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee very quietly and with little ado,  adopted “Senate Resolution 65,” by “which the US will support Israel in case it is compelled to take military action and actualize its right to self defense in the face of an Iranian threat…The resolution stipulates that Israel will enjoy Washington’s diplomatic, economic and military aid.”  (source)

3.)   Add to this a crucial vote on the “Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013“, an innocuous sounding bill that was narrowly defeated in Congress today by a mere 6 votes.  This was “a bill to ensure that all individuals who should be prohibited from buying a firearm are listed in the national instant criminal background check system and require a background check for every firearm sale, and for other purposes.”

An irate Obama made a statement amidst tearful families of the Sandy Hook shooting, calling this a “shameful day for Washington.”
“Do we really think that thousands of families whose lives have been shattered by gun violence don’t have a right to weigh in on this issue? Do we think their — their emotions, their loss is not relevant to this debate?” Obama asked. 
The president vowed “this effort is not over” and urged Americans to voice their opposition to inaction. 
“I see this as just round one,” he said. “I believe we’re going to be able to get this one. Sooner or later we are going to get this right. The memories of these children demand it, and so do the American people.” (source)
4.) And finally, don’t forget CISPA, the vote on which was scheduled to be held today but has been postponed until tomorrow.  Perhaps to muffle the cries of outrage from internet users across the country, a bomber will be duly produced. Since Washington has been unable to pass SOPA or PIPA, their desire to troll the internet and rummage through your email is back with CISPA.  ”CISPA will allow private sector firms to search personal and sensitive user data of ordinary U.S. residents to identify this so-called “threat information”, and to then share that information with each other and the US government — without the need for a court-ordered warrant.” (source)  Today, amendments to CISPA that would have protected the privacy of internet users were defeated, and the bill, in all it’s nosy, Big Brother glory, will go before the House for a vote tomorrow.

So, as they said in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.”

Don’t be distracted by the theatrics.  Don’t be manipulated by fear.  Don’t let the media tell you how to think or who is scary.  If your attention is directed to one place, be sure to pay attention to everything else.  Watch carefully how this proceeds, because this is a blueprint used by manipulative governments around the world – and you can learn from it.  After you see the truth you will never watch the mainstream news the same way again.


That last part sure is true.

BEX ALERT - Saudi terror cell, possibly al Qaeda, behind Boston Marathon bombings. Manhunt for escaped suspect

"DEBKA is a known Israeli propaganda front, and if they are pushing the "Blame the Saudis" it is another indication that Israel is behind this attack. Seriously, Saudi Arabia has billions if not trillions invested in the United States. They are not going to risk having it seized by the US Government because of an act of terror. If Saudi Arabia wanted to destroy the US, all they have to do is ask for their money back, all at the same time. The US economy would collapse, and it would be perfectly 100% legal for Saudi Arabia to do so. They don't need to bomb a foot race." -- What Really Happened

And they just happen to own the intelligence operation known as Amerika's media

And you wonder why I don't see them the way I used to years ago?

"Boston Marathon Bombing an Inside Job as an Attempt to Discredit the Opposition?

Posted on April 16, 2013 by The Watchdog

I was suspicious hearing about the bombing at the finish line at the Boston Marathon from a breaking news flash. A red flag has gone up in my head. Before I explain why, I want to get you up to speed on a few things. First we have to ask is, who stands to gain from the dead and the maimed. We have to see who has been demonizing what group as terrorist.

Do not forget who President Obama’s mentor is. Does anyone know who Bill Ayers is? Well before Obama ever served in public office as a state senator. I am talking before he was a community organizer or agitator in Chicago. Barrack Obama was living with Bill Ayers. Bill Ayers was part of the Weatherman underground responsible for terrorist attacks nationwide in the late 1960s and the 1970s. Barrack Obama was well trained by Bill Ayers and the Weather underground to carry out attacks in an attempt to destabilize the nation.

The United State Government has been behind false flag attacks. Operation Gladio, Operation North woods and Operation Ajax all designed to destabilize the nation to over throw the government through bombings and blaming it on the leader.

President Obama is no different. He is behind Operation Fast and Furious shipping guns to Mexican cartels cause the border town to be unstable with violence to blame it on Americans gun owners and the right to keep and bear arms. That has failed and is now a full blown scandal that can bring down the Obama administration.

We cannot forget the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya where military personal were ordered to stand down instead of coming to the aid to the US facility under attack. President Obama does have blood on his hands with false flag attacks. President Obama does have a formidable opposition of Americans arming themselves to the Teeth. Obama and the Political establishment are desperate to neutralize and demonize their opposition at all cost. He is desperate to find a way to discredit his real opposition  or he falls.

From the shootings of US Representative Gabriel Giffords, the movie theater in Aurora Colorado, Sandy Hook in Connecticut. They have tried to demonize the gun owners and patriots as the reason for the violence. The effort to demonize the Patriots, Veterans, gun owners, and the Christians has the lowest crime rates being upstanding people. The other side is gearing up and hyping them as the threat through network news and TV programming trying to portray these non violent groups as the enemy. That is not working well.

The reason why these groups are portrayed as the enemy of the state because they are good people standing with the truth threatens the corrupt establishment. These people who love liberty have the resources money can not buy that can discredit the President and take him down. These groups are having an effect influencing the Military and law enforcement at all level to question the upper leadership and their orders given. The opposition has been effective throwing a monkey wrench in the tyrannical machine.

Now the red flags I see. Since this bombing at the Boston marathon has happened. I know they are looking for some way to blame it on Obama’s political enemies. What I see is at the finish line looks like an inside job. First there is so many cameras and media presence at the finish line. Second the Bomb squad had the bomb sniffing dogs saying “this is a drill please be calm” Third Boston and the state of Massachusetts is Police State central occupied by the most authoritarian people in office. This shows Obama has many collaborators inside the City and State government to help carry out an operation. There was a Police Presence around the finish line, how could they have missed it? Fourth, why were there very little people around the explosion? There was not a crowd of people around the finish line. Anyone would figure there would be so much more people near the finish line seeing the runners finish the race. Its smells like an inside job. This bombing most likely could not happen unless there is help from the inside in an area that is secured.

Who stands to gain from this incident? It is the US government who stands to grab more power as an excuse. They want a further police state with check points and the further elimination of our rights in the name of keeping us safe. They need an enemy to justify tyranny in the name of keep us safe.

When you look at the underwear bomber that boarded a plane without a passport guided around security with a government operative was used as the excuse to put full body scanners and groping at the airports. That was a government operation start to finish.

When we look at the various FBI stings where they recruited a disgruntled person low IQ. They gave the cash and fake explosives to carry out a terrorist attack. They FBI control the operation start to finish posing as the saviors to justify their existence.

The American people no longer trust the US government. The people no longer buy the official story of the JFK assassination with the Warren report or the official story September 11 with the 9-11 commission report. The Official story what happened at the Branch Davidian church and the Oklahoma City Bombing has been discredited.

The US government wants to escalate a crisis as an excuse for mass arrest and gun confiscation to suspend the Constitution and bring in a Dictatorship. They need an enemy to go after.  They will stage bombings and blame it on their political enemies.  They play dirty and do not play fair.

We have to keep exposing the government using false flag events to advance their own gain for power at the expense of the people. This bombing was not done in a vacuum. A lot of people are watching and asking questions. We must be the people who will be the watchmen on the wall, if we do not the terrorist in government win. We have to shake of the fear and stand our ground.


"Boston Marathin: Gun Grabbers Looking for a Scapegoat to Advance Tyranny Unraveling?

Posted on April 17, 2013 by The Watchdog

We can see now the gun grabber are acting in desperation to pin the blame on the bombing of the Boston marathon based on the color of a person’s skin to blame it on white Americans and gun owners. The authoritarian’s backs are up against the wall and they are dangerous. The bombing of the Boston Marathon shows they are in desperation to gain traction to come after the guns.

The Propaganda hype from TV shows demonizing the veterans, Tea Party, libertarians, gun owners, Christians and anyone who opposes the Obama administration is in full bore to create an enemy with no evidence proven to be violent. Do the gun grabbers know those shooter involved were leftist on psychotropic drugs have been the culprits killing children and unarmed people in gun free zones.

Who has the motive and who stand the gain?

The definition of Terrorism is:

The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

The state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

So who is acting like the terrorist? There are no evidence patriots; veteran and gun owners are committing violence against innocent people. So why do the people who love liberty and who demonstrate self reliance pose a threat to the political establishment? It is because they are honorable and have no reason to attack the opposition without provocation.

It seems like the US government is using terrorism to scare the people into surrendering their freedoms or to advance a political agenda. DHS head Napolitano said if her budget was cut due to the sequester. There will be terrorist attacks. As it looks the US government fingerprints are all over this one. They are now speechless because they have lost the narrative and now it looks like is starting to backfire.

You look at TV shows and propaganda demonizing good Americans as the enemy is because the other side is looking for an excuse to confiscate the guns and mass arrest the people who oppose the Globalist front man President Barrack Obama’s socialist and fascist agenda. Hollywood, the Main Stream Media and Television networks are colluding together to try to establish the narrative so they have a scapegoat for the Boston Marathon Bombing. Now with the new footage and pictures showing it as a government operation. The operation has been an exposed as a false flag event to blame it on the Political enemies. The real culprits have been exposed.

Now that new footage taken by people with cameras and new footage exposes the operative involved in a drill prior to the explosion. The narrative is using white Christian gun owners has been discredited. The behavior of the government shows they have motive to carry out the attack and blame it on their enemies.

The Globalist is so desperate to grab the guns because they need our pension funds. The want to loot our bank accounts to bail out the Bankers. They want our gold because the Private Central bank called the Federal Reserve does not have the gold on deposit. They cannot enforce UN Agenda 21 with rolling black outs. The US government is in a stalemate because the people are well armed. They can probe the weak spots. But going out doing a mass arrest relocating people into FEMA camps will be hard for them to carry out. They will face a fierce opposition.

This could be the final straw of the power structure. The whole US government will collapse as a result. Everyone sees the official story as hogwash. The majority of the American people see the US government as a threat to freedom and the security of the people. No one believes What the US government lies anymore. This might cause the US government to implode. Let just hope it happens peaceful with little bloodshed.


"Boston Marathon False Flag Attack: Brought To You By Cops Posing As Terrorists - The Big Sleep!

by Northern Truthseeker
April 17, 2013

I have received some very disturbing comments over the last few days that shows again how much the propaganda of the media and government, as well as the dumbing down chemicals, have indeed worked so well on the American public.   Most of those comments contained some very colorful metaphors and have called me the usual whack job, nutter, and even c***sucker.... I truly have to laugh at some of them, and yet it disturbs and saddens me to see how badly the American public has been brainwashed into a false reality concocted by the criminals that run their own government, and the Jewish controlled media....

Since the Monday Boston Marathon bombings that have taken the lives of at least 3 people, and injured about 100 more, I and others have been looking for answers to this latest puzzling attack that has all the indications now of being a domestic assault on the American people carried out by agents of their own government!


A deliberate attack on the America people by agents within their own government to further their sick goals of ending all personal freedoms and liberties, and to eventually bring about the downfall of the American nation itself....

I agree that all officials responsible for this latest attack on America should be exposed and brought to justice... But considering how badly the American public has now been brainwashed, and purposely poisoned to turn the majority into mutton head sheep,  I doubt that will ever happen any time soon, if not ever..... A very sad statement to make about a nation and a people that, as a Canadian looking in from the outside,  I used to admire and respect...


Also see: Navy SEALs Spotted at Boston Marathon Wearing Suspicious Backpacks?

Photos: Boston Bombing Suspects Appear to Be Militarized Covert Black Ops


What kind of caps were they wearing (interesting how that story went right down the memory hole, huh)?

Boston Bombing: Craft International Trained Men at Bombing Location Before Attack

A Warning to All Gun Bloggers and Forums – Boston Marathon Explosions

All terror attacks are psyops

So are AmeriKan newspapers. 

Looks like I'm not the only one sick of them.

Mississippi man held in ricin letter case

He signed them ‘‘I am KC and I approve this message,’’ and it turns out he is a Democrat, Elvis impersonator, and all-arounf nut job, huh?

And "Even during the flurry of concern, normal business continued across most of the Capitol and its office buildings, with tour groups passing through and visitors streaming in and out?" 

What a massive, mind-manipulating, agenda-pushing brain f*** this has become. They really don't expect us to believe this bulls***, do they?

Ricin Letters Suspect Arrested and Misidentified

Guess not. 

UPDATE: Kevin Curtis blew the whistle on the body parts scandal

Wow, that guy is being framed!