It's just not something I'm going to put a lot of time into anymore since the debate is shallow and I have no candidate for whom to vote:
Cash shortage, low poll numbers prompt Scott Walker to drop out
I'm shocked and was wrong, but when you read the article you $ee why.
Related: Walker Campaign Labors to a Crawl
It just died.
Also see:
Perry quits GOP presidential race
After Rick Perry exits race, Donald Trump targets Ben Carson
In new poll, Ben Carson pulls up alongside an idling Donald Trump
He's now a contender!
Will the GOP whistle Donald Trump’s tune on taxes?
Trump Taxing on Republicans
Trumping Populism in the GOP
Tax-cutting group will launch anti-Trump campaign
Where is Mitt Romney when you need him?
In national politics, big money drowning out everyone else
Ted Cruz support coming from Wilks family whose chief concern is gay marriage at his 185-member church, the Assembly of Yahweh — 7th Day, which calls itself a “nontraditional” Christian congregation that is midway between Judaism and Christianity. It observes Jewish holidays such as Passover but not Christmas or Easter.
Looks like Christian cover to me, and we all knew Cruz is working for Israel anyway!
About 28 percent of the $6 billion in disclosed political donations in 2012 came from one-ten-thousandth of the US population and that is not counting the “dark money” given to non profits (nonprofits provide new ways for corporations and individuals to influence -- as if they didn't have enough ways already).
The $20 million didn't help Walker.
Then there was the Great Debate. As expected, Fiorina acted like an attack dog and won. To the victor goes the scrutiny. Trump not only looked like a clown, he looked autistic. I know he struck a chord with some while others remain ambivalent, but by the end the Donald didn't look too good, did he? At least the sounding off at the circus delivered for CNN.
Latest word is the "movement has slowed" due to the idiot electorate that can not be defended, although it looks like Trump really could win the nomination.
Related: Ben Carson says a Muslim shouldn’t be president
Neither should he.
Meanwhile, the DNC is acting more like a dictatorship. The party is bankrupt and she just doesn't understand why she is not connecting with voters. Instead it is Sanders who is shining up there.
"Cornel West, a black academic who has been critical of President Obama, introduced the Vermont senator to a racially mixed crowd of 1,000 people at Benedict College in Columbia, as someone who could unite the country across racial lines and bridge other divisions. ‘‘What I love about Brother Bernie is he’s a brother of integrity and honesty and decency,’’ said West, a prolific author and civil rights activist who is now a professor of philosophy and Christian practice at Union Theological Seminary in New York. ‘‘He’s not just on the move. He’s going to win.’’ West, who Sanders referred to as ‘‘my dear friend,’’ joined the candidate at two more events Saturday in South Carolina, a state where black voters could account for about half the voters in next year’s presidential primary."
Why did Black Lives go right after Bernie then?
It just struck me: the Democrats do not have an African-American candidate (too radical an agenda I guess).
Also see: Bernie Sanders appears at Christian school
Into the lion's den and then onto Kentucky! Bernie ain't dodging nothing!
In pain, Biden connects, and reminds party of his strengths
He is also walking away based on that piece; not a good climate for him.
I will be walking away from the blog for the rest of the day. Sorry.
Clinton tweet sends biotech down as pharma exec defends price
Huge hikes in prices of drugs raise protests and questions
Biotech shares fall again on Hillary Clinton’s prescription plan
Now she is wagging a finger at you. When E.F. Hillary speaks, people listen (remember the stock tip that netted here, what, a cool $100,000 back when?).
Hillary Clinton says she’s opposed to Keystone pipeline
The Sanders effect?
I know she is trying to do the right things by the campaign to get the nomination, but you don't oppo$e big pharma and the oil and gas indu$try!!
Carson blames a PC culture for controversy on Muslims
How would you feel about Surgeon General, Ben (closet is over there), and that's the first I've seen of Jeb Bush in a while (had to look hard for him, too).
Carly Fiorina is corporate culture incarnate
Then she is again my candidate (despite the militarism and friendship with Nutinyahoo; she wants to take on Russia? Really?).
I've said it a lot since 2012. We should take the mask off and let the president reflect the government we have. No more fake masks of race and gender to mask the cla$$ component. It's a corporate government, so why not have a corporate suit -- in this case a female -- running the thing. Let this government be what it is.
In 2012, that was Romney, the quintessential characterization of a corporate CEO (besides, would have been fun watching the Republican Congre$$ rip him apart over immigration) and unless he steps in late (unlikely to succeed; maybe they beg him at the convention) it's now Trump vs. Carly.
Enjoy the $how, folks!