If a PROTEST appears in the paper it is for a SELECTIVE REASON, readers. It is important to see what kind of coverage the protesters get: is it supportive (like gay, immigrant, or global-warming protests) or disparaging (like antiwar or pro-Palestinian protests)? That will tell you all you need to know about the coverage.
"Farmers, police clash outside Athens

A Greek farmer swung a shepherd's crook at a riot policeman yesterday in the port of Piraeus, near Athens. (Thanassis Stavrakis/ Associated Press)
Is that guy waving a CANE?
ATHENS - Riot police fired tear gas at farmers yesterday to prevent them from driving their tractors to the Greek capital to demand government financial help.
Sticks and stones may break bones, but tear gas won't let me breathe!
At least two people, including an opposition socialist party deputy, were hurt in the scuffles at the port of Piraeus, outside Athens. Greek farmers have protested for two weeks over low prices for their products, using tractors to block border crossings and highways across the country while demanding financial help from the government.
The government last month promised $645 million of help for agriculture, but many farmers have complained the amount is too small. About 1,000 farmers, local mayors and members of parliament arrived in Piraeus on overnight ferries from the island of Crete with dozens of tractors, pickup trucks and other agricultural vehicles they intended to drive through Athens to the Agriculture Ministry.
Authorities said they would be allowed to demonstrate only on foot. A group of farmers attempted to break through the police lines inside the port, and riot police fired tear gas to push them back. Two people were detained during the clashes, in which farmers pelted riot police with potatoes and tomatoes and hit them with shepherd's crooks.
--more--"Related: Gladio Exposed in Greece