So the "honeymoon" -- if you can call it that -- lasted about what, three weeks?
Yup, up upon a Sunday (Christian, sir?) morning:
"Suspected US missiles kill dozens at Pakistan compound" by Zulfiqar Ali, Los Angeles Times | February 15, 2009
PESHAWAR, Pakistan - Suspected US missiles slammed into a compound near the Afghanistan border yesterday, killing about 30 people, local officials said. Most of the people killed were thought to be militants linked to the Taliban or Al Qaeda.
Yeah, right, it is always "militants, Al-CIA-Duh, Taliban." I'm tired of that shtick, Zionist War Daily and Muslim-hating war-promoter!
Also see: The Children of Afghanistan
I know it's Afghanistan; however, theu are ALL PASHTUN!!! I gotta tell you, I DO NOT RECOGNIZE that ARTIFICIAL ABOMINATION that is the BRITISH-DEVIED BORDER!! Time to ERASE THAT on the MAP!! How many of THEM were killed?
The raid occurred two days after Senator Dianne Feinstein, perhaps inadvertently, made the first public disclosure by a senior US official that the CIA-operated drones used in such attacks are flown from bases inside Pakistan, not from across the border in Afghanistan.
The Pakistan government makes me sick.
The missile attacks have been problematic for Pakistan's struggling civilian government. The Pakistani leadership is thought to have given a go-ahead for the raids, although it publicly decries them.
Yeah, they will SACRFICE THEIR OWN PEOPLE on the ALTER of a LIE!!!
The wrecked compound belonged to an associate of Baitullah Mehsud, the leader of Pakistan's Taliban movement, and was not far from Mehsud's headquarters. But he was not believed to have been at the compound, and it was unclear whether he was the target.
I doubt it!
Go here and here for more on how Mehsud is in fact an 'Al-CIA-Duh" agent.
About a dozen people were reported to have been injured in the raid near Wana, the main town in the restive South Waziristan tribal region. The area is considered a militant stronghold, and has been hit repeatedly in an intense campaign of American strikes using pilotless drones.
Some guy in Las Vegas pushes a button and WHOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHH....
Local sources said the dead included Arabs and Uzbeks; generally, the presence of foreign militants is a sign of links to Al Qaeda. Hours after the strike by two missiles, bodies were still being pulled from the rubble. Taliban fighters surrounded the flattened compound, preventing outsiders from approaching.
I thought reporters couldn't verify things up there anyway? I guess that's just convenient when needed, like when innocent civilians are claimed to be killed, huh, Zionist media?
You see, I don't believe the AL-CIA-DUH CRAP no more so these claims of foreigners, blah, blah, blah, whatever. Of course, the OCCUPIERS have a COALTION and THAT'S ALL RIGHT!!!! Need I remind you NATO is FILLED with FOREIGNERS!!!!!!
The comments about the Predator strikes last week by Feinstein, a California Democrat, could inflame domestic anger against the Pakistani government.
One can only hope the Pakistan people will liberate themselves from the murderous U.S. stooges.
At a Senate hearing Thursday attended by Dennis Blair, the director of US national intelligence, Feinstein said, "As I understand, these [drones] are flown out of a Pakistani base."
Friday is the Muslim Sabbath, and the remarks were not widely reported in the Pakistani media until yesterday. Blair did not directly address the senator's assertion. But he and other senior US officials have defended the missile strikes as an effective tool against Al Qaeda, saying that several important figures have been killed in the raids.
Defending MASS-MURDER by AIR MAIL all because of AL-CIA-DUH!
The drone attacks also have killed scores of Pakistani civilians. And many people consider the strikes a violation of the country's sovereignty.
You know, no one seems to care about them very much. Have you noticed that?
Some people in Pakistan had wondered whether the Obama administration would discontinue the strikes that began under President George W. Bush, but a raid took place only three days after his swearing-in. Obama has said publicly that decisive measures are needed to dislodge militants from the tribal areas....
They were WALKING in a DREAMLAND if they thought 'bamer here was going to alter the course of the U.S.S. Ziotanic!!!!
Though the Pakistani leadership has lodged formal diplomatic protests with the US Embassy over the missile strikes, Zardari also has said Pakistan's own interests are served by confronting Islamic insurgents in tribal areas....
The new US administration has rejected Pakistani criticism that the missile strikes fuel extremist and anti-American sentiment and undercut the government's counterinsurgency strategy....
Translation: we don't care!
Many analysts suspect Pakistan has quietly agreed to the attacks to preserve billions of dollars in American and Western support for its powerful military and ailing economy.
The pro-Western government in Islamabad has signed peace deals with tribal leaders in the northwest while launching a series of military operations against hardliners. Government forces are bogged down on several fronts in the northwest, however, and Taliban militants have sustained a campaign that has included abductions and other attacks on foreigners.
Thousands of people across Pakistan were out in public this weekend, attending events to mark the anniversary of a Muslim saint, Data Ganj Bakhsh.
Yeah, why is that saved for the last paragraph in my Zionist War Daily?
Although they did give you a picture, which I post with love and respect!

Thousands from all over Pakistan will attend a 3-day festival to mark the anniversary of the death of a Muslim saint, Data Ganj Bakhsh. Devotees visited a shrine in Lahore yesterday. (Mohsin Raza/ Reuters)