Tuesday, May 5, 2009

America: the Zionist Colony

"America; the Zionist Colony

Throughout history countries have exerted their utmost to avoid losing their independence and becoming a surrogate or puppet at the hand of another country or countries. This has resulted in unwanted wars and conflicts which have led to colonialism and exploitation of weaker states. Yet, the colonized countries have not always been a convenient place for the colonialists, for the people of these countries have often opposed their existence.

Today, USA the world's so-called biggest power has lost its independence to such an extent that one thinks this vast country is a backyard or playground of the Zionist regime or the world Zionism.

This has become more obvious after the Bush administration coming to power in 2000. Political analysts and university pundits have been ringing the danger bell long ago, but the Zionist lobby has extended its hands to the US political, financial, cultural and social infrastructure so much so that almost all decisions in the Bush administration are taken with the lobby's permission.

Dear friends Frank Scott, a contributor to Countercurrents website has dealt with the subject in detail in his article titled America: Zionist colony.

The Zionist lobby in the US has great control of US government and media as well, and its political organizations bring enormous pressure on publications or individuals expressing criticism of Israel, quickly labeled anti -Semitism. If that criticism extends to questioning some aspects of the Nazi persecution of Jews, made even more horrible with constant repetition, they are labeled holocaust deniers.

America's global position has establishment groups battling for control of foreign policy. Sectors of the old white Anglo Saxon protestant ruling class see dedication to the Jewish state endangering empire and are in a struggle with the newer Jewish power bloc. This clash of political mafias will hardly bring peace, but it has already brought out much about the previously unmentionable. Support for a colonial state that brutalizes its native population enough to shock survivors of South African apartheid can only continue with Americans kept in complete ignorance.

This illogical and morally degenerate policy has colonials settling where they believe they originated - with no evidence save mythology - and calling themselves Semitic natives, while the Semitic people who've lived there for centuries are expelled, made refugees, and called anti-Semite terrorists when they resist.

Once the Zionists achieved the destruction of Iraq their focus became Iran, with the most incredible claims fed to a public about that nation's leader and policies. Ahmadinejad, hosting a conference on that untouchable topic, has been transformed into a person who will exterminate Israel, based on a repeatedly twisted quote and oblivious of the facts of thousands of Jews living quite well in Iran.

Tales of the Iranian threat stem from the same feverish source of psychotic fears and supernatural beliefs that transform Israel from a nightmare for Palestinians into a theme park for Jews.

The colonization of American government will only end with creation of a real fifty state democracy in the U.S.A., which could help bring about a real one state democracy in Palestine. Unfortunately, anything less will mean much more pain and suffering, possibly of epic proportions, And not only in Palestine, and not only for Jews.
