"Pakistanis strike at Taliban" by Nahal Toosi, Associated Press | April 27, 2009
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Pakistan sent helicopter gunships and troops to attack Taliban militants yesterday in a district covered by a peace deal after strong US pressure on the nuclear-armed nation to confront insurgents advancing in its northwest.
At least 31 people were killed in the offensive, which sent some residents of Lower Dir district fleeing carrying small children and a few belongings.... Pakistani officials denied outside pressure influenced the move.
They would have to say that, wouldn't they?
Television footage from the district showed at least two helicopter gunships heading toward the mountains. Troops guarded a road blocked with paramilitary trucks, while some families sat nearby. Another family headed away in a vehicle packed with luggage....
Great, another flood of refugees because of America and its 9/11 lies!
In recent days, Taliban forces from Swat began entering Buner, a neighboring district 60 miles from the Pakistani capital, Islamabad. Officials said most of the insurgents pulled out of Buner on Friday amid reports of possible military action and threats that the government would scrap the deal.
Losing either Lower or Upper Dir to militants would be a blow not only for Pakistan but also for the United States because a part of the region borders Afghanistan, where the United States is sending thousands more troops to shore up the faltering war effort against a resurgent Taliban....
Pakistan's attempts to battle militants using military offensives have had mixed results. In Bajur tribal region, for instance, officials said earlier this year they had vanquished the Taliban after a monthslong operation, but recent reports indicate the militants there are regrouping.
Yeah, they NEVER GO AWAY because they are the PEOPLE WHO LIVE THERE!!
"Taliban deride 'worthless' truce with Pakistan" by Zarar Khan, Associated Press Writer | April 27, 2009
ISLAMABAD --Taliban militants declared their peace deal with the Pakistani government "worthless" on Monday after authorities deployed helicopters and artillery against hide-outs of Islamist guerrillas seeking to extend their grip along the Afghan border.
The regions that straddle that frontier form a "crucible of terrorism," British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said during a visit to Afghanistan, where his country and the U.S. have thousands of troops. In Pakistan later Monday, Brown said Britain wanted to work more closely with Islamabad to eliminate the terror threat.
The Obama administration is pressing Islamabad hard for more robust action against those extremists, who are threatening Pakistan's stability and the security of troops across the border. A collapse of the peace pact would likely please American officials.
Yeah, peace is a real bummer!!
President Asif Ali Zardari called for more foreign support for cash-strapped Pakistan to prevent any danger of its nuclear arsenal falling into the hands of al-Qaida and its allies.
This is just.... (blog editor has run out of words to describe his feelings at the never-ending bulls***)
Zardari also said Pakistani intelligence thought Osama bin Laden -- recently offered sanctuary by militants in the area covered by the peace pact -- might be dead, but said there was no evidence of the al-Qaida chief's demise. "He may be dead. But that's been said before," Zardari told a group of reporters. "It's still between fiction and fact."
Oh, I WOULDN'T EXPECT the LYING, Muslim-hating, war-promoting press to investigate that at all because HE IS DEAD -- and THAT KNOWLEDGE doesn't help the lying, agenda-pushing papers.
.... A spokesman for the Taliban in their Swat Valley stronghold denounced the operation as a violation of the pact and said their fighters were on alert and waiting to see if a hard-line cleric who mediated the deal pronounced it dead. "The agreements with the Pakistan government are worthless because Pakistani rulers are acting to please Americans," Muslim Khan, spokesman for Taliban militants in the Swat Valley, told The Associated Press.
Isn't it sad when the "enemy" is the one telling the truth, America?
Maulvi Umar, a spokesman for the umbrella group of Pakistan's Taliban, said the militants would agree to talks about the situation in Dir, but only if the military operation is halted. "We were living peacefully in Dir," Umar said. "Nothing warranted the operation."
But because the U.S. insisted on the false-flgging charade now they are not. Now they have women and children fleeing their homes.
Dianne Feinstein, head of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, said Sunday that the recent Taliban advance in Buner -- and the lack of a robust military response -- suggested Pakistan was "in very deep trouble. This thing has to get sorted out and sorted out quickly or you could lose the government of Pakistan, and Pakistan is a nuclear power and that concerns me deeply," Feinstein said on CNN television.
So how long until we are occupying the FATA region, 'murka? Week? Two?
Brown also raised alarm Monday on a trip to tour British bases in southern Afghanistan. He told reporters that areas on both sides of Afghan-Pakistani border "are the breeding ground, the crucible of terrorism."
Unless he's referring to Tel Aviv, Washington, or London, I no longer want to hear it.
During a press conference in Islamabad, Brown said Britain would give more aid to Pakistan to improve education and other sectors along the border -- with a particular focus on girls' schooling -- to lessen the allure of extremism. He also said his country wanted to work more closely with Pakistan on its strategy to take on the extremists.
"Our two countries face a shared and urgent threat," said Brown, who noted that Britain has a large ethnic Pakistani population. Pakistan's foreign minister asked Western officials Monday to "not panic."
"We mean business, and if we have to use force we will use force. We will not hesitate," Shah Mahmood Qureshi told The Associated Press on the sidelines of meetings with his Afghan and Iranian counterparts. "We will not surrender, we will not capitulate, and we will not abdicate."
I don't think anything you do will will help, sir.
Zardari, who has termed Pakistan's dire situation as an opportunity to draw in economic and military assistance, insisted Pakistan's nuclear weapons were in "safe hands," but added: "If Pakistan fails, if democracy fails, if the world doesn't help democracy, then any eventuality is a possibility."
Now give me the $$$$.
Elsewhere in the northwest Monday, a remote-controlled bomb exploded near a police patrol, killing an officer and a passer-by while wounding five other police, officials said. The blast occurred near a railway crossing in the Lakki Marwat area, said Amir Ahmed, a local police officer.
Do you know what a stink that is?
Btw, notice how you heard little fart poots about talking to the Taliban the last few months, but of which nothing ever came?
That was just fart-mist fooleys for 'murkn consumption, wasn't it?
"Peace deal between Pakistan, Taliban rebels suspended; Offensive is launched along Afghan border" by Nahal Toosi, Associated Press | April 28, 2009
Residents fled the Lower Dir district yesterday in Pakistan, where security forces launched an operation against militants. Taliban militants called a peace deal ''worthless'' after officials sought to tighten their grip along the Afghan border. (Mohammad Sajjad/ Associated Press)
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - An offensive by the Pakistani military against insurgent hideouts prompted suspension of controversial peace talks with the Taliban yesterday, and the country's president sought additional foreign aid to assure its nuclear arms remain in "safe hands."
The developments came as British Prime Minister Gordon Brown visited Afghanistan and Pakistan, calling their shared border region a "crucible of terrorism."
I didn't know Britain bordered Pakistan, Gordo!!!
Following the military push into Dir, a district on the Afghanistan border, militants described their peace pact with the government as "worthless," threatening a cease-fire the Obama administration has criticized as a capitulation to allies of Al Qaeda.
Do you know how sick I am of hearing about "Al-CIA-Duh," world? Once you know what it is, hearing the MSM constantly evoke it is discouraging.
Pakistan agreed in February to impose Islamic law in the Taliban-held Swat Valley and surrounding districts of the Malakand Division if militants ended a rebellion that included beheading opponents and burning schools for girls.
It's always the same old thing.
Related: Hey CNN, 2 Indian Girls Burned Alive
However, the concession appeared to embolden the Taliban, which staged a foray last week into neighboring Buner district, just 60 miles from the capital, reportedly patrolling other areas in the region as well.
Well, hey, they ONLY LIVE THERE!!
Pressure on the deal grew Sunday when authorities sent troops backed by artillery and helicopter gunships to attack militants in Lower Dir, another district covered by the pact. Thousands of terrified residents fled, some clutching only a few belongings.
Those would be the people in the picture at the top of the post.
The military said the offensive was an attempt to stop insurgents who had plunged the area into lawlessness by attacking security forces and abducting prominent people for ransom. Losing either Lower or Upper Dir would be a blow not only for Pakistan but for US efforts to shore up the faltering war effort against the Taliban in Afghanistan.
At least 46 militants were killed in the operation, the army said in a statement yesterday. Maulvi Umar, a spokesman for the umbrella group of Pakistan's Taliban, claimed insurgents were in the area and killed nine troops and lost two of their own.
"The agreements with the Pakistan government are worthless because Pakistani rulers are acting to please Americans," said Muslim Khan, a Taliban spokesman in the Swat Valley.
He denounced the military's operation as a violation of the peace pact and said fighters were on alert in case the agreement was pronounced dead by Sufi Muhammad, a hard-line cleric who mediated the deal. A spokesman for the cleric said he was trapped in his home in the same area of Lower Dir attacked by troops and that his supporters have been unable to contact him....
American officials worry the pact could turn Swat into another haven for militants and encourage extremists to call for Islamic law in other areas of the country. Western allies have expressed frustration that Pakistan is focusing on archrival India, distracting the government from dealing with extremist sanctuaries on the Afghan border....
In a wide-ranging interview with reporters from foreign media outlets, Zardari said Pakistan's nuclear capabilities were in "safe hands," but called for more foreign support for his cash-strapped country to prevent any danger of that changing. "If Pakistan fails, if democracy fails, if the world doesn't help democracy, then any eventuality is a possibility," he said.
Zardari also said Pakistani intelligence thought Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden might be dead, but cautioned there was no proof. "He may be dead. But that's been said before," Zardari said. "It's still between fiction and fact."
HE IS DEAD, readers -- and yet the MSM continues with its lies.
After visiting British troops in Afghanistan yesterday, Brown said the safety of the Western world was tied to events in the beleaguered frontier region. "Stability on the streets of London depends on stability in the border areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan," Brown said. The border areas "are the breeding ground, the crucible of terrorism."
Shut up, fat s***!
In Islamabad, Brown said Britain would focus its aid on providing services in the impoverished northwest - with a particular emphasis on girls' schooling - to lessen the allure of extremism.
American officials have also expressed rising concern. Dianne Feinstein, head of the US Senate Intelligence Committee, said Sunday the Taliban advance in Buner - and the lack of a robust military response - suggested Pakistan was "in very deep trouble."
"This thing has to get sorted out and sorted out quickly or you could lose the government of Pakistan," Feinstein said on CNN television. Pakistan's foreign minister asked US officials yesterday to "not panic."
"We mean business, and if we have to use force we will use force. We will not hesitate," Shah Mahmood Qureshi said on the sidelines of meetings with his Afghan and Iranian counterparts. "We will not surrender, we will not capitulate, and we will not abdicate."--more--"
I might if I have to keep reading the same s*** day after day.
"Pakistani Army steps up assault on the Taliban; Push counters militants' effort to seize district" by Zulfiqar Ali and Mark Magnier, Los Angeles Times | April 29, 2009
PESHAWAR, Pakistan - The Pakistani Army launched an air attack and prepared to deploy troops against Taliban bases yesterday in an area near Islamabad, the nation's capital.
The offensive appeared to signal a broadening of the state's recent moves against militants, many of whom have become increasingly brash after reaching a controversial peace deal this year largely on their terms.
I'm so tired of the AmeriKan jewsmedia running down the Taliban.
How many times I gotta put this up?
"Something of a catchall term for loosely affiliated insurgents without a singular command structure. Often, the Afghan government favors the phrase 'enemies of the state' (New York Times July 24, 2007)."
"The Taliban is growing and creating new alliances not because its sectarian religious practices have become popular, but because it is the only available umbrella for national liberation," says Pakistani historian and political commentator Tariq Ali. "As the British and the Soviets discovered to their cost in the preceding two centuries, Afghans never like being occupied."
Also see: Afghanistan's Other Government
And today, readers?
"More and more, people here look back to the era of harsh Taliban rule from 1996 to 2001, describing it as a time of security and peace."
Oh, oh, oh!!!! I'm so offended by the AmeriKan MSM and its bullshit!
Also see: How I Came to Love the Veil
And consider this:
"They sat in one girl’s home telling their story, their faces uncovered only because no man was present. But when Mohammed Matloob, the father of one of the girls, walked into the room, the other three quickly pulled their head scarves over their faces. His daughter, Nagina, 16, ordered him to leave the room, which he did, with a surprised shrug."
Aren't the children beautiful?

Tomas Munita for The New York Times Hameeda Sarfraz, in the dark burqa, teaches Islamic religious lessons to children in her village, about 50 miles north of Islamabad, Pakistan.
Oh, what LIES we have been told about Muslims by our Muslim-hating Zionist AmeriKan MSM, Americans!!!!!!
Honestly, I'm tired of the MSM lying? Aren't you, AmeriKa?
Also see: I Don't Want to Kill Them Anymore
The Children of Afghanistan
The Uncomfortable Others
Are you sick of half-truths and Muslim-hating lies from your jewspapers yet, America?
"The U.S. government was well aware of the Taliban's reactionary program, yet it chose to back their rise to power in the mid-1990s. The creation of the Taliban was "actively encouraged by the ISI and the CIA," according to Selig Harrison, an expert on U.S. relations with Asia. "The United States encouraged Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to support the Taliban, certainly right up to their advance on Kabul," adds respected journalist Ahmed Rashid. When the Taliban took power, State Department spokesperson Glyn Davies said that he saw "nothing objectionable" in the Taliban's plans to impose strict Islamic law, and Senator Hank Brown, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Near East and South Asia, welcomed the new regime: "The good part of what has happened is that one of the factions at last seems capable of developing a new government in Afghanistan." "The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis. There will be Aramco [the consortium of oil companies that controlled Saudi oil], pipelines, an emir, no parliament and lots of Sharia law. We can live with that," said another U.S. diplomat in 1997."
Yeah, kinda like the way the keep "Al-CIA-Duh going!!!!
See: The Boston Globe Knows About "Al-CIA-Duh"
Naivete or Disingenuousness?
Which means this is ALL GARBAGE and THEY KNOW IT!!!
F***ing MSM whores and liars!!!!!!!!!!
Athar Abbas, a military spokesman, told reporters in Rawalpindi that army and Frontier Corps paramilitary units launched the operation in Buner district, building on an offensive in the region underway for several days. Abbas said an estimated 450 to 500 Taliban are thought to be active in Buner, many engaged in "criminal activities."
Yeah, roll 'em all up into a ball and call 'em Taliban!
"The government asked them to leave the district several times, but they paid no heed," Abbas said. "The operation in Buner aims to eliminate militants who pretended to leave the area."
Eyewitness reports suggested some Taliban militants fired back at army helicopter gunships with heavy machine guns. Buner officials said a curfew was imposed indefinitely. Explosions were heard as helicopters bombed militant strongholds, while local Taliban reportedly blew up the main bridge in Buner's Ambala area in retaliation.
In early April, well-armed Taliban entered Buner from their stronghold in neighboring Swat Valley, setting up checkpoints, warning locals to follow strict Islamic behavioral rules, and patrolling the area with well-armed men. They also reportedly took over Buner's Pir Baba police station, holding 43 paramilitary and 17 police officers hostage, and have kidnapped boys for recruiting into Taliban ranks. Buner is about 60 miles from Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan.
We send recruiters to schools!
This bid to boost their influence - coming just days after a peace deal in Swat that granted them authority to impose Sharia, or Islamic law, on the local population - has rung alarm bells across Pakistan and around the world amid fears that the Taliban's expansion could further undercut the state's authority in this nuclear-equipped nation.
The army's announcement yesterday followed several days of military activity in Dir, another district nearby that has witnessed an influx of Swat Taliban in recent weeks. Abbas said the army successfully cleared Dir of militants in an operation that left as many as 75 militants and 10 security forces dead. By yesterday, however, up to 30,000 residents wary of getting caught in the crossfire had reportedly fled Dir for the regional capital of Peshawar and nearby towns. Swat, Buner, and Dir are part of the Malakand division of the North-West Frontier Province abutting Afghanistan....
Analysts said many people suspect that the United States put significant pressure on Zardari to mount the army and paramilitary offensive. There is also growing concern domestically that the Taliban don't know when to stop.
Pffft!! Tell it to the NaZionist war-mongers, will you?
Btw, Did Obama stop the bombing raids?
The government bears enormous responsibility for the recent developments in the region, said Shireen Mizari, a defense analyst. If it had not abdicated its basic responsibility to maintain security for its citizens and ensure law-and-order in the Frontier and Tribal areas, the Taliban and other militant groups wouldn't have been able to move into the vacuum, she said.
Gee, on the one hand we are told how unpopular they are, and on the other they have such control!
"Air strikes aim to repel Taliban in Pakistan; Fighting fierce near capital; police seized" by Munir Ahmad, Associated Press | April 30, 2009
Women and children evacuated from the Buner Valley were on the outskirts of Peshawar yesterday. Pakistani commandos dropped behind Taliban lines and took the main town in the strategically important area (Adil Khan/ Reuters)
And that is when the tears started flowing!
Their LIVES UPENDED over a LIE!!!
O' Fatima, please gather my tears in your skirt and present them to Allah upon my judgment!!!!
ISLAMABAD - Pakistani air strikes killed dozens of Taliban fighters in a fierce struggle to drive them from a district near the capital, while the militants took over police stations and kidnapped more than 50 security forces, the army said yesterday.
Did they kidnap them or did the forces defect because they didn't like the order tio murder their countrymen for us, MSM?
One member of the security forces also died, the top military spokesman said. Also yesterday, a suspected US missile killed at least five alleged militants in South Waziristan, a tribal region near Afghanistan, while shoot-outs in the volatile southern city of Karachi killed at least 20 people.
What do you mean ALLEGED?!!!
And the U.S just doesn't know when to stop, does it?
Pakistan is acting under intense US pressure to take a tougher line against Islamist militants emerging from the strongholds along the Afghan border, where Al Qaeda leaders - including Osama bin Laden - could be hiding....
Yeah, except bin Laden is DEAD!!!!!
C'mon, MSM, quit the charade and tell the truth!
Major General Athar Abbas said helicopters delivered commandos to the town of Buner, in a once-peaceful farming region in the northwest, yesterday morning just as ground troops fought their way in from three directions against an estimated 450 to 500 militants.
That's it? Those Taliban must be some fighters.
Militants were putting up stiff resistance and detonated three roadside bombs near the Ambela Pass, a key gateway to the mountainous region. Three more troops were injured, he said.
After warplanes struck late Tuesday, attack helicopters engaged the "miscreants" and killed more than 50, Abbas told reporters in Rawalpindi, south of Islamabad.
What, they ain't even human now as you rain bombs down on them?
Rather than fleeing, militants seized three police stations in the north of Buner on Tuesday and kidnapped 70 police and paramilitary troops, he said. He said 18 of the troops were "recovered" yesterday, but declined to offer more details.
Yeah, those guys defected. The 18 were let go, readers, but I wouldn't expect the MSM to tell you that.
Security forces prevented some reporters from entering the area and telephone services were interrupted, making it hard to verify the army's account of the fighting.
But they report it as if it were true....
The Taliban fighters' advance into Buner brought them to within 60 miles of the capital, raising concern about the stability of the nuclear-armed country. The army also says troops have killed scores of militants in recent fighting in Lower Dir, another area neighboring Swat....
Officials in Washington, which is propping up Pakistan's army and government with billions of dollars and worrying about the rising insurgency in neighboring Afghanistan, have slammed the peace process as a surrender and welcomed the resumption of military action.
My country makes me sick!!! If I have to hear the word peace come out of my president's mouth again I'm going to vomit!
--more--"Btw, readers, every single item here was the LEAD in the WORLD section, so you know the war agenda is being promoted.
"Pakistan army: Taliban holding town hostage" by Munir Ahmad, Associated Press Writer | April 30, 2009

Relatives mourn the death of a family member at a local hospital after shootouts in Karachi, Pakistan, Wednesday, April 29, 2009. At least 20 people were killed and two dozen vehicles torched in different sections of the southern city of Karachi, officials said Wednesday. Ethnic violence was a suspected trigger of the shootouts in Karachi, a teeming city with a history of such clashes between Pashtuns and descendants of migrants from India. (AP Photo/Shakil Adil)
Yeah, toss that on the fire, too, you false-flagging "Al-CIA-Duh" fucks!!!!
ISLAMABAD --Soldiers sent to halt a Taliban advance toward the Pakistani capital fought their way over a mountain pass Thursday, killed at least 14 militants and narrowly escaped a wave of suicide car bombers, the army said.
As troops pursued an offensive praised by the United States, a burst of shootings in a southern city left dozens dead and added the specter of ethnic conflict to the Islamist violence gnawing at the nuclear-armed country's stability.
Just ONE MORE REASON to OCCUPY, cui bono?
President Asif Ali Zardari urged ordinary Pakistanis to support the operation in the Buner region so the Islamic nation would remain under "a moderate, modern and democratic state." But there was anger and skepticism among hundreds of residents fleeing Buner on Thursday to join more than half a million others displaced by fighting that has flared across the northwest over the past year.
All I can think of is those poor people on the run in the mountains.
"Both sides bring us trouble: The Taliban is shelling, the army is shelling," said Taj Mohammed, a 43-year-old farmer driving a pickup truck carrying more than a dozen relatives. "Why are they putting our women and children in danger? We want peace, whether it comes through the government or the Taliban."
They are JUST LIKE US or ANYONE ELSE, readers -- no matter what you think of their lifestyles and culture.
Security forces backed by artillery and warplanes began pushing into Buner, a district just 60 miles (100 kilometers) from Islamabad, on Tuesday after Taliban militants from the neighboring Swat Valley infiltrated the area under cover of a peace pact.
Bash, bash, bash, bash, a Taliban today!
On Thursday, troops ousted militants from the Ambela Pass leading over the mountains into Buner and were inching toward the north, army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said.
Soldiers opened fire on four suspected suicide car bombers who drove toward them near the pass, Abbas said. Two vehicles exploded while the other two managed to drive away. No troops were hurt, he said.
Troops also destroyed four militant vehicles in Dir, a district to the west, Abbas said. In all, at least 14 militants were killed and one soldier was wounded in the previous 24 hours, he said.
Abbas also said militants, who have kidnapped dozens of lightly armed police and paramilitary troops, burned a police station farther north and sealed off the town of Sultanwas. "The people of Sultanwas are in great distress," Abbas said at a news conference. "Nobody is being allowed to move out of Sultanwas."
So go drop some bombs on them, dick!
He also said militants killed a police officer and threw his body into a river in Swat, but said the peace deal centered on the valley remained "intact." A spokesman for the Taliban in Swat insisted they were sticking to the peace process. The militants in Buner were all local Taliban, Muslim Khan said. "They are our friends and they have not suffered any big losses so far," Khan said.
Security forces barred some reporters from entering Buner and telephone connections were cut, making it hard to gain firsthand accounts of the fighting....
So we get the government hand-out as news.
Not only did the Globe drop the piece from its web version, it cut this from my printed paper:
Pakistan's stability is complicated by deep ethnic and sectarian tensions that are likely to grow as a result of a marked slowdown in economic growth....
Much of the tension has been between the Pashtun population, who dominate the violence-plagued northwest, and Urdu-speaking Mohajirs descended from migrants from India.
The main Mohajir political party that runs the city, the Muttahida Quami Movement, has been outspoken against the Pashtun-dominated Taliban and has warned the militants represent a growing threat in Karachi, Pakistan's 16-million strong commercial hub.
The city was largely crippled Wednesday after two MQM activists were gunned down by unknown assailants, sparking street violence that had abated by dawn. Paramilitary rangers patrolled the city's trouble spots Thursday, as doctors and police said the death toll reached 34, with about 50 others wounded....
Obama said he was "gravely concerned" about Pakistan's stability, saying it was struggling to deliver even basic services such as health care and education. Obama expressed confidence that Pakistan's army would continue to keep its nuclear arsenal secure -- though left the door open for U.S. action if necessary.
--more--"So when we going?
Meanwhile, the Globe picked this up for its webversion:
"Pakistan Army offensive seeks to halt Taliban; Heavy fighting continues for a third day" by Carlotta Gall and Salman Masood, New York Times | May 1, 2009
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Heavy fighting raged for a third day in Pakistan's northwest yesterday as civilians flooded from the area and the Pakistani military reported some gains in pushing back Taliban insurgents....
Helicopter gunships also rocketed Taliban positions in the north of Buner, where the militants had apparently fortified positions in areas adjoining their stronghold in the Swat Valley....
Abbas said it could take still another week for the operation to clear the district....
Meanwhile, officials warned of a tense situation in the southwest, in Baluchistan province, where the government has failed to calm public anger over the killing of three nationalist leaders....
ISLAMABAD - Pakistani troops backed by attack helicopters stepped up an operation to push the Taliban farther away from the capital yesterday, saying they killed at least 55 fighters. But the government was resisting Western pressure to expand the crackdown and abandon peace talks with militants who want to impose their brand of Islam across this nuclear-armed country.
That's just not true! They are BOOGA-BOOGAING these guys so much it makes you wonder WHAT'S UP?!!!!
I mean, the ENDLESS LYING and PROPAGANDA tells you something!
The army launched the drive to retake Buner, a poor, hilly region just 60 miles from Islamabad, on Tuesday after Taliban from the neighboring Swat Valley overran it under cover of a controversial peace pact. The Obama administration has welcomed the assault.
That's why I despise the blood-soaked bastard as much as the last war-criminal resident! In fact, he's fucking worse. He came with promises of peace and change!
It views the Swat agreement, which calls for the imposition of Islamic law in the surrounding area of northwest Pakistan bordering Afghanistan, as a surrender to allies of Al Qaeda.
You mean, "Al-CIA-Duh," right?
And it has expressed growing doubts about Pakistan's stability as the Taliban have edged closer to Islamabad.
Fuck, man, we better get troops in there yesterday, Amurka!!
Washington is particularly concerned because it considers stability in Pakistan - and rooting out its militant sanctuaries - critical to success in the Afghan war.
I'm just so sick of the shit fooleys because BEAUTIFUL and INNOCENT PEOPLE are being SLAUGHTERED for NO REASON!! 9/11 an INSIDE JOB LIE!!!
But the government in Islamabad is refusing to extend the operation beyond Buner and halt the peace talks favored by many Pakistanis skeptical of Western goals in the region.
But we are told they are all against Taliban, blah-blah-blah.
We are the country that overthrows governments if we don't like them!
The army expects to wind up the Buner operation within a week of when it started. The country has launched several offensives against Taliban militants in the border region in recent years. The raids have killed scores of extremists but alienated many Pakistanis.
Yeah, governments never kill innocents, only "extremists, militants, or terrorists" do. Then why would the Pakistan people ract that way? They love Talibans?
But there has been little criticism of the current operation so far, probably because the militants advanced after signing a peace deal with the government.
I'm sick of the demonization and lies, hey! That's all I can say. I doubt every sentence, every paragraph. It's either a lie or distorted, and even if totally true (highly unlikely at this stage) they have spoiled the trust so how can I ever believe my daily jewspaper ever again?
Yesterday, the army said its troops routed about 80 militants dug in on Ambela Pass, leading into Buner from the south, and were trying to link up with government forces holding the main town of Daggar. Soldiers and helicopters in the Ambela area destroyed about a dozen cars and motorbikes laden with explosives, apparently for suicide missions, said Major General Athar Abbas, a spokesman.
Two soldiers died and eight more were wounded when a suicide bomber detonated explosives hidden in a house beside a road, Abbas said at a news conference.
With themselves inside? See what I man about vague s***?
He said that warplanes bombed several militant bases farther north and that at least 55 militants had died in the previous 24 hours, bringing the total killed since operations began to more than 100, the army said.
All innocents killed for our lying shit government, Amurka!! Hope you can live with the blood on your hands, because I'm finding it increasingly difficult!
Fucking STOP THIS SHIT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Security forces have barred most reporters from entering the area, and phone lines were down, making it hard to verify the army's account of the fighting....
Swat's Taliban appear to have been emboldened after their bloody, two-year campaign in the valley....
First of all, I object to the description of events but putting that aside, how would the restricted MSM know this? They just throw shit out there and figure we will lap it up, huh?
Critics warn that militants, who have beheaded opponents and burned down schools for girls, will manipulate the new Islamic courts to impose a draconian version of Islamic law and create a haven from which they are sure to expand.
What "critics (joo)," and the endless repitition of this s*** is really causing me to doubt the Zionist War Dailies accounting. I'm apoplectic right now, readers!
But Pakistani leaders say that setting up Islamic courts - a popular demand in Swat - will rob the militants of their main rallying call and make it easier to justify a crackdown on those who refuse to renounce violence....
It's the SAME with the PALESTINIANS and ISRAEL!!!!!!!!