Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Boston Globe Repeats the Truth About Ahmadinejad

Maybe it is becoming part of the stock paragraphs AP uses for its articles?

Slow Saturday Special: AmeriKan MSM Admits Ahmadinejad Misquoted

I'll post it every time I see it. We will see how long it takes for the paragraph to disappear from the Zionist MSM.

"Ahmadinejad has also called for Israel's elimination, although his exact remarks have been disputed. Some translators say he has called for Israel to be "wiped off the map." Others say a better translation would be "vanish from the pages of time" - implying Israel would disappear on its own rather than be destroyed."

You know what, AmeriKan jewsmedia?

It's not even a dispute:
'Wiped off the Map' - The Rumor of the Century

Hey, what is ONE MORE HALF-TRUTH and LIE from the AmeriKan MSM, huh?

If I had a penny for every.....