Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Framingham Firings

Discrimination? In liberal, compassionate, self-righteous Massachusetts?

"Manager is fired after questioning layoffs by town" by Erica Noonan, Globe Staff | May 23, 2009

FRAMINGHAM - Framingham's human resources director says she was unfairly fired from her job after questioning the legality of a round of Town Hall layoffs in February that eliminated the jobs of mostly older female, minority, and disabled town employees.

Sandra Charton said she told Town Manager Julian Suso that his plan to cut the jobs of six employees was a possible violation of state and federal antidiscrimination laws. All but one of the nonunion employees targeted for firing was older than 40, female, black or Hispanic, disabled, or a military veteran....

That last one surprised me; I though we supported our troops.
