Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Slave Labor Saving AmeriKa

"Even communities that once balked at housing prisons are fighting for the jobs and cheap labor they provide. Across the nation, prisoners fix tractors, mow lawns, and fish scrap metal from landfills.... shovel snowed-in driveways, yank out weeds, clean rain gutters, slash brush and dig graves"

Including their own and yours, American.

And we have the nerve to criticize China and other places -- never mind the fact that prison labor costs far less than paying a taxpaying citizen to do the same job -- and then raise taxes on that same citizen whose standard of living has dropped.

Yup, if the outsourcing and off-shoring don't get you, the illegals and the prisoners will. What the hell has happened to the America I once knew, huh?

AmeriKa: Land of the Free?

"Prison laborers boost Nev. town; Residents battle for inmates' help" by Ashley Powers, Los Angeles Times | May 10, 2009

TONOPAH, Nev. - Diane Perchetti couldn't pull off the Easter celebration alone. Her to-do list was too lengthy: stack chairs, mop floors, and haul out the decorative jail cell from the recent Muckers Ball fund-raiser.

She phoned Bob Bottom, who oversees the local minimum- security prison camp. As usual, he sent over the inmates. In this former boomtown forgotten by much of the state, the small prison is a savior for residents and the cash-strapped town manager. Supervised inmates shovel snowed-in driveways, yank out weeds, clean rain gutters, slash brush and dig graves.

No wonder there are no jobs for you, America!! Can you believe this?

Then try this one on, Bay-Stater: Massachusetts Helping to Employ Perverts

"They do everything but herd cattle," said Perchetti, 63, who runs the Tonopah Convention Center. "Shoot, they fixed my plumbing a few times."

It's called SLAVE LABOR in countries that are 'enemies" of freedom and democracy!

So when state officials proposed mothballing the camp to help narrow Nevada's $3 billion budget gap, residents prepared for battle. They repeatedly carpooled to the Capitol - a 460-mile round trip. To lawmakers and their staff, they handed out save-the-camp pleas written by senior citizens, high school principals, the Salvation Army, and students.

If Tonopah, population 2,600, prevails, it will have accomplished something notable in this recession: staving off government cuts with little more than scrappiness....

Isn't that a great success story? The town saved the prison!

Yeah, never mind those antiwar folk or anything.

Scrappiness for years gets you nowhere, huh?

Even communities that once balked at housing prisons are fighting for the jobs and cheap labor they provide. Across the nation, prisoners fix tractors, mow lawns, and fish scrap metal from landfills. Their towns have staged letter-writing campaigns and rallies on their behalf.

Although it touts itself as the "Queen of the Silver Camps," the town has seen more regal days. A modern job provider, the Stealth Fighter plane, was relocated in the 1990s from nearby Nellis Air Force Range to New Mexico. Now, the town subsists on annual revenue of $750,000. Still, longtime residents have few complaints. The median home price is about $78,000, and the night sky is a stargazer's dream.

Yeah, it's a great little town. Pure AmeriKa!


Also see: The Illegal Immigrant Imprisonment Industry

Yup, the fascist security state benefits from both sides again -- just as in the phony drug war.