Friday, July 10, 2009

Late Afternoon Lament

Before continuing with the abominable articles and propaganda I am presented with as "news" every morning I wanted to take some time out to reflect a bit.

I am once again in the position where I find myself reading and posting blogs as an effort to counteract the INCREASINGLY -- hard as it is to believe -- atrocious garbage that is passing as news here in AmeriKa. Never mind the TV. That Dajjal of an instrument is horrid and I can barely stomach five minutes of any "news"cast.

What it really boils down to is I don't want to buy or read the Boston Globe anymore. I would RATHER READ BLOGS!

I started this up as a
break from the Bush times in the hopes that a new administration would reverse course. If you look at my politics posts, I wasted a lot of time making sure the election wasn't stolen from the black man. Big deal.

It is reminiscent of 2006 elections when I first started the blog.

Can YOU believe that when I first came on to blogger in September 2006 that my goals were to get the word out about 9/11 (still is as I continue to learn more and more from blogs); to END the WARS and GIVE VOICE to THOSE VICTIMS of AmeriKan VIOLENCE; and to KEEP the 2006 election from being STOLEN AGAIN!

Well, on those last two, the "joke" was certainly on me, huh?

Of course, my CURRENT FOCUSES and writings are FAR DIFFERENT from three years ago (save for the profanities; somehow, the anger has never gone away, and seems more acute than ever)!

Actually, if you ask me what my favorite blog is (one that I run), I would say
this one.

I don't work there on a regular or consistent basis and have kept it clean for the most part. The theme evolved into one of love. That is not to say what is posted there is happiness -- in fact, quite the opposite. There is much horror there; however, what is posted there is posted in solidarity, sympathy, empathy, and with love.

I better move now because I'm about to leak from the corner of my eyes. Sorry to subject you to the swearing earlier, readers, although I suspect you understand why.