"Netanyahu defies US on settlements; Says Israel has right to build in East Jerusalem" by Jeffrey Heller, Reuters | July 20, 2009

Israel’s controversial West Bank barrier divides the Palestinian refugee camp of Shuafat (foreground) and the Jewish neighborhood of Pisgat Zeev in East Jerusalem. (David Silverman/Getty Images)
JERUSALEM - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying he would not take orders over Israeli settlement in East Jerusalem, rejected yesterday a US demand to halt plans to build more homes for Jews in the disputed area.
New friction with Washington over the project to build 20 apartments in a part of Jerusalem captured by Israel in a 1967 war could deepen the most serious rift in relations between the two allies in a decade. Israeli officials said the State Department had summoned Michael Oren, Israel’s ambassador to Washington, and told him plans for the construction approved this month by Israel’s Jerusalem municipality should be suspended.
I never take U.S. protestations seriously. Show me the money.
“We cannot accept the idea that Jews will not have the right to live and buy [homes] anywhere in Jerusalem,’’ Netanyahu said, calling the city Israel’s united capital, a claim that is not recognized internationally.
“I can only imagine what would happen if someone would suggest Jews could not live in certain neighborhoods of New York, London, Paris, or Rome. There would certainly be a great international outcry,’’ he told reporters at the weekly Cabinet meeting. “We cannot accept this edict in Jerusalem.’’
Yes, of CHEERS!!!!
The White House declined to comment. Netanyahu and President Obama are already at loggerheads....
Bullshit! He's still signing and sending the checks, isn't he?
And who do you think is delivering them?
Related: Mitchell Massages Israel
"Mitchell heading back to Mideast" by Associated Press | July 21, 2009
WASHINGTON - The special US envoy for Middle East peace departs for the region this week amid new signs of tension between the Obama administration and the Israeli government over settlement construction.
Former US senator George Mitchell plans to visit Israel, the Palestinian territories, and several neighboring countries, including Bahrain, in an itinerary still being worked out yesterday.
Dissension flared anew over the weekend when Netanyahu rejected a US demand to suspend a planned housing project in east Jerusalem. State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley confirmed yesterday that the project had been a topic of conversation last week during a meeting between senior US diplomats and Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren. Crowley said US opposition to construction in East Jerusalem and settlements in the West Bank had not changed.
“We have made our views known to Israel,’’ he told reporters. “Our views are not new either.’’
So you told them we will huff-and-puff in public, but just go right ahead anyway like usual, huh?
US officials said that at last week’s meeting, Jacob Lew, the deputy secretary of state for management, told Oren that Washington was troubled by the Jerusalem housing project that calls for construction of 20 apartments developed by a US millionaire. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive diplomatic exchange....
Yeah, it is always sensitive when you must undo someone's fly and perform fellatio.
Think Mitchell will say anything about these?
NABLUS, West Bank - More than 30 Israeli settlers, some of them on horseback, set fire to fields and olive trees and stoned Palestinian cars during a rampage in the West Bank yesterday, a Palestinian official said. Two Palestinians were lightly injured.
The settlers went on the rampage near Nablus in the northern West Bank to protest the Israeli Army’s removal of an unauthorized settlement outpost in the area. Ghassan Daglas, a Nablus municipality official, said the riot began with 10 settlers on horseback and grew to a mob of 30 south of the city, where the settlers attacked Palestinians who passed in cars.
They are TERRORISTS, not "settlers," jewsmedia.
Daglas said smoke from the burning fields blanketed the area, but no houses were damaged.
WTF? As if the kind setllers weren't too violent and didn't damage too much?
Daglas said that Israeli forces tried to stop the rampaging settlers.
Israel’s paramilitary border police force said it arrested one settler.
Out of 30, huh?
Meanwhile, they are HOLDING and TORTURING 11,000 Palestinians!
Israel has pledged to the United States to remove more than two dozen tiny, unauthorized settlement outposts in the West Bank, but has taken little action against them.
Yeah, the SAME OLD SHIT SERVICE from Iz-ray-Hell's LYING NaZionist scum!
Hard-line settlers commonly attack Palestinian property as retaliation for demolished or evacuated settlements - a tactic they call the “price tag.’’
So WHY must PALESTINIANS PAY for what the "hard-line settlers" -- meaning JEWISH EXTREMISTS and TERRORISTS -- own government is doing to them?
Nah, didn't think so.