Friday, October 23, 2009

Bloomberg Goes Gun Hunting

Related: Bloomberg's Butt Blast

"Undercover stings lead to allegations of illegal sales at gun shows; Legal loophole abused, NYC says" by Sara Kugler, Associated Press | October 8, 2009

NEW YORK - Investigators hired by New York City conducted stings at gun shows in states that have not closed the “gun show loophole’’ and found some vendors openly selling weapons to buyers who said they couldn’t pass background checks.

And he gave out $69 million in bonuses, too?

Glad you are doing so well, New Yorkers.

Maybe he could give you some of that tax loot back, huh?

The stings, described in a city report released yesterday, were conducted at seven gun shows in Tennessee, Ohio, and Nevada.... The investigation, in which undercover buyers wore tiny cameras concealed in baseball hats and purses and audio recorders hidden in wristwatches....

The city has no legal authority over the dealers and is using its findings to make a point.

So HOW MUCH did that AGENDA-PUSHING POINT COST YOU, New York City taxpayers?!!

A copy of the report is being sent to every member of Congress and the findings will be shared the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.


Bloomberg and your agenda... you're not welcome in Tennessee

Nor here, either.