Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Making Bloggers Pay

In the first regard, I want to say on the record that I PAID FOR THIS PAPER, Mr. Bush, so I will OFFER COMMENTARY as is MY RIGHT!

As for paying for web content, this blog is over the
day that happens.

On this third point, do YOU SEE ANY ADVERTISEMENTS here? This endeavor is COSTING ME $$$ and I don't know how much longer I can continue.

The point is, what you are getting here is simply ONE MAN'S ANGUISHED and UNVARNISHED OPINION because there was NOTHING LEFT TO DO!

So add my voice to the cacophony, and bask in the truth, readers.

"Web reviews must disclose payments" by Associated Press | October 6, 2009

WASHINGTON - The Federal Trade Commission will for the first time try to regulate blogging, requiring writers on the Web to disclose any freebies or payments they get from companies for reviewing products.

Like my BG reviews? Who would want to pay me to do this, and why would I want to? This is all IRRITATING TO ME!!! Who likes to REVIEW the SAME LIES and DECEPTIONS day after day in a really, really, bad newspaper?

FTC commissioners voted 4 to 0 to approve the Web rules, which take effect Dec. 1 and carry fines of up to $11,000 per violation.

I'm GLAD I'm including that CONSTITUTIONAL EXEMPTION in my profile; I may be done sooner than the end of the year, folks.

Bloggers or advertisers also could face injunctions and be ordered to reimburse consumers for financial losses stemming from inappropriate product reviews.

So the curse words out of hurt aren't good? How do you polish a turd, hey?

The commission stopped short of specifying how bloggers must disclose conflicts of interest. Rich Cleland, assistant director of the FTC’s advertising practices division, said the disclosure must be “clear and conspicuous.’’

Bloggers have long praised or panned products and services online. But many companies pay reviewers or give them free products, such as computers or trips to Disneyland.

Are you kidding? We are NOT POLITICIANS!!! And if a blogger is getting that: PLANT!!! GOVERNMENT or AGENDA-PUSHING PLANT!!!!!!

Before the FTC gave notice in November that it was going to regulate such endorsements, blogs varied in their level of disclosure. The FTC’s proposal made many bloggers anxious. They said the scrutiny would make them nervous about posting even innocent comments.

That is the POINT, right? For us to SELF-CENSOR OURSELVES?!!!!

That just makes me more strident!

To placate such fears, Cleland said the FTC would be more likely go after an advertiser than a blogger for violations. The exception would be a blogger who runs a substantial operation that violates FTC rules and has already been warned, he said.

I'm going to hold them to their word there.

Existing rules ban deceptive and unfair business practices. The new ones aim to clarify the law for the vast world of blogging....

What you realize when you read that is WE HAVE THEM on the RUN!!!

The MSM and authorities are REALLY, REALLY WORRIED because WE NO LONGER TRUST THEM -- and for GOOD REASON!!

They LIE!!!!!!!
