Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mass. Needs Less Laws

I think it is obvious from this article -- as the STATE USES YOUR OWN TAX LOOT to PROSECUTE YOU!!!

And look, I'm ALL FOR JURIES because THEY CAN NULLIFY STOO-PID STATE LAWS; however, that is the point of the title: WE NEED LESS LAWS and LAWYERING here!

Hey, I served my time on one; got excused because I knew the kid charged with the DUI. Played hoop with him a few times. So don't even go there, state.

"Law’s long arm finds shirkers of jury duty; New system snags twice as many" by Jonathan Saltzman, Globe Staff | October 5, 2009

This is what happens every week in Massachusetts to people who fail to show up for jury duty. Instead of going to court and perhaps being picked for a jury in a criminal or civil trial, they go to court and squirm while explaining to a clerk-magistrate why they ignored repeated notices to perform their civic duty. Jury-duty scofflaws who skip the hearing and ignore further notices can end up being arrested.

Yeah, it is not like we have any RAPES, ROBBERIES, or MURDERS to solve.

Let's GO AFTER PEOPLE so they will PAY FINES, huh?

Sig Heil, Bay-Stater!!!!!

Due to a $1.2 million computer software system that the state Office of the Jury Commissioner installed in 2006, officials boast that they track down more no-shows, by updating current addresses faster....


See: Welcome to Western New England: Fascachusetts

Yup, I LOVE MY LITTLE "liberal" DemocraPic fiefdom, don't you?

And yet they CAN'T TRACK DOWN -- hell, they protect -- ILLEGALS or anything -- but they GOT YOUR ADDRESS, citizen!!!

For more than a decade, Massachusetts has quietly cracked down on the tens of thousands of people who shirk jury duty, hauling them into courthouses across the state. The goal, say officials, is not to embarrass or charge them but to prod them to serve.

“We realize it’s an inconvenience. We realize it’s a disruption in their daily routines,’’ said Pamela J. Wood, jury commissioner since 2003. “But it’s important that we get every eligible citizen into the courthouse to serve as a potential juror.’’

Yeah, when you read more of this piece you find this is about AGENDA-PUSHING "diversity" not a TRIAL by your PEERS!!

When it comes to Massachusetts government, we are first in serving the Zionist agenda. We've been a test lab for decades.

Massachusetts has an advantage when pursuing delinquent jurors. It is among a handful of states with a central office that oversees jury duty, according to the National Center for State Courts. Most states leave that function to counties. Wood also said that as far as she knows, Massachusetts is unique in vowing to track down every scofflaw....

Using YOUR TAX MONEY, folks -- as they SLASH SERVICES!!!!
