Well, SOME SICK-S*** LAWYER must have caught some wind:
"Soldier appeals Abu Ghraib conviction" by David Dishneau, Associated Press | October 15, 2009
WASHINGTON - A female soldier who was photographed giving a smiling “thumbs-up’’ beside a pyramid of naked Abu Ghraib detainees should have her criminal conviction overturned because parading prisoners in the nude was apparently Army policy, her lawyer told the military’s highest court yesterday.
Yeah, ISN'T SHE a cutie!
That's not a pyramid; that's a DEAD GUY!
So WHEN DOES the GANG of SEVEN start seeing a TRIAL?
"In addition to Bush, suspects in the alleged conspiracy include a who’s who of top officials in Bush’s first term, principally Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell, John Ashcroft, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet and their aides, says ABC News."
Defense attorney Frank J. Spinner also told the US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces it was like “a fraternity-type prank’’ when former Army Specialist Sabrina D. Harman helped place a hooded detainee atop a box with electrical wires in his hands....
If that is a "fraternity prank" then FRATERNITIES are bastions of SICK ELITISTS!
Harman, 32, of Lorton, Va., served three months of a six-month prison sentence after her conviction in 2005.
That's ALL?
She also was reduced in rank to private and faces a bad-conduct discharge unless her appeal succeeds.
Oh, what hard punishment!
I suggest this instead: