Photo #1:
"CATCH THE DRIFT -- Randy Holbrook shoveled snow as a storm hit Billings, Mont., yesterday. The storm dropped a few inches of snow, causing numerous fender benders and temperatures to drop before heading into Wyoming, the Billings Gazette reported."
Yes, the global-warming agenda-pushers down at the Boston Globe wouldn't want the web world to know that!
Like this: Snow in Chicago
Nor this:
What happened to global warming?
This headline may come as a bit of a surprise, so too might that fact that the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998. But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures. And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise. So what on Earth is going on?
Yeah, that would INTERRUPT the agenda-pushing bulls*** and lies, wouldn't it?
I'm kind of hurt over all the omissions and lies this morning, readers, and this next one is at the top of my list:
Photo #2:
"MIDEAST CLASHES FLARE -- When President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize yesterday, his Mideast envoy George Mitchell, was hard at work in Jerusalem trying to revive a faltering peace process on which Obama has staked his credibility and that of the United States.
Sorry, AmeriKa, but he's lost that.
Here is why:
Israel's refusal to freeze settlement construction, a Palestinian refusal to resume peace talks without that freeze, and widespread predictions of failure overshadowed Mitchell's meetings with Israeli and Palestinian leaders -- underscoring the tough road ahead for the Obama administration's Mideast peace ambitions.
Which tells you who is running who.
In East Jerusalem, Israeli riot police (top photo) blocked an alleyway to prevent media coverage of the arrest by an undercover police of alleged Palestinian stone-throwers during clashes. A Palestinian youth prepared to hurl a stone at Israeli forces in East Jerusalem."
But why, Globe?
Why no big deal about blocked media coverage?
Why no big deal that it is STICKS and STONES against TANKS, PLANES, WMD, etc, etc!
Of course, I'm not surprised in the least.
What else the Zionist AmeriKan papers are ignoring:
Tension over control of the Haram al Sharif compound of mosques in Jerusalem’s Old City has reached a pitch unseen since clashes at the site sparked the second intifada nine years ago.
Ten days of intermittently bloody clashes between Palestinians and Israeli security forces in Jerusalem culminated yesterday in warnings by Palestinian officials that Israel was “sparking a fire” in the city. Israel’s Jerusalem Post newspaper similarly wondered whether a third intifada was imminent.
"Tensions Mount Again at Al-Aqsa A Third Intifada?
Concerned that most Palestinians can no longer access the mosques, Salah has taken it on himself to campaign against Israeli moves under the banner "Al-Aqsa is in danger", urging Israel’s Palestinian minority to protect the mosques by increasing their visits and ensuring a strong Islamic presence at the site. Palestinian concerns about Israeli intentions towards the Haram are not without foundation. Israel’s religious and secular leaders have been staking an ever-stronger claim to sovereignty over the compound since the occupation began, despite an original agreement to leave control with Islamic authorities."
"Israel is looking to ethnically cleanse every single Palestinian still breathing out of East Jerusalem, Gaza, and the West Bank. It appears that Israel is deliberately attempting to provoke violence here, to again portray themselves to the world as "the victims" instead of "the perpetrators". It's not going to work." -- Wake the Flock Up
"Falk: The PA betrayed its own people
Richard Falk, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said that that the Palestinian authority (PA) in Ramallah betrayed its own people at a moment when the international community was so close to endorse Goldstone’s report accusing Israel of war crimes in the Gaza Strip. "The Palestinians have betrayed their people, this was a moment when finally the international community endorsed the allegations of war crimes and it would have been an opportunity to vindicate the struggle of the Palestinian people for their rights under international law and for the Palestinian representatives in the UN themselves to seem to undermine this report is an astonishing development," he told al-Jazeera.
"Following al-Aqsa clashes, Israel mulls banning Islamic movement
The Israeli government announced yesterday it would consider banning Israel's Islamic Movement at the next cabinet meeting, in a significant escalation of tensions that have fueled a fortnight of bloody clashes in Jerusalem over access to the Haram al-Sharif compound of mosques. The move followed the arrest of the movement's leader, Sheikh Raed Salah, on Tuesday on suspicion of incitement and sedition. Police accused Sheikh Salah of calling for a "religious war" in recent statements in which he warned that Israel was seeking a takeover of the Haram, which includes the al-Aqsa mosque.
"So, once again, Israel carries out a provocation, waits for a reaction, then uses the reaction to escalate the situation." -- Wake the Flock Up
And where have we seen that, 9/11, before, hmmm?
Updates: Palestinians barred from Old City
Palestinians Urged to Defend Al-Aqsa as Israeli Police on Alert
Yeah, the Boston Globe is reporting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, yeah.
Photo #3 (from Thursday):
"SALVAGING A BUSINESS -- Wet notebooks were left to dry in the sun yesterday in Rizal Province in the Philippines. The notebooks will be sold to junk shops. Several towns were still submerged more than a week after Typhoon Ketsana hit, leaving hundreds dead."
No, instead we get s*** like this:
In Philippines flooding, fast footwork rescued Imelda’s fancy footwear
Yeah, NEVER MIND that it has been RAINING NON-STOP THERE for DAYS, 'eh, web-Globe?
I'm surprised they had any sun, and given the track record of my morning newspaper, I think I may have to check the web. At this point, if they said the sky was blue, readers, I would open the door and check for myself.
Oh, here is one photo they do give you:

Reader Maria Vickers says she is terrified that a Lowell Connector bridge over Interstate 495 in Chelmsford is in such bad shape. The structure was inspected and put on a list for repairs. (Alan Vickers for The Boston Globe)
"I mean, seriously, at a time when the Palestinians are trying to get the United Nations to refer the Goldstone Report to the Hague, who benefits from a shooting at a school bus? Would real Palestinians do something so obviously intended to destroy public sympathy for Gazans? Especially as Israel makes their move on the Temple Mount." -- Wake the Flock Up