Related: No transit route to Afghanistan for Indian trucks: Pak
Interesting considering the timing.
"Pakistani Taliban claim responsibility in Karachi bombing; Militants may be stepping up war against state" by Elena Becatoros, Associated Press | December 31, 2009
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility yesterday for the devastating bombing of a religious procession in Karachi - a rare attack in Pakistan’s commercial hub and a sign that the militants may be escalating their war against the state.
Related: TTP denies hand in Karachi procession attack
Mufti Usmani holds Blackwater responsible for blast
[Now would that be the Blackwater that works for the ISI, or the one that contracts for the CIA, or isn't it all the same?] -- There Are No Sunglasses
[Will the day never come, when the Pakistani people stop taking this sort of abuse by authority figures and the shadowy sectarian outfits associated with them? Do not forget that all of these groups are derivatives of Sipah e-Sahaba, or that Sipah was a creation of the ISI. Over and over we read the same stories in the Pakistani press about murders, arsons and rioting directed against non-Sunni groups, while the police hide and the fire departments are attacked. Pakistan, you know who is doing this and you know that elements within your own government are either encouraging it, or allowing it to happen. The same can be said with all these terror bombings attributed to "foreign" sources, even though it is obvious to all that these foreign elements operate with impunity within your country, even though your ISI constantly monitors everything within its realm. When you point the finger for what has happened in Karachi at Israel, India or the United States, do not forget that the ISI is the CIA's primary partner in all of this state terror.] -- Once Again Anti-State Elements Are Given Free Pass To Raise Hell In Karachi
Related: Blame India For Karachi Terror
Pakistan's Evidence Of Indian Terrorism Is Stronger Than Mumbai
You Have to Get Up Pretty Early in the Morning to Fool a Pakistani
Pakistan Being Prepared As Next Patsy
Moronic Neocon Press Calls 3 Terrorists, Islamic “Tet Offensive”
Monday’s bombing, which killed 44 people in the heart of the southern port city, underscored the group’s ability to strike far from its sanctuary in the northwest and its determination to hit back at a government that has launched a military campaign against it.
Sorry, but I'm just NOT BUYING the "Islamic insurgents" -- read: indigenous people against occupation) -- anymore when THIS IS ALL GOVERNMENT CREATED, FUNDED, and DIRECTED "terrorism."
I'll NEVER SEE the WORLD the SAME AGAIN through my Zionist prism. They can print their "official" stories, but I'll never believe them again.
Attacking Karachi “means they’re trying to expand their frontiers of terrorism,’’ said Talat Masood, retired general and military analyst. Although the teeming city of about 15 million has often been the scene of sectarian, ethnic, and political violence, the Pakistani Taliban have rarely claimed any attacks there. Many analysts believe the group has spared it in the past because its militants used the city as a haven to raise money and to rest.
So WHO would want to BOMB THEM, 'eh?
But yesterday, the group announced it was behind the bombing of minority Shi’ite Muslims marking the holy day of Ashoura as they marched through the heart of Karachi.
I don't believe it and you will see why later; however, before we continue WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE what a lying, agenda-pushing, war-promoting press claims is true? Do you continue to believe a proven liar?
“We claim responsibility for the attack on the Shi’ite procession,’’ Asmatullah Shaheen, a Taliban spokesman, said in a phone call from an undisclosed location. He did not give a reason, but said one of the group’s men was sent to Karachi the day before the procession to carry out the bombing....
Oh, no!!!
Was DICK CHENEY with him?
Wouldn't the reporter's cell leave a NUMBER to CALL BACK?
You know where I'm going, readers; now I wonder where the call REALLY came from -- if there ever was one. How sad.
President Asif Ali Zardari has speculated the motive was to spark sectarian conflict that could complicate the government’s battle against the Pakistani Taliban.
Yeah, THERE is a GUY who is BENEFITING from the DIVERSION -- just as Musharaff used to (remember the Red Mosque crisis?)!!
I mean, the CALLS for HIS RESIGNATION have SUBSIDED, 'eh?
Pakistan has a history of violence between extremist elements among its majority Sunni Muslim and minority Shi’ite communities. Although the Taliban are not known for launching sectarian attacks, they have associations with Sunni militant groups that have targeted minority Shiites, whom they regard as heretical.
After a while you just get tired of the same Muslim-hating, agenda-pushing falsehoods covering inside jobs and false flags. I must confess, that's what I immediately think whenever I see this stuff.
It is unclear whether the Taliban carried out the bombing on its own or received help from other militant groups that officials say have a joint goal to destabilize Pakistan.
You know, like BLACKWATER, CIA, etc, etc.
Authorities say sectarian groups have teamed up with Taliban and Al Qaeda militants waging war against the government in a joint effort to destabilize Pakistan....
Karachi lawmaker Farooq Sattar speculated, before the claim of responsibility, that a Taliban strike against Karachi could be the latest retaliation for the military offensive.
“When they see they are losing in the northwest, why wouldn’t they turn to a new front?’’ Sattar said. “After all, they’re fighting the battle for their survival.’’
Which means they are BEING EXTERMINATED and we are NOT READING ABOUT IT in our MSM, America?
The bombing also sparked rioting that destroyed buildings and thousands of shops in central Karachi, causing millions of dollars in damage.
Just what Pakistan needed.
Parts of Bolton Market, the country’s largest wholesale market, were still smoldering yesterday, more than 48 hours after the attack. Mobs roamed the streets after the blast, setting fire to nearby buildings, firing guns into the air, and throwing stones at security forces who had been assigned to protect the procession.
Officials initially blamed Shi’ites in the procession for the rioting but later said it was a planned conspiracy - a stance that may be intended to temper sectarian tensions.
The CODED LANGUAGE in the AmeriKan MSM leads one to believe THEY KNOW what WE KNOW!!!
"Covert action programs, a particularly secret category in which the role of the United States is hidden"
Yes, that explains it.
Also see:
[Just the latest incident of multiple murders, probably using automatic weapons, associated with missing or stolen bikes. All the assassinations of generals taking place lately have been on motorcycles, just like the recent "hit" in Karachi, where ISI i.d.s were recovered from the assailants.] -- More Motorcycles and Murder In Karachi
Globe didn't tell me about that. But they did tell me the U.N. is moving out -- among other things:
"Soldiers raided a hospital used by militants in South Waziristan yesterday, killing five foreign fighters, intelligence officials said. The troops captured 27 militants, 10 of whom were wounded in a gun battle that broke out during the raid, they said."
Ummm, sorry, I do NOT CARE WHOSE HOSPITAL it was, THAT is a WAR CRIME!!!!
Related: Afghanistan Doctor Prescribes Destruction of His Own Clinic
AmeriKans Raiding Afghan Hospitals
Oh, yeah, LEAVIN'!!!!
"Attacks prompt UN to move staff out of Pakistan; 5 Americans to appear in court Monday" by Sebastian Abbot, Associated Press | January 1, 2010
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - The United Nations plans to temporarily relocate some of its international staff outside of Pakistan for security reasons after attacks that have killed at least 11 of its personnel in the country this year, a spokeswoman said yesterday.
The move comes about two months after the United Nations decided to suspend long-term development work in volatile areas near the Afghan border. Both decisions could complicate international efforts to win hearts and minds in Pakistan, where a raging Taliban-led insurgency has killed more than 500 people in the past 2 1/2 months....
Missiles, bombs, raids, refugee camps, etc, tend to do that awful quick!
The United Nations has continued to work with the Pakistani government to determine how to realign its programs to focus on more short-term needs because of the deteriorating security situation, said spokeswoman Ishrat Rizvi. The United Nations has been deeply involved in helping Pakistan deal with refugee crises resulting from army offensives against militants.
Yeah, we NEVER SEEM to READ MUCH about THAT!
It's ALWAYS "suiciders" and Taliban!
How many people has the army sacrificed on the AmeriKan alter of lies, huh?
But its personnel have been targeted in a string of attacks, including a bombing by the Pakistani Taliban in early October targeting the World Food Program’s office in Islamabad that killed five people. Militant attacks on various targets in Pakistan have spiked since mid-October when the army launched a major ground offensive in South Waziristan, the Pakistani Taliban’s main stronghold near the Afghan border. The military has secured much of the territory in the area, but operations continue.
Soldiers raided a hospital used by militants in South Waziristan yesterday, killing five foreign fighters, intelligence officials said. The troops captured 27 militants, 10 of whom were wounded in a gun battle that broke out during the raid, they said.
War crime.
It was unclear whether the troops suffered any casualties, the officials said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media. Many militants are believed to have fled South Waziristan to avoid the fighting and have been launching attacks in different areas of the country....
Meanwhile, Pakistani police said they plan to ask a court Monday to charge five Americans arrested in early December with terrorism, and will seek life sentences against them.
Related: Pakistan Being Prepared As Next Patsy
Oh, they REEK of CIA, readers!!!!!
The young Muslim men, who are from the Washington, D.C., area, were captured in Sargodha in a case that has spurred fears that Westerners are traveling to Pakistan to join militant groups.
And Washington has been UNUSUALLY SILENT on them -- as opposed to the hikers in Iran.
And just like CUI BONO clockwork!
"Bomber kills 75 at Pakistan playground; Attack is called retaliation for Taliban resistance" by Ismail Khan and Richard A. Oppel Jr., New York Times | January 2, 2010
PESHAWAR, Pakistan - Taliban militants underscored yesterday their determination to prevent Pakistani citizens from forming armed militias to keep them at bay, as a suicide bomber rammed a truck loaded with hundreds of pounds of explosives into families and children crowded on a playground in the northwest.
Oh, I'm sorry, but this has the ABSOLUTE STENCH of a FALSE FLAG!
[Once again the people of Pakistan are paying the price for the incompetence of the Pak Army in operation Rah e-Nijat. All that was really accomplished was the seizing of a bunch of weapons, herding of militants into other areas, the killing of civilians and the conversion of millions of simple hill-folk into refugees. Kayani and the rest of the generals knew when they started this that they were not there to kill militants, but to antagonize them, while pleasing their US masters. Today's slaughter on the playing field was as much the fault of the backers of the terrorist as it was the guy with the bomb, this includes the authority figures who allowed it. Pakistan is coming apart at the seams and it is Pakistani hands that are doing the cutting.] -- Pakistan volleyball crowd ‘hit by suicide bomber’
Related: Blackwater and MQM’s Hallmarks on Karachi Fire – Bombings
Local authorities said they had little doubt that the village, Shah Hassan Khel, was chosen because residents were forming a progovernment militia. The village is at the edge of the tribal area of South Waziristan, where the military opened an offensive to break up Taliban strongholds in October. The bombing killed as many as 75 people and wounded scores more, making it one of the deadliest in a string of suicide attacks that have killed more than 500 Pakistanis since October. The blast was so powerful that it left a number of victims buried under rubble and the authorities uncertain exactly how many had died.
The strike was all the more devastating, as the bomber did not choose the most obvious target: a meeting underway of local leaders of the new militia. Instead, he drove his double-cabin pickup into the middle of a nearby playing field where teams were playing volleyball. The explosion collapsed homes surrounding the field....
WTF? I don't know what this was, but I'm doubting "suicider."
Two anti-Taliban militia leaders have been killed in the past week in Bajaur as Taliban forces have regained strength in the northernmost part of the country’s tribal areas. “The terrorists are losing the battle and that’s why they have turned to terrorizing the civilians,’’ said the information minister for North-West Frontier Province, Mian Iftikhar Hussain.
Not the "insurgents."
Related: Drone attacks: challenging some fabrications
When you UNDERSTAND that TTP WORKS for the CIA and ISI, well, IT ALL MAKES SENSE, doesn't it?
The attack yesterday was clearly also, in the view of local officials, retribution for the villagers’ willingness to throw their lot in with the government and organize an anti-Taliban militia.
Janan said militants were angry with the residents of Shah Hassan Khel for forming what the locals called a “peace committee’’ to fend off the insurgents. “They are thugs who claim to be Taliban,’’ he said of the militants. “They kidnap people for ransom.’’
Call that what you want, but it's not religious zealotry.
Let's see if the day-before web draw was better than the BG's NYT update.
"Police: Suicide bombing kills 75 in NW Pakistan" by Riaz Khan and Asif Shahzad, Associated Press Writers | January 1, 2010

In this image made from video, people sit beside a victim of a suicide bombing at a local hospital in Lakki Marwat, Pakistan, Friday, Jan. 1, 2010. A suicide bomber set off an explosives-laden vehicle on a field during a volleyball tournament Friday in northwest Pakistan, killing scores of people and wounding dozens, police said. (AP Photo/Dunya News)
The true victims of nefarious cloak-and dagger lies.
PESHAWAR, Pakistan --A suicide bomber detonated his explosives-packed vehicle in a crowd of people watching a volleyball tournament Friday in northwest Pakistan, killing 75 people in the deadliest attack in the country in more than two months.
That just DOESN'T MAKE SENSE, readers!!!
The attack in Lakki Marwat city appeared to be retaliation against residents who formed militias to drive militants out of the area and a meeting of anti-Taliban leaders being held nearby may have been the actual target, police said....
Why are "suiciders" always the most inept incompetents on the planet?
No group claimed responsibility for Friday's blast, but that is not uncommon when large numbers of civilians are killed....
Local police chief Ayub Khan told The Associated Press by phone:
"We had security there. We had it for the meeting, and for the tournament."
Again, there is ALWAYS a "security" lapse!
Regional Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain reiterated the government's resolve to target militants wherever they may be, saying "we need to be more offensive to fight them."
Again, CUI BONO?
The attack was the deadliest since a car bomb killed 112 people at a crowded market in Peshawar on Oct. 28. Karachi, the country's largest city, came to a virtual standstill Friday after religious and political leaders called for a general strike to protest a bombing that killed 44 people and subsequent riots. The city's major markets, stores and business centers were closed, along with financial institutions that had already planned to shut for New Year's Day. Public transportation was halted and gas stations were closed.
That is what YOU NEED TO DO, America!!
Monday's bombing occurred in the midst of a procession of minority Shiite Muslims during the Islamic holy month of Muharram. Afterward, angry protesters went on a rampage, setting fires to about 2,000 stores that took three days to completely put out.
Interior Minister Rehman Malik, on a visit to Karachi, said investigators were still determining if the attack was a suicide bombing.
And HOW did the NYT MISS ALL THIS, huh?
He also questioned the claim of a purported Taliban spokesman, Asmatullah Shaheen, that the militant group was behind the attack. Local news reports on Friday quoted a more prominent Taliban spokesman, Azam Tariq, as denying that the Pakistani Taliban's central leadership had approved the attack, though he did not rule out the possibility that Shaheen's group had carried it out without approval.
Also Friday, a suspected U.S. missile struck a car carrying alleged militants in North Waziristan tribal region, killing three men, two intelligence officials said. It was the second such strike in less than a day.
Yeah, those MISSILE STRIKES SURE are QUIET, 'eh, readers?
The strikes are part of the U.S. campaign to eliminate high-value militant targets that use Pakistan as a safe haven to plan attacks in neighboring Afghanistan and on the West.
"44 US drone hits in Pakistan killed 700 civilians in 2009
The Peninsula | January 2, 2010
PESHAWAR: Of the 44 Predator strikes carried out by the American drones in the tribal areas of Pakistan in 12 months of 2009, only five were able to hit their actual targets, killing five key Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders, but at the cost of around 700 innocent civilian lives.
According to the figures compiled by the Pakistani authorities, the Afghanistan-based US drones killed 708 people in 44 predator attacks targeting the Pakistani tribal areas between January 1 and December 31, 2009. For each Al Qaeda and Taliban terrorist killed by the American drones, 140 civilian Pakistanis also had to die. Over 90 percent of those killed in the deadly missile strikes were innocent civilians....
That is BLOOD on YOUR HANDS, Obama!!!
And WE call THEM "terrorists?"
Friday's strike happened near Mir Ali, a major town in the region, two intelligence officials said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the record. Shortly afterward, Taliban fighters arrived at the scene of the attack in the village of Ghundi and moved the bodies to an undisclosed location, the officials said. Thursday's missile strike was also near Mir Ali, hitting a house and killing three people.
And the BG via the NYT MISSED all this?
U.S. officials rarely discuss the strikes, and Pakistan publicly condemns them, though it is widely believed to aid them secretly.
Elsewhere in the northwest, a roadside bomb exploded near a car in the Bajur tribal region, killing an anti-Taliban tribal elder and five of his family members, said Nasib Shah, a local government official. Bajur was the focus of a 2008-09 army offensive but still suffers some militant violence....
Does it seem like the WAR is EXPANDING before your READING EYES or WHAT?
Other things the AmeriKan MSM didn't or won't tell you:
"NATO Fuel Tankers Attacked by Gunmen in Pakistan On Friday Gunmen attacked two tankers which were driving through Pakistan’s Baluchistan province. The tankers were traveling to Afghanistan to supply fuel to the NATO troops stationed there...
The Secret US War in Pakistan At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at the center of a secret program in which they plan targeted assassinations of suspected Taliban and Al Qaeda operatives, "snatch and grabs" of high-value targets and other sensitive action inside and outside Pakistan, an investigation by The Nation has found."