Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Boston Globe's Invisible Ink: Blacking Out the Red Cell

Never appeared in my printed paper.

"Leaked paper cites homegrown terrorists" by Washington Post | August 26, 2010

WASHINGTON — America has long been an exporter of terrorism, according to a secret CIA analysis released yesterday by the website WikiLeaks.

Well, Al-CIA-Duh should know!

: Wikileaks Psyops Takes a New Twist

Wikileaks and the CIA - Third Rate Romance

Wiki-Leaks is Israel


Wikileaks Story Down to a Whisper

AmeriKan MSM Whistling While Wikileaking Lies

MSM Monitor Goes Deaf

Will You Still Love Wikileaks Tomorrow?

I don't love them today.

And if that phenomenon were to become a widely held perception, the analysis said, it could damage relations with allies and dampen their willingness to cooperate in “extrajudicial’’ activities, such as the rendition and interrogation of terrorism suspects.

That is the conclusion of the three-page classified paper produced in February by the CIA’s Red Cell, a think tank set up after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks by then-CIA Director George Tenet to provide “out-of-the-box’’ analyses on “a full range of analytic issues.’’

Titled “What If Foreigners See the United States as an ‘Exporter of Terrorism?’ ’’ the paper cites Pakistani-American David Headley, among others, to make its case. This year Headley pleaded guilty to conducting surveillance in support of the 2008 Lashkar-i-Taiba attacks in Mumbai, which killed more than 160 people.

Related: FBI Case File: Heading to Chicago


Such exports are not new, the paper said. In 1994, an American-Jewish doctor, Baruch Goldstein, immigrated to Israel, joined the extremist group Kach, and killed 29 Palestinians praying at a mosque, it said.

And the CIA hasn't even focused on the mass-murdering state terrorism built on lies.

Marie Harf, CIA spokeswoman, played down the significance of the paper: “These sorts of analytic products — clearly identified as coming from the Agency’s ‘Red Cell’ — are designed simply to provoke thought and present different points of view.’’


Also consider

"[The CIA "leaked" document, allegedly about the dangers of American support for terrorism weakening public support for the organized aggression, is an exercise in misleading an inquisitive American public into ignoring the real state supported terrorism emanating from Washington, London and Tel Aviv. Such disinformation in the past has been labeled a "red herring," for the typical stink and misdirection presented, distracting the observer from less odoriferous, though more threatening issues. It has been purposely leaked from Wikileaks to give it substance, where it clearly has none. There isn't a single word in the alleged internal memo from the working minds of the CIA spooks about the prominent role played by American support for "Islamist" terrorism throughout the world, nor support for the countless other non-Islamic terror groups murdering civilians to force America's will upon the world.

Every revelation that has come to us from Wikileaks has been this way, devoid of anything really incriminating about the greatest source of state terrorism in the history of the world, while painting a very ugly picture of America's greatest ally, Pakistan, the next target for American military actions. Stop looking for an attack upon Iran. Look to where American "Islamists" are softening-up the next Muslim nation at the top of the US hit list. Wikileaks is making it all possible.] -- Wiki CIA Red Cell Memorandum–Manufactured Disinformation

[This memo advised that antiwar sentiment in Germany and France could drive the governments to withdraw support for the war if their casualties rise. It also suggested that public perceptions on the plight of Afghan (and Pakistani?) women could drive American emotions towards supporting the continued American aggression as a path to protecting Afghanistan's females. There has been a wave of attacks upon girls and girls' schools since then, specifically in the two areas that are marked for new US military action, North Afghanistan and Western Balochistan Province in Pakistan. The brutal attacks have been in the form of poison gas attacks northeast of Kabul near the Panjshir Valley (the "safest area in Afghanistan") and acid thrown in girls' faces near Quetta, Balochistan. Either the Taliban are mind-readers, or someone with access to the memo has used it as a signal to commit terrorist attacks upon girls. If this memo had been made available to the Taliban then it would explain the connection, but, since we are allegedly at war with this militant force, then logic would suggest that this explanation is ridiculous. On the other hand, history is replete with examples where "militant Islamists" have attacked America's adversaries, justifying military action against them, miraculously putting American military forces where they wanted to be, but couldn't quite get there on their own (SEE: America’s “Islamists” Go Where Oilmen Fear to Tread).] -- Wiki’s Last CIA “Red Cell” Leak, 29 Mar 2010, Delayed US Summer Offensive