Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Clinton at the CFR

I'm sure she felt right at home.

"Clinton seizes ‘new American moment’; Defends Obama foreign policy, global role of US" by Glenn Kessler, Washington Post | September 9, 2010

WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton declared yesterday that “a new American moment’’ had arrived in international relations, “a moment when our global leadership is essential, even if we must often lead in new ways.’’

Sort of like a
New AmeriKan Century, huh?

In a lengthy speech at the Council on Foreign Relations defending the Obama administration’s foreign policy approach, Clinton said that “this is a moment that must be seized — through hard work and bold decisions — to lay the foundations for lasting American leadership for decades to come.’’

That is SCARY TALK to me, Madame Secretary!

Critics have said that the administration’s diplomacy has yielded little on such difficult issues as Israeli-Palestinian peace and Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons. But Clinton argued the opposite, saying substantial progress had been made on those fronts through “classic shoe-leather diplomacy.’’ She urged patience, saying the fruits of the administration’s labors will not be apparent for some time.

Do you know that MY PATIENCE is EXHAUSTED?

Happened a FEW YEARS AGO near as I can tell!!

Answering questions from the audience after her speech, Clinton took a shot at the Iranian government. “I don’t think there’s any doubt that Iran is morphing into a military dictatorship with a, you know, sort of religious ideological veneer,’’ she said. “And I don’t think that’s what the Iranian revolution for a republic of Iran, an Islamic republic of Iran, was ever meant to become.’’

I'm sorry, world. I am totally offended by what she said and profusely apologize.

I wonder if Iran's political candidates are insurgents like those the establishment Ms. Clinton serves despises here at home.

But she said that the United States is trying to strike a balance — being publicly supportive of efforts in Iran to promote democracy without doing anything to “either endanger or undermine those very same people.’’

It's the reverse Midas effect: everything we touch turns to s***.

The speech in many ways marks Clinton’s emergence as a foreign-policy leader in the administration at a time when President Obama is consumed with the lagging domestic economy and the upcoming midterm elections....

No wonder or foreign policy is so screwed up; Obomber has ceded it to the co-president here.

I wouldn't bet against her beating him in 2012.

After more than 18 months on the job, Clinton appears to have a renewed appreciation for the United States’ role in the world.

“This is no argument for America to go it alone, far from it,’’ Clinton said. “The world looks to us because America has the reach and resolve to mobilize the shared effort needed to solve problems on a global scale — in defense of our own interests, but also as a force for progress. In this we have no rival.’’

Tell that to the people and villages we have smashed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

And what should have come after her big but was Israel comes first.


And look who else paid a visit

"Imam says NYC mosque site is not 'hallowed ground'" by Jennifer Peltz, Associated Press Writer | September 13, 2010

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, telling an audience at the Council on Foreign Relations think tank....

Huh. that is an he unusual place for him to speak -- or not.

The project has become a flashpoint for worldwide debate about Islam's place in America nine years after the Sept. 11 attacks. The controversy has colored the fall campaign season and cast a shadow on this past weekend's commemoration of the attacks....

Related: The Rauf Ruse

Negating 9/11

Yeah, in order to reinforce the lie you have blown the much-valued unity upon which wars must be waged.


: Imam says NY mosque site not ‘hallowed ground’ (By Anne Barnard, New York Times)

I don't read NYT s*** if I don't have to.