Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day at the Ohio Zoo

Has to be better than Franklin Park.

"Some state laws are lax on exotic pets" by Julie Carr Smyth, Associated Press | September 5, 2010

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The killer bear that recently killed a caretaker in a Cleveland suburb was the latest example of animal violence in a state that has some of the nation’s weakest restrictions on exotic pets and among the highest number of injuries and deaths caused by them....

Maybe not.

The death in Ohio and attacks elsewhere — including the maiming of a Connecticut woman by her friend’s pet chimpanzee and a 2-year-old Florida girl squeezed to death by her family’s python — highlight the holes in the patchwork of federal, state, and local laws on keeping dangerous wild animals at home....

Just wondering what is wrong with a dog or cat?


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