Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dirty Laundry in Indonesia

I guess Indonesians are not worthy of web coverage since I must post so many forgotten photos or invisible inks.

"WASH AND WARY -- The volcano Mount Sinabung in Tanah Karo, Indonesia, shot ash high into the air yesterday, dusting villages 15 miles away in its most powerful eruption since awakening last week after four centuries of dormancy. Women continued their work in the area, washing their clothes in a small river (Boston Globe September 8 2010)."

That can't be a good sign.

In the background of the photo you can see the impressive volcano plume of gas and ash.

If I didn't know any better I would almost think the newspapers have some sort of bias built into them, but we all know that could not be -- not with AmeriKa's newspapers.