"Baker website deletes supporter’s photo; T-shirt compared Obama to Hitler" by Frank Phillips, Globe Staff | August 17, 2010

The website of Republican gubernatorial candidate Charles D. Baker took down this photo after the Democratic leaders expressed outrage.
Gee, notice their COLOR?!!
Talk about a SET-UP!
The gubernatorial campaign of Republican Charles D. Baker, under pressure from the state Democratic Party, yesterday deleted an online photo of a supporter wearing a T-shirt that compares President Obama to Adolf Hitler.
Yeah, a BLACK online "supporter."
Governor Deval Patrick’s campaign aides jumped on the issue yesterday morning, asserting that the presence of a photo of a woman, with the nametag Tina, wearing the T-shirt — which had pictures of Obama and Hitler and a swastika — was further indication that Baker is courting his party’s fringe elements.
Sorry, Globe, and Democrats, but it has NOTHING to do with RACE!!!!!!
The wording on the shirt said: “HITLER gave good speeches and had his own symbol too.’’ Next to Obama’s photo was the president’s campaign logo. The photo, labeled “MassGOP Summer BBQ,’’ was one of many on a Flickr page that Baker’s campaign controls.
The Massachusetts Democratic Party chairman, John Walsh, issued a statement calling the photo “shocking and offensive,’’ saying Baker should not be promoting such messages.
“While everyone is entitled to their views, a picture of a swastika and a comparison between our president and Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler brings the political discourse to a level of complete absurdity, and if Baker is to preserve any credibility whatsoever in this campaign, he should explain how this photo was approved, apologize, and remove the photo from his website immediately,’’ said Walsh.
Baker campaign spokesman Rick Gorka said the campaign quickly removed the photo after being asked about it by the Globe. He noted that it was one of 1,200 pictures up on the campaign’s Flickr page. He said that it “clearly doesn’t reflect the views of the campaign.’’
“It obviously shouldn’t have been posted online,’’ Gorka said. “It’s clear the Patrick campaign is desperate to change the subject away their failed record and will do whatever it takes to bring this campaign into the gutter.’’
Gorka said the website photo operation is overseen by interns, and that there will be more scrutiny of Flickr by the staff in the future.
Baker is being criticized for his attendance and short speech last month at a rally held by a Republican congressional candidate William Hudak, who stirred controversy in his hometown of Boxford when he placed a poster on his lawn that compared Obama to Osama bin Laden.
You guys are REALLY REACHING NOW!!!!
Democrats must be shitting their pants all across this country for the Globe to be raising these dead men!
Hudak, running in the Sixth District, has also promoted theories held by some on the far right, including that Obama was born in Kenya and is not eligible to be president.
Baker’s courting of conservatives during the 2010 campaign — including his strong support for crackdowns on illegal immigration, his decision to skip a major environmental forum, and his comments questioning human contribution to climate change — has attracted some criticism from moderate Republicans.
As if those positions had anything to do with Hitler or bin Laden!
Sorry, Dems. Maybe you should have had a couple of white Jews wear the shir.... oh, right.