Monday, September 6, 2010

Indonesia On Fire

I would be, too.

"Muslims protest plan to burn Koran

JAKARTA — Thousands of Indonesian Muslims rallied outside the US Embassy yesterday to denounce an American church’s plan to mark the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks by burning copies of the Koran.

That is SUCH DISRESPECTFUL BLASPHEMY, especially when it wasn't Muslims!

The Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla., said it will burn the Islamic holy book to mark the ninth anniversary of the terrorist attacks. Local officials have denied a permit for the bonfire on the grounds, but the center said that won’t stop it (AP)."

I can only apologize for my s***-headed and hateful fellow citizens world.

I try and I try but that petrified excrement is impregnable.

Imagine the reaction were it a Bible being burnt.

Time for a

"2-pack-a-day 2-year-old kicks habit" by Associated Press | September 4, 2010

JAKARTA, Indonesia — Indonesia’s smoking toddler has kicked the habit.

Footage of 2-year-old Aldi Rizal — who smoked up to two packs a day — puffing away circulated the Internet in May and sparked an international outcry.

His parents said he would throw tantrums every time they tried to stop him from lighting up.

Psychologist Seto Mulyadi, who took the child into his home as part of rehabilitation efforts, said yesterday the boy has stopped asking for cigarettes.

He said Aldi picked up the habit because virtually every man in his fishing village in South Sumatra Province smokes.

When removed from that environment and offered a wide range of activities, including playing and drawing, he no longer had the urge, the psychologist said.

Aldi’s father gave him his first cigarette when he was just 18 months old, relatives have said.


Smoke Break in Indonesia

Time to move on.

So those are the most important things happening in Indonesia, agenda-pushing Globe?