Sunday, September 12, 2010

Nazis Had Nukes

Then why didn't they use them like we did?

"Germans plan to keep nuclear plants going" by Associated Press | September 7, 2010

BERLIN — Chancellor Angela Merkel yesterday touted her government’s decision to put off shutdown of the country’s nuclear power plants by an average 12 years as a “revolution of the energy supply’’ in Europe’s largest economy.

But the agreement struck Sunday drew sharp criticism from opposition parties and environmental groups, who said it would increase the risk of a plant accident and undermine the push for more renewable energy.

The plan — which still needs parliamentary approval — is the latest sign of a renewed appetite for nuclear energy in Europe despite controversy over the subject since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.

Yeah, apparently only Iran can't have the stuff.

Merkel’s government has cast the deal as a way to keep energy cheap until more renewable energy is available.

All right, that's it. No more global warming garbage!

Existing coal-fired plants raise concerns about emissions of the greenhouse gases believed to cause global warming, while renewables such as wind remain more expensive than coal or nuclear and now provide only a small part of the country’s needs.

Have plenty of dough to keep troops in Afghanistan though.

The government’s finances, hard hit by the recession and financial crisis, also will benefit from keeping the nuclear plants running longer, through a new levy on utility companies.

How can anyone take a government seriously anymore when it wail$ about environment?


Of course, today's Nazis do have nukes. They are located at Dimona.

But back to yesteryear (pfft).

"Investors sue to push Germany to repay 1920s bonds; Post-World War I securities may be worth billions" by Curt Anderson, Associated Press | September 7, 2010

MIAMI — More than 80 years ago, Germany sold tens of thousands of bonds to American investors in an effort to recover financially from World War I. Later, Adolf Hitler used some of the money raised by those bonds to build the powerful Nazi war machine that would ravage Europe during World War II.

Now, a half-dozen US bondholders are turning to federal courts in an effort to force Germany to make good on its promise to repay the debts, which today could be worth billions of dollars....

Also see: World Works Harder For Holocaust™ Extortion Racket

It never ends.

If the bondholders ultimately win, their lawyers could ask judges to seize German assets in the United States to repay them, a tactic that has worked in other legal disputes over money owed by foreign governments.

But if Germany prevails, the bondholders argue, it could undermine the global system through which governments raise money by issuing bonds.

“Our position is not only correct under the law, it would avoid such a potentially far-reaching precedent,’’ said Sam Dubbin of Coral Gables, a lawyer who has represented Holocaust survivors in Nazi-related claims....

Somehow I knew they were behind this.

Germany also has argued it is not subject to US court rulings regarding its bonds, a stance rejected by federal appeals courts in Atlanta and New York. If Germany ultimately loses in American courts and still refuses to pay the bondholders, their US attorneys could ask judges to seize German assets or ask German courts to enforce the judgment.

Richard Buxbaum, an international law professor at the University of California at Berkeley, said a US judge will decide whether Germany’s system of authenticating the securities passes US constitutional muster.

The court battles are only the latest intrigue to surround the bonds, first issued by Weimar Republic in the 1920s as Germany struggled to recover from World War I. The bonds were sold in the United States from 1924 to 1930 to help Germany invest in projects and pay war reparations. Investors were told the bonds were guaranteed safe.

Things changed after 1933, when Hitler and the Nazis rose to power. Hitler defaulted on the bonds, causing them to plummet in value.

Oh, did he ever piss off the bankers then. Now the whole history and focus on the man is obvious.

Related: Sunday Globe Railroads France

Then, Germany began quietly buying them up for pennies on the dollar before World War II began in 1939, stashing thousands in bank vaults and reselling others.

Germany got to keep all the money raised through the bond sales, leaving investors in the cold.

And now we understand why Zionist gate-keepers of history have demonized Nazi Germany.

I'm not saying they were a bunch of great guys; however, NOTHING is as it is TOLD TO US by our schools and MSM!!!

And Hitler was able to use a chunk of the money “to rebuild Germany’s war machine,’’ according to Dubbin’s lawsuit.



Hitler’s freedom from International Debt Slavery

This is an aspect of WW2 history we have touched on many times here at WRH. Adolf Hitler, regardless of his later failings, pulled off a major economic miracle for the German people when he kicked out the reserve-style system of banking imposed on Germany after WWI and reverted to a value-based currency issued by the government for the use of the people free of interest charges. This was the exact same system implemented by America's Founding Fathers, restored by Andrew Jackson, then later restarted by Abraham Lincoln. In the 1960s, John F. Kennedy would attempt to follow suit.

The response of the bankers against Germany (and also in America) was a concerted effort to destroy the new German economy before the people of the world realized the advantages of a society without a private central bank enslaving the general populace.

It was this boycott against Germany, creating starvation and hardship (much as present-day Israel imposes on Gaza) that created the anger and resentment Hitler would later use to mount WWII. In hindsight, had the bankers not tried to force their way into control of Germany's economy, WWII might well have been avoided. But no sacrifice, certainly nothing so trivial as the violent deaths of 50 million people, is too great a price to pay if it plunges the world back into the servitude of the bankers!

As for America, we have had three Presidents who, like Hitler, tried to free the nation from the clutches of the private bankers, who print up money out of thin air, then loan it to the people at interest.

The first was Andrew Jackson.

"Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out." -- Andrew Jackson

Following Jackson's annulment of the private bank charter, there was an attempted assassination which failed when both pistols failed to fire.

Abraham Lincoln was not so lucky. Lincoln funded the civil war with Greenbacks issued by Lincoln with the explanation that he did not intend to free the black people by enslaving the white people to the bankers. The Greenback was so successful that Lincoln announced his intention to keep it after the war. Then Lincoln was assassinated, and Congress withdrew the greenbacks, delivering the nation and its people back into the clutches of the private central bank.

John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110, issuing a new silver-backed public currency called the U.S. Note. Five months later Kennedy was shot in Dallas, and in a very telling move, John J. McCloy, President of Chase Manhattan Bank and President of the World Bank, was made a member of the Warren Commission.

All this suffering, all these wars, all this misery arises from a small group of individuals who have arrogated to themselves the power to print money out of thin air, then loan it to the world at full face value plus interest, drowning the planet in debt; perpetual bondage to the reality that the money owed to the bankers simply never existed in the first place.

And rather than loose their grip on the people, rather than to stop sucking on the necks of their victims, the bankers will start a new World War, not even caring which side wins or loses, because wars creates more debt, and imposed debt is the means of enslaving the entire planet." -- Wake the Flock Up

And who will the demon be this time, AmeriKa?