Sunday, September 19, 2010

New Hampshire Will Tattoo Your Ass


"Four accused of enticing teen to get tattoo

Police say four men enticed a 14-year-old boy to get a tattoo on his buttocks, saying they would not pick on him anymore if he allowed it. Sergeant John Thomas of the Concord police said yesterday that the boy was tattooed May 10 with “a derogatory image and words.’’

Isn't that bullying?

It is against the law in New Hampshire to tattoo anyone under 18. Arrested were Blake Vannest and Travis Johnston, both 18; Ryan Fisk, 19; and Donald Wyman, 20; all are from Concord (AP)."

"Men charged in tattoo case headed to jail

One of four New Hampshire men charged with bullying a Concord High student into getting a lewd tattoo on his buttocks is going to jail.

When do the mass-murdering war-criminal liars start going to jail?

The Concord Monitor says Donald Wyman, 20, was sentenced to 45 days in jail after he pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor charges stemming from the May tattooing of the Concord freshman. Wyman will also be required to perform 200 hours of community service and complete an antibullying program.

There a section on Israel's conduct in there?

Court documents say a second suspect, Ryan Fisk, 19, also plans to plead guilty and will be given a 45-day jail sentence. Fisk was also ordered to pay to have the tattoo removed.

That hurts worse than the tattoo. They use acid to burn it off.

The victim, now 15, is enrolled in another school (AP)."

South Hadley Teens Bullied Into Courtroom