"At UMass, top rung remains out of reach; Hampered by years of cuts, Amherst campus struggles to draw ranking Bay State students" by Tracy Jan, Globe Staff | September 5, 2010
For the Davises, and thousands of other Bay State families choosing colleges each year, UMass Amherst, the academic flagship of the state system, is simply not good enough....
And I thought it looked good on the resume! This explains a lot!
Instead, the Davises opted to shell out more than twice what it would cost to attend UMass for what they view as a superior education at a leading public institution in another state....
The students aren’t just fleeing to the elite flagships. They are flocking next door to Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire — all of which have seen interest from Massachusetts students soar in the past decade. It is a kind of referendum on public higher education here, and the results aren’t flattering....
Despite improvement efforts that date back generations, UMass Amherst remains firmly lodged among the nation’s second-tier state schools, depleted by years of budget cuts.
Related: Pigs at the State Trough
You see who is well paid down at UMass, right?
The average SAT scores of incoming students, freshman retention rates, and graduation rates lag behind those of its peers. The number of tenured faculty has plummeted. And the school’s endowment is one of the lowest in the country for a public flagship school....
UMass Amherst is seen as a safety school — a college you apply to as a backup in case you aren’t admitted to your dream school or can’t afford your top choice....
What a waste of time and money -- for a f***ing worthless history degree.
Many Massachusetts students say they are unable to overlook the Amherst flagship’s deteriorating concrete buildings....
Which is weird because only six weeks ago the Globe was telling me how great the development and construction was at UMass.
Whatever lie suits the agenda at the specific point in time, huh, Glob?
Many students who look out of state also say they are drawn to the school spirit that pervades public campuses like Michigan, Wisconsin, UConn, and UNC — universities with winning athletic programs that attract national attention and name recognition.
No wonder AmeriKan society is a piece of shit!
I suppose that and the CHUG-a-LUG CONTESTS are the determining factor, huh?
The UMass football team competes out of the limelight in the Division 1 Football Championship Subdivision.
Do you know how SICK I AM of FOOTBALL?
Also see: No More Games in Mansfield

Well, the kids are getting an education about what is REALLY IMPORTANT in AmeriKa!
“It’s a lot more fun to cheer when you have 70,000 other people cheering with you,’’ said Matt Elkin, a Boston Latin School graduate who chose the University of Wisconsin over UMass in part because of the campus pride generated by the Badgers’ football, basketball, and hockey teams.
Related: Former basketball star Robinson convicted
And what about the CLASSES?
Isn't that WHY you are SUPPOSED to be there?
UMass leaders acknowledge the reality that sub-par athletic programs and facilities hinder its ability to draw certain groups of students.
“You have to be able to step back and look at yourself the way others see you from outside,’’ said UMass president Jack Wilson.
This is the SAME GUY pulling down $500,000 a YEAR, right?
Take a good look, Jack.
Even some who end up enrolling at UMass feel, at least initially, as though they are settling for less.
They feel that way because they are settling for less.
Joshua Zuber was accepted to his first pick, Boston College, but is entering UMass this fall because it is the best his family could afford.
You are NOT HAPPY when that is the case, believe me.
In fact, you begin to become resentful.
“UMass has that party reputation. It wasn’t something I was looking to be around,’’ said Zuber, who graduated from Dartmouth High with a 4.0 average. “I felt like I could go to a really good school for how hard I worked. It was more of a pride thing.’’
That's why it is AFFECTIONATELY KNOWN around here as ZooMass!!!
Related: Boston Globe Summer School: Checking in at College
Just don't do it in Massachusetts, please.
And here is something that should blow a hole through that smug, self-righteous Yankee arrogance:
"Higher education chief decries cuts in funding" by Tracy Jan, Globe Staff | September 9, 2010
Between 2004 and 2009, Massachusetts has slashed funding per student by 13.3 percent, while nationally, per-student funding rose by 4 percent. Campuses try to compensate for that by raising fees, but they can do only so much before public colleges are no longer affordable.
Did you SEE how many SIX-FIGURE SALARIES UMass is doling out?
Also see: Career schools may lose loans
MIT to expand enrollment with $24m gift from alumnus
Campus harvests
School on the mend
$30m Reform Jewish day school opens in Dedham
Related: Boston Globe School Daze: Jews Tutor Catholics
Yeah, that can't be making things safe.
"PCB levels shut Lexington school; Parents want assurances before building reopens" by Katrina Ballard, Globe Correspondent | September 3, 2010
Construction crews and consultants returned to Joseph Estabrook Elementary School in Lexington yesterday to blow fresh air into the building after finding higher than expected levels of toxic chemicals earlier this week....
Tests last spring found that the school had unsafe levels of the chemical in the caulking. A cleanup was supposed to be completed before school started Tuesday, but as classes resumed for the year, the Lexington Health Division measured even higher unsafe levels of PCBs in some rooms, said Pat Goddard, the schools’ director of public facilities. Angela Gharabegian, who has daughters at Estabrook in first and third grades, said at the Wednesday meeting that she no longer trusts Superintendent Paul Ash’s judgment because he allowed students to enter the contaminated building when school started....
Yup, just LOOKING OUT for the KIDS, right?
Ash said he did not close school because a representative of the Environmental Protection Agency for New England, Kim Tisa, said that if the levels of PCBs are above certain “screening’’ numbers, the building should be examined but not necessarily closed....
This is the SAME EPA looking to slap a CARBON TAX on you over a lie!!
Yeah, even the EPA doesn't give a s*** about your kids.
Related: Obama's EPA
And you thought it would be better than Bush.
Also see: A project for Bush: Clean energy
Then why did he get such a bad rap as an oilman, huh?
Ash said that if he decided to keep the school open, children currently attending Estabrook would have to continue their education there because the district is already tight on space....
You now, I noticed we ALWAYS HAVE enough MONEY and SPACE for WARS, Wall Street, and Israel!
What you notice most in the agenda-pushing, one-sided Boston Globe articles is that PARENTS COULD CARE LESS about the health of their kids here!
"High PCB levels force Lexington school to close doors; Field trips slated as town awaits test results" by Katrina Ballard, Globe Correspondent | September 4, 2010
Students will not attend classes at the Joseph Estabrook elementary school in Lexington next week while officials deal with potentially unsafe levels of polychlorinated biphenyls in the building.
Related: Massachusetts' BPA
School will be canceled on Tuesday, following the Labor Day holiday, Superintendent Paul Ash said yesterday. Students will attend educational field trips on Wednesday and Friday.
I'm sure that will make the kids happy.
The school will be closed Thursday for Rosh Hashana....
That is to be expected in our Zionist-dominated and brainwashed society.
PCBs are believed to harm the immune and reproductive systems. Studies have linked them to cancer, according to the EPA.
But send the kids into the school anyway, EPA!
"High PCB levels may force temporary move of Lexington pupils" by Katrina Ballard, Globe Correspondent | September 8, 2010
LEXINGTON — Parents at Joseph Estabrook Elementary School were told last night that they may have to send their children to one of seven other buildings or even a private space if tests show a toxic chemical found at the school has not been brought below acceptable levels.
I wouldn't send my kid in there now no matter what they said. Like government would ever tell the truth!
At a School Committee meeting last night, Superintendent Paul Ash said administrators have established four options to redistribute Estabrook pupils if levels of polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, remain above Environmental Protection Agency guidelines.
The options include moving all 455 pupils and staff to the Lexington High School field house, sending them to other schools by grade level, sharing one other elementary school in double sessions, or finding an as-yet-to determined private space....
And HOW MUCH is this going to COST TAXPAYERS?
Ash added that he did not know how much each option for redistributing the schoolchildren would cost, and he acknowledged that there are some problems with all of the alternatives.
“There are a lot of awful things that could happen when trying to cram 455 kids into overcapacity buildings,’’ Ash said.
Wouldn't that VIOLATE FIRE CODES and the like?
Btw, how does the FOOTBALL TEAM LOOK this year?
Parents at last night’s meeting, however, said they appreciated the school administration’s efforts to devise a contingency plan in case the tests come back at unacceptable levels....
How much did you pay for this PoS school, Lexington?
Related: Maligned for decades, City Hall Plaza to get EPA-aided makeover
Yeah, I guess the EPA has better things to do than look after the safety and health of your kids!--more--"
Of course, having gone through it myself I know they TEACH that GOVERNMENT is the SAVIOR and SOLVER of ALL PROBLEMS!
In short, kids, you EJERKASHUN is a LIE!
Update (since sports is so important and it is breaking news):
Tom Brady in car accident
Not going to be a good season for the Pats if this is any indicator.
Related: Major milestone for Norwood teen paralyzed in game
Tom got lucky.