Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Palin's Alaskan Pull

Then again, maybe the American people have just had enough.

"Alaska Senate candidate wants vote investigation

ANCHORAGE — US Senate hopeful Joe Miller yesterday renewed accusations of campaign irregularities as the Alaska Division of Elections prepared to count absentee and questioned ballots in his race against GOP incumbent Lisa Murkowski.

Murkowski said in a statement that she was astounded that Miller continues to make accusations that the National Republican Senatorial Committee and her observers are attempting to skew the results of last week’s primary election....

Miller holds a lead of fewer than 1,700 votes over Murkowski....


Slow Saturday Special: S*** Politics

Insurgents vs. Incumbents

Well, we know who the Globe was pulling for.

: Murkowski concedes

Looks like Joe called her bluff.

Also see:

I don't know why, readers.

Probably because I bought a paper and it was there.

"A man accused of killing two police officers in a small Alaskan village surrendered to authorities yesterday.
