Sunday, September 5, 2010

Peace Talk Pablum

Puts me to sleep.

"At Mideast peace talks, a cautious hope abides" by Farah Stockman, Globe Staff | September 3, 2010

WASHINGTON — As expected, the main accomplishment of the meeting was an agreement to meet again....

But yesterday’s gathering marked what observers called a positive change in the atmosphere, as each side addressed the concerns of the other and laced their remarks with the language of hope....

Translation: NOTHING at all was ACCOMPLISHED.


"Leaders vow effort to reach peace in Mideast; Netanyahu, Abbas join Obama in D.C." by The New York Times | September 2, 2010

WASHINGTON — The East Room gathering was a rare moment of diplomatic theater....

The inclusion of President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and King Abdullah II of Jordan underlines the administration’s hopes to forge a regional solution to the conflict. Egypt and Jordan are critical to providing Israel with security guarantees that would enable it to accept the creation of a Palestinian state....


The standing of Mubarak, 82, in the region is such that officials said the administration was eager to get direct talks going quickly, because his health is said to be fragile and the United States is worried about the uncertainty that will come after he passes from the scene.

See: Leading the Way in Egypt

Jordan is a crucial player because of the difficult question of how to secure its border with a new Palestinian state.

Related: Jordan's King Losing His Grip

And a peace deal isn't going to help him.

Israel has troops on that frontier and would balk at withdrawing them without a guarantee that the border would not become a conduit for missiles that militant groups opposed to the peace process, chiefly Hamas, could fire at Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities.

What a BULLS*** LIE!


"Since fighting subsided in January, Hamas militants have held back from firing rockets, respecting an unwritten truce with Israel"

The removed Israeli government graph: 'Monthly distribution of rockets hits.'

On the 4th November, the day when Americans were watching the results of the Presidential election, the Israeli army broke the ceasefire by raiding the strip.


How many more lies can they tell in service to Israel, huh??

And wouldn't the PA security forces the paper is pimping for be up to the job?

The success of the talks, all sides said, will depend in part on whether Obama can succeed where his predecessors have failed....

Only if Israel lets him.


Then again, maybe it is NOT IN HIS HANDS at all, hmmmm?

"Mideast peace talks can secure Clinton’s legacy if she succeeds" by Mark Landler, New York Times | September 5, 2010

WASHINGTON — President Obama is viewed with distrust by many in Israel and among some Jewish groups at home, where his outreach to the Muslim world and public criticism of Israeli policies have been denounced by some critics as anti-Israel.

I wish he would start acting like it.

But Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has preserved her credibility among these groups, analysts said, which will make her perhaps the administration’s most effective salesperson for the peace process.

Meet your NEXT PRESIDENT of the United States!!!

She also has a politician’s feel for Netanyahu, her aides say, that could help her push him to make hard choices, provided she is willing....

Aaron David Miller, who worked on peace negotiations in the Clinton administration, said “But does she have a negotiator’s mindset? These are tough people in a tough neighborhood, who know how to manipulate people.’’

U.S. leaders are manipulated by Israel all the time, can't you tell?


In June, at a hotel bar in Lima, she finalized a deal with a Chinese diplomat over which companies could be named in a UN resolution punishing Iran for its nuclear program.

I TOLD YOU she is a DRUNK!!

But these are sideshows compared with the challenge of bringing together wary foes who have spent decades avoiding a deal. Even after what officials said was a promising start last week, no one in the administration knows if the talks will survive past Sept. 26, when Netanyahu has promised to allow a moratorium on settlement construction to expire and Abbas has threatened to walk out if it does.

Israel already knows: Netanyahu to US: Building Will Resume

Nice obfuscation, NYT.

For a US politician, the risks of delving into the Middle East are obvious. Clinton has taken arrows from American Jewish groups for her full-throated advocacy of Obama’s pressure on the Israeli government to freeze settlements.

No other way to get that Israeli dick down.

“At the beginning of the administration, she was used as a foil; she was very tough on Israel,’’ said Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish advocacy organization.

Also a hate group.


Also see: Israeli Settlement Construction Booms Despite Ban