My war-promoting press, who else?!
"China’s biggest hurdle is a science and academic structure that is hampered by plagiarism, bureaucracy, and a traditional deference to authority....
I think of those buildings falling down in a way that is physically impossible on 9/11 (if government and newspapers are to be believed) and what AmeriKa is today.
I'm tired of the AmeriKan MSM pot hollering kettle:
"Science and technology research in the country tends to be heavily top-down, laden with a stifling government bureaucracy. Many of China’s best scholars and scientists depart for greener pastures abroad, while other top minds are pushed into administrative roles, leaving them little time for research.
And here is your federal grant if you say what we want, scientists; otherwise, out.
Ask former BYU professor Steven Jones or any enviro-dissenter drummed out over the hot fart mist myth.
"Liu Xiaobo, an impassioned literary critic, political essayist, and democracy advocate repeatedly jailed by the Chinese government for his writings, was named the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize laureate yesterday in recognition of “his long and nonviolent struggle for fundamental human rights in China.’’
Whenever the lying, war-promoting paper chirps nonviolence I am offended.
So are the Chinese:
China blocks meeting with Nobelist’s wife
Dissident’s wife hopes to collect his Nobel
Chinese elders call for more freedom
Activists urge reforms in China as crackdown on rights continues
Chinese court criticizes activist’s Nobel
China urges Europeans to snub Nobels (By Michael Wines, New York Times)
I wouldn't worry too much about the snub; after all, this is an organization that gave a Peace Prize to Obama while Gandhi never won one.
Into the trash with their damn prize, for it means nothing.
"2 rights activists must stay in China
I lost the link because of Blogger's s*** tools, editing format, and spacing, sorry.
Police prevented two prominent human rights lawyers from leaving China yesterday, the latest in a series of recent moves against activists and dissidents that underscores the contradiction between the country’s professed commitment to the rule of law and the legal gray area in which its security apparatus sometimes operates....
While officials publicly extol the rule of law, the police and security forces continue to act under their own rules, like a law unto themselves. The security apparatus detains people it considers “troublemakers,’’ restricting them to their homes, or, in the worst cases, causing them to disappear for weeks or months into “black jails,’’ as secret detention centers are known."
Did they videotape their torture sessions?
Beijing father convicted over food safety activism
A father who organized a support group for other parents whose children were sickened in one of China’s worst food safety scandals was convicted and sentenced yesterday to 2 1/2 years in prison for inciting social disorder, his lawyer said....
Try going down and digging up a Gulf beach and see what happens, AmeriKan.
Six children died and hundreds of thousands were sickened by baby formula tainted with melamine, which can cause kidney stones and kidney failure. The chemical, used in the manufacture of plastics and fertilizer, was added to watered-down milk to increase profits and fool inspectors testing for protein. Several dairy industry figures were prosecuted and punished, including three people given the death penalty."
That's an idea to solve corporate corruption.
Mine blast in China gets little coverage
BEIJING — China joined the world in breathless coverage of the Chilean mine rescue, but when a gas blast killed 21 Chinese miners and trapped 16 yesterday, the national TV evening news didn’t say a word....
I don't watch AmeriKan news or cable anymore. No Fox, no MSNBC, no CNN. Only on election night did I watch, and it was worth it to see Olbermann's grimace.
China Central Television’s news channel had a live broadcast from the mine early in the afternoon, but then did not mention the accident for several hours, and there was no word of it on the main TV evening news....
Like the AmeriKan War Press should be casting stones at China's house.
What gall!
China celebrated its own stunning mine rescue earlier this year, when 115 miners were pulled from a flooded mine in the northern province of Shanxi after more than a week. The miners survived by eating sawdust, tree bark, paper, and even coal. Some strapped themselves to the walls of the shafts with their belts to avoid drowning while they slept.
Related: Mining Miracle in China
But it was a rare bright spot.
If they were common they wouldn't be miracles would they?
About 2,600 people were killed in mining accidents last year, and the country’s leaders have been making a high-profile push to improve mine safety.
Are their inspectors on the take while looking the other way like our oil and gas guys here in AmeriKa? Are they all doped up on meth and watching porn?
Premier Wen Jiabao this summer even ordered mining bosses into the mines with their workers or else risk severe punishment.
Dig, mother-f***er, DIG!!
With your BARE F***ING HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mining deaths decreased in recent years as China closed many illegal mines or absorbed them into state-owned companies, but deaths increased in the first half of this year.
Related: China mine blast kills 20, traps 17
"Trapped Chinese miners feared dead
YUZHOU, China — Frantically working rescuers feared the 11 remaining Chinese miners trapped by a deadly gas blast may have suffocated or been buried by coal dust, as loved ones kept a vigil yesterday and the death toll rose to 26 with five more bodies recovered. The Chinese mine drama unfolded as the world was celebrating Chile’s successful rescue of 33 miners trapped for more than two months.

A relative of a miner killed in Saturday’s explosion sat in a van near the mine in Yuzhou city, as the death toll rose to 26 yesterday and rescuers said coal dust was hampering efforts. (Ken Teh/ Associated Press)
You know, I'm an old man now so why am I leaking from the eyes more?
"The small-scale farmer is a dying breed in China, made up mostly of the elderly left behind in the mass exodus of migrant workers to much higher-paying jobs in industrial cities.
Going the way AmeriKa went.
But what, AmeriKan media?!
Also see: China tells zoos to improve animal care
China AIDS group says it was forced to close
The final word from the Chinese:
“In promoting political reform, we shouldn’t copy the Western political system model; shouldn’t engage in something like multiparty coalition government or separation of powers among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. We should stick to our own way.’’
You know, it IS THEIR COUNTRY!