Posted on April 22, 2013 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton
UPDATE April 23rd: Boston Bombing: Newly “Enhanced” Photos of the “Shootout” bring the influence peddlers out on Reddit
You don’t need conspiracy theorists. Just take the Feds at their word and you’ll see it.
If you believe the official story of what happened on April 15th at the finish-line of the Boston Marathon, then you have to know that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is innocent of the charges leveled against him. You cannot avoid it.
According to the new official story (remember the “Bag Men” story that was fed to the New York Post by officials?) Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev went down to the finish-line of the Boston marathon carrying bombs in their backpacks and planted them in two locations about a block apart and then hung around and watched the carnage unfold.
They claimed they had video proof of at least one of them, Dzhokhar, dropping his bomb and an eyewitness who saw Tamerlan drop his at the feet of the witness while making eye contact with him and walking away.
They then, according to the story they have video evidence of this, hung around, watched the carnage only to slowly walk away from the scene.
That is the official story. And that story proves Dzhokhar is innocent. And if Dzhokhar is innocent, more than likely, so is Tamerlan. Let me show you why.
1. Circumstantial but based on hard evidence
First of all, the Feds have produced neither of the two videos they claim to have showing 1. Dzhokhar planting a bomb and 2. them hanging out watching the aftermath then slowly walking away. In fact, the evidence we have suggests a totally different story. The new story about all of this drops any mention of those two videos down the memory hole.
The second thing to remember is the fact that the FBI pretended to need our help to identify the two men while the entire time their own local field offices had been in steady contact with the boys for at least two years. The FBI has come out since and admitted their involvement with the boys and several congressmen are asking how they “dropped the ball” on this one. The FBI is avoiding answering congress’ questions.
I have found evidence to suggest that they were in fact being handled by an FBI confidential informant and I believe that fact is likely to come out very soon. The congressmen are starting to ask for the FBI’s files on these boys. Family members, even the one trying to help the Feds, suggest that they were being manipulated by “mentors” which is standard operating procedure for the FBI’s domestic terrorism task force. In fact, it appears from the official photos of the boys, they were indeed waiting for quite a while in front of a restaurant in the area to meet someone… someone who told them to be there. Someone who deliberately put them in the wrong place at the right time.
As damning as all of this is, the lies, the connections to the boys, the artifice of not knowing who they were, their being brought there by someone… as damning as it is, it’s primarily circumstantial. Though that is not to say it does not qualify as potential evidence in a court of law, it is not hard physical evidence of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s innocence.
Not to worry, the official story itself provides that.
2. Hard evidence
The new narrative is that one of the victims, Jeff Bauman, identified the older brother Tamerlan as being the one who placed his bomb down at Jeff’s feet while making eye contact with him and then he walked away. He said he had a dark ball cap and glasses and that is Tamerlan in the photos.
Honestly, that story is ripe with wrong. Were anyone to do that to you would you just stand there next to the backpack waiting to see what happened? I doubt it. But take him at his word (and remember, the FBI has teams trained to illicit the kinds of witness statements they need). And also remember, they claim this information came to them on Wednesday, while Jeff was still heavily drugged.
But let’s take them at their word. After all, it is their official story and thus the one some of the people in this country accept as the gospel.
Jeff was injured in the first explosion, the one closest to the finish line. Of that there is no question. That means the bag that was dropped there was Tamerlan’s bag. Let’s look at the evidence.
First, their bags respectively – Tamerlan has a darker colored bag while his younger brother is carrying a light grey bag. Also notice the color of Tamerlan’s pants. This will be important later trust me.

If you take the FBI’s recounting of Jeff’s statement at face value, then that means Tamerlan’s bag is this one, from the official evidence of the crime scene:

You can make the argument that this is a lighter color than Tamerlan’s bag and you can also wonder why it is that it seemed to have audio cable in it as if it’s just one of the techie’s bag from the set-up of the finish-line PA system or TV cameras. You can make that argument, but for the sake of suspended disbelief, let’s say it is indeed Tamerlan’s bag and the bag the bomb was in when Jeff lost his legs. We’ll give the official story a mulligan on that one.
If that is the dark bag carried by the two brothers, over next to the site of the first bombing, then the only bag left to be at the scene of the second explosion is the one being carried by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
And indeed, that is the official story.
This is where it gets interesting.
Here is a picture of what is being hailed as an image of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev “dropping” his pack which had the bomb in it.

What you see is not a man “dropping” a bag. What you see is a man CARRYING a bag while walking by. Notice, right above the girl’s shoes you can see the bottom of the bag. It is suspended in the air, not touching the ground. Look at how it’s suspended at an angle. It’s being carried by the strap, the right strap, in his left hand. Look at how he is moving past the people, on his way somewhere. And more importantly, look at where he is in relation to the iron grate and the metal security fencing. These facts will be important in a second.
Also note the light color of the pack as consistent with the image from before.
There is an image that is not circulated that much anymore because it tells a very different story than the official one. The image below shows the moments after the second bomb detonated and the location of several key pieces of evidence including what is claimed to be the bag that was carrying the second bomb.

This is an important image because it clearly shows the blast pattern of the explosive which was placed in front of the fence beside the mailbox, as you can see by the locations of the fence and other debris just after the blast. There is no question where the detonation took place. In fact, a bystander has recently given an interview claiming his life was saved by the mailbox. If the bomb had been place behind the fence and behind the mailbox on the sidewalk, no bystanders could make that claim, only runners.
But leaving that for a minute as it goes to witness statements and this is about hard evidence, let’s get back to the evidence.
Remember this pic?

This bag is in the exact location of where the bomb had to be placed. It is a large enough bag to hold a backpack and a pressure cooker, though it is not clear if the second bomb was actually made with a pressure cooker. But look at the location and then look at this.

We can see from the blast wave of the explosion that something close to the detonation blocked the blast at a single point and forced more of the energy onto the sidewalk and down the street. That would be the mailbox. Look again at the location of that bag.
I am not saying that bag was the bomb. It may have been, but I am saying that bag is in the location the bomb was detonated. It went off IN FRONT OF THE FENCE and BESIDE THE MAILBOX.
Part of one section of fence is wrapped around the mailbox. The other section is blown back into the crowd and on the sidewalk as you see. Were the bag to be partially under the fence as appears in the photo of the bag in front of the fence, that could easily be the result.
That is NOT the location the Feds claim they show Dzhokhar Tsarnaev “dropping” his pack. Had the bomb gone off where he was and where that image shows him CARRYING his pack, then the fence would have been blown into the street.
Now, let’s look at the evidence of the pack itself.
As the image above shows, part of the pack was found in the street. Shape charges inside the pack would have done that if it was placed on the street side of the fence.This is a close-up view of the bags side by side. Remember, the dark bag owned by Dzhokhar’s older brother has already been accounted for in the official story. So the only bag left is the light grey one carried by him.

As you can see, these two things are not the same. Not even close.
The remains of the bag was apparently photographed near it’s original position on the street, laying closer to the large white line you can see above. It is a dark colored bag like many others seen by unofficial investigators on the web being carried by various people (some of whom are there on a official basis)
Here is an official image which puts the bomb’s pieces right there on the grate as shown in the image of the bag in front of the fence but not where they claim Dzhokhar dropped his bag.

Again, this is their evidence.
Lastly, this grisly photo of the blast scene.

Bodies blown back, fence blown back toward the sidewalk and the restaurant.
So as you can see, the official story clears Dzhokhar.
But let’s continue.
Remember that I told you the official story was they had a video of these brothers standing around watching the carnage before slowly and calmly walking away and that they have not produced that visual evidence as of yet and seem to be walking that story back?
Check this out:

This kid was clearly not standing around watching the explosions. He was running away like everyone else. But look closer:

His right arm is down, straight down, while his left arm is bent and his left shoulder is raised as he is running. He is carrying something… he is CARRYING HIS BAG.
The bomb has gone off and he is fleeing like everyone else and apparently he is carrying his bag.
But look closer…

Is that Tamerlan trying to catch up with his brother after the explosions? The hat matches, the pants and shoes match. The jacket matches. Is that is Tamerlan running from the scene and not walking away like the officials claimed they had a video of him doing.
This image is less convincing that the others in the sequence but I will put it here for the sake of discussion. It is part of someone else’s photo essay on the subject which I highly recommend taking the time to have a look.

UPDATE: Turns out there is a higher resolution version of this photo and that guy is not Tamerlan. A reader pointed that out. Thanks
Here’s my point:
The official story itself does not prove these brothers set off those bombs. You don’t need the “conspiracy theorists” to tell you that. All you have to do is look at the evidence they themselves provide. Consider all the dishonesty they have displayed thus far and their own evidence.
UPDATE: Boston Bombing: MSM Creates New Official Story – Video of Dzhokhar Planting Bomb is Forgotten
I think every man owes a debt of gratitude to to that site for so many reasons, as well as to others:
"A commenter from the previous post sums up in just a few words what may be as close to what actually happened in Boston as I have come across. I thought it is worth a second look. If someone has a better theory, please tell us.
My theory: Protocols move forward
Bomb number 1 (near the finish line) was a smoker out of the inside of Lens Crafters shop. Actors, red paint, amputees. Fake.
Bomb number 2 (one block from the finish line) was real in a backpack placed on the ground by Mossad/FBI.
The brothers are patsies. Paid by the FBI to show up at the BFF. They placed no knapsacks or bombs anywhere, ever.
The Craft operators were contracted by the FBI and tipped off there was a bomb threat. They were there to increase security.
The two bombs were a trap for truth seekers since the fakery of bomb nr 1 would cause a generalization that bomb nr 2 was also fake. Bomb nr 2 did explode in a crowd and kill 3 and injure over a hundred.
The brothers and Craft were ALL patsies which were photographed to yield maximum confusion of the truth.
Mossad and FBI did it. Multilayered. Mossad police coming from israel to put it all to bed.
Who benefited from this...Cui Bono...?
Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu's aide said that what happened in Boston is good for Israel, just like what happened in N.York on 9/11.
That last bit, yeah:
On the day of the 9-11 attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked what the attacks would mean for US-Israeli relations. His quick reply was:
"It's very good…….Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)."
What did they mean they were there to "document the event?"
"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," Ma'ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events "swung American public opinion in our favor."
And here is something to remember when that "terrorist" nuke takes out Chicago (to get Obama fully on board, not just 99.9% on board).
And wait until you see this:
WoW ! Boston PD's Ed Davis Slips Up and Calls Suspects ACTORS
Let police do their job
Ed Davis for mayor?
Well, maybe not now, ooops. Besides, his son is an albatross -- especially when it looks like pull was exercised (not uncommon at the BPD, from what I hear).
Before I begin the latest batch of analysis regarding todays bovine excrement, I just want you to know how much this hurts me. I'm huffing, puffing, and exhaling by page A4 these days because of the rank propaganda and insults spewing forth from New England's flagship and AmeriKa's ma$$ media. This is useful only in the sense that it shows you how ridiculous and truly out-there is their propaganda.
But, hey, when the whole operation is to provide an echo chamber to ju$tify certain things to advance a $pecial $et of intere$t$, what's are little(?) white wiess, huh?
That last bit, yeah:
On the day of the 9-11 attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked what the attacks would mean for US-Israeli relations. His quick reply was:
"It's very good…….Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)."
What did they mean they were there to "document the event?"
"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," Ma'ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events "swung American public opinion in our favor."
And here is something to remember when that "terrorist" nuke takes out Chicago (to get Obama fully on board, not just 99.9% on board).
And wait until you see this:
WoW ! Boston PD's Ed Davis Slips Up and Calls Suspects ACTORS
Let police do their job
Ed Davis for mayor?
Well, maybe not now, ooops. Besides, his son is an albatross -- especially when it looks like pull was exercised (not uncommon at the BPD, from what I hear).
Before I begin the latest batch of analysis regarding todays bovine excrement, I just want you to know how much this hurts me. I'm huffing, puffing, and exhaling by page A4 these days because of the rank propaganda and insults spewing forth from New England's flagship and AmeriKa's ma$$ media. This is useful only in the sense that it shows you how ridiculous and truly out-there is their propaganda.
But, hey, when the whole operation is to provide an echo chamber to ju$tify certain things to advance a $pecial $et of intere$t$, what's are little(?) white wiess, huh?
"Suspect charged with using weapon of mass destruction" by Mark Arsenault and Milton J. Valencia | Globe Staff, April 23, 2013
The US Justice Department charged Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Monday with killing people with a weapon of mass destruction, in a prosecution that could put the accused terrorist in prison for life or send him to the death chamber.
Then so is everything the EUSraeli Empire is hurling or will hurl at the world.
The 19-year-old remained under guard in serious condition at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, with apparent gunshot wounds to the head, neck, legs, and hand, according to an FBI affidavit filed to support the criminal complaint.
During his court appearance in his hospital room, Tsarnaev, though obviously injured, clearly responded to inquiries, nodding or mouthing yes or no, said a person familiar with the proceedings. Tsarnaev was made aware of the charges and their possible penalties, as well as his rights as a defendant.
So they finally did Mirandize him?
Magistrate Judge Marianne Bowler concluded Tsarnaev was “alert, mentally competent, and lucid” at the proceeding, according to a transcript.
He's being guarded by the same authorities that framed him. Who knows what kind of medical care he's getting, or what drugs they are pumping him full of. And if you are expecting me to buy into this latest pos pile that day is long past. This is script.
The legal proceedings against Tsarnaev began the day the region paused, at 2:50 p.m., for a moment of silence exactly one week after the attacks and as mourners in Medford laid to rest Krystle M. Campbell, 29, who died in the blast.
On Monday afternoon, the FBI released the crime scene on Boylston Street to the city, which will inspect buildings for structural damage and take other steps before reopening the area to the public. Business owners and residents will be able to gain access to their properties on Tuesday, according to the mayor’s office.
The FBI affidavit released Monday also provided new details of the movement of Dzhokar Tsarnaev and his alleged coconspirator, his brother Tamerlan, 26, in the final minutes before the blasts, based on evidence recovered from security cameras in the area....
Lawyers on both sides of the case have been involved in some of the highest-profile terrorism cases in recent times. Tsarnaev will be prosecuted by Assistant US Attorneys William Weinreb and Aloke Chakravarty. Chakravarty, of the antiterrorism unit, prosecuted Tarek Mehanna, the Sudbury man who was convicted in 2011 of conspiring to support Al Qaeda. He was sentenced in April 2012 to 17½ years in federal prison.
Yeah, I'm sorry I missed it, but that is what happens when you do not cooperate with the FBI -- no mercy. Knowing now that the FBI had contact with these guys for years we can safely conclude they were ordered to the scene to be caught on camera, and then this whole production could be rolled out little by little. The only question now is which instigator, 'er, informant was working them.
Also see: FBI Thinks Frame-Ups Are Funny
Do you?
Miriam Conrad, the head public defender in Boston, will represent Tsarnaev. She represented Rezwan Ferdaus, the Ashland man charged with plotting to send a remote controlled-plane laced with explosives into the Pentagon. He was sentenced to 17 years in prison. She also represented shoe bomber Richard Reid, who was sentenced in 2002 to life in prison. Public defenders William Fick and Timothy Watkins were also assigned to the case....
Translation: it doesn't look good for the younger Tsarnaev. Even Menino is calling for death.
You can call me bad names or do an about-face, but either way I'm leaving.
The major break in the massive hunt for the bombers came last week, when investigators found images of the alleged terrorists during a painstaking review of security footage and photographs from the Marathon course.
You mean, the ones that prove they were set-up patsies?
After intense behind-the-scene deliberation, the FBI released the photos to the public Thursday evening and asked for help putting names to the faces.
The images showed two men carrying backpacks, apparently containing bombs, on Boylston Street. Tamerlan Tsarnaev is pictured wearing a black cap, according to the FBI. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is pictured in a dark jacket and a bright white cap, worn backwards, the bureau said.
In a search Sunday of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s dormitory room at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, where he was a student, investigators found a “large pyrotechnic” and a “black jacket and a white hat of the same general appearance” as those worn by the alleged bomber in the video, according to the FBI.
Yeap. Who planted them?
The FBI affidavit includes details from unreleased video investigators used to isolate the alleged attackers in a crowd of thousands, and to track their movements....
A recent report by risk analysts at the forecasting firm IHS casts doubt on whether the Tsarnaev brothers had connections to terrorist groups such as the Caucasus Emirate in Russia. Such links “appear minimal,” the report states, in large part because the militant group is known to focus on local targets and has “little logical reason” to attack the United States.
Translation: the terror group is a CIA outfit (directed by the uncle), so we get these lone brother bombers instead.
“The more likely scenario is the brothers were self-radicalized individuals,” the report states. “The attacks [in Boston] were undertaken using very basic technology which requires minimal expertise and guidance that is easily accessible on the internet. This suggests that external training had not been provided.”
US Senator Lindsey Graham, a member of the Armed Services Committee, said Monday that the FBI had informed him it was initially unaware Tamerlan Tsarnaev had traveled to Russia due to a clerical error: His name was misspelled.
Are you effing kidding?
All the money and all the surveillance and all the tyranny, all because of a MISSPELLING?
“He went over to Russia, but apparently, when he got on the Aeroflot plane, they misspelled his name,” Graham, a South Carolina Republican, said on Fox television. “So it never went into the system that he actually went to Russia.”
On Monday, President Obama called FBI Special Agent in Charge Richard Deslauriers, who led the bombing investigation, and Boston Police Commissioner Edward F. Davis to thank them “for their leadership and told them that the law enforcement officials, the citizens of Boston, and all affected by this tragedy were in his thoughts and prayers,” said the White House.
I wrote gross at the bottom of my newspaper margin.
This next front-page item located just below is even more rank than that last pos:
"Link sought between brother, 3 Waltham killings" by Michael Rezendes and Bob Hohler | Globe Staff, April 22, 2013
It was one of the most gruesome killings in Greater Boston in many years: three young men found with their throats slit inside a Waltham apartment on a quiet residential street, their bodies sprinkled with marijuana.
And the brother was pothead, so now there are links between marijuana and terrorism? And I'm starting a 4/20 series as well as covering the ma$$ive propaganda operation in Boston? You guys must be reading me! That explains the spike upward in hits.
And are you sure it wasn't prescription pharmaceutical-type killing?
Now, police and prosecutors are stepping up their investigation into the unsolved 2011 triple homicide at the request of victims’ relatives who believe that suspected Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev may have played a role, noting that Tsarnaev had been close friends with one of the dead men.
Translation: they are going to hang these murders on the necks of a dead guy and hospitalized patsy. How much bet the kid will sign a confession to this -- if he lives?
What is more, the grieving relatives say the killings took place on a highly symbolic date for Islamic extremists: the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
“We’re eager to pursue any new leads or information,” said Stephanie Guyotte, spokeswoman for the Middlesex district attorney’s office. “It has been reported that [Tamerlan Tsarnaev] knew one of the deceased victims. It remains an open investigation.”
The death certificates of two of the victims — Brendan H. Mess, 25, and Rafael M. Teken, 37 — say they were killed on Sept. 12, the day that Mess’s girlfriend reportedly discovered the bodies of the three victims and ran screaming from the two-family house where they had gathered.
But a relative of one of the victims told the Globe he is certain they were killed on the evening of Sept. 11, because he was texting one of them about a Sunday night football game between the New York Jets and Dallas Cowboys when communication suddenly stopped, at about 8:15 that evening.
It's shameless. With every paragraph the most ludicrous, agenda-pushing connections are made in a ma$$ive, mind-manipulating brain f***.
He also said that, after speaking with relatives and friends of the other two victims, he concluded that communication with all of the victims was shut down at about the same time.
“The three of them were definitely killed on Sept. 11,” the relative said....
If any of this is even real. We have no reason to believe any of this.
The relative asked for anonymity because other family members agreed they would not speak to the news media, pending the outcome of their recent communication with authorities.
The Globe reported Saturday that Tamerlan Tsarnaev knew Mess well....
But another friend of Mess said Tsarnaev did not attend Mess’s funeral.
I'm tired of seeing words like but and still in my newspaper "reports."
“If they were best friends, you would think [Tamerlan] would have been absolutely devastated and would have reached out to someone,” said the friend of Mess, who asked not to be identified for fear of retaliation. “That confirms my suspicions that something was up.’’
Records reviewed by the Globe show....
People who knew Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who died at 26 years of age in a firefight with police last week, say that he turned to radical Islam a year or two before the Waltham slayings, growing a long beard, adopting Islamic dress, and apparently posting extremist videos on YouTube.
Then it was either an impersonator and fake (like all the Lee Harvey sightings), or this is a lie because all the photos we have seen may be of an unshaven kid, but no long beard. Oh, right, he shaved for the race, yeap.
UPDATE: Boston Bomber's Last message on Facebook to his Father - This will be the last message before the police will get me. I never done it, they set me up.I am sorry it has come to this
In 2011, FBI agents questioned Tsarnaev after his native Russia raised concerns about his possible extremism.
But they came up with nothing, no links, blah, blah, blah. Translation: he made the payroll -- but they misspelled his name on the checks.
In addition, within months of the triple homicide, in early 2012, In 2011, FBI agents questioned Tsarnaev went to Russia for six months, visiting family members in Dagestan, which borders the Tsarnaevs’ ancestral homeland of Chechnya, a region with a history of violent Islamic rebellion.
Yeah, so?
In light of the bombings on Marathon Monday, the Waltham homicide victim’s relative said, he and other victims’ relatives believe that Tsarnaev’s younger brother, Dzhokhar, the second suspected Marathon bomber, might also have played a role in the homicides because of the difficulty that one killer would face subduing the three victims, at least two of whom were in good physical condition.
Police never identified any suspects in the case, but the person or persons who committed the slayings had to be strong and highly skilled.
Who writes this stuff for you guys?
On the death certificates, Mess is listed as a martial arts instructor and is known to have trained at the same gym as Tsarnaev, Wai Kru Mixed Martial Arts, in Allston. Teken is listed as a personal trainer. The Globe was unable to obtain the death certificate for the third victim, 31-year-old Erik Weissman.
Related: Sunday Globe Special: Bedbug Bust Bothers Me
I know it was guns there; however, once again a Mossad agent quietly slips away?
In addition to the marijuana and $5,000 found at the crime scene, Weissman’s past may have pointed investigators to drugs as a motive. In 2008, Weissman was charged with possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, according to a police report.
And there is the pot connection, planted by a Jew who has no death certificate. That's my lead suspect. Who do you think sprinkled around the pot?
Whatever the reason for the killings, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, an accomplished amateur heavy-weight boxer, certainly had the physical strength to carry out a brutal attack....
Oh, there is ANOTHER WONDERFUL QUALIFIER and TOPIC CHANGER I love to see it -- and maybe the worst one of all.
Yeah, WHATEVER, Boston Glob!!!!!
Six Zionist Companies Own 96% of the World's Media
Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed
Operation Mockingbird
Why Am I No Longer Reading the Newspaper?
And Tsarnaev had already demonstrated a violent streak outside of the ring: In 2009, he was charged with domestic violence after admitting to police that he had slapped a former girlfriend, who then called police in hysterics.
Can we hear the tape of the call then? We can't see the video, blah, blah, blah. But the horse s*** statements of AmeriKa's ma$$ media.
The charge was later dismissed after a jury trial.
Translation: He was ACQUITTED and FOUND INNOCENT -- if it EVER EVEN HAPPENED AT ALL because there is probably NO RECORD of such a think. But that hardly matters in the slop-shit bu$ine$$ of "reporting?"
Just another woman-beating, blood-drinking, Mooslim turrurists, huh?
Younger brother Dzhokhar, meanwhile, had been captain of the Cambridge Rindge and Latin wrestling team and was also known as an adept boxer, according to Zolan V. Kanno-Youngs, a neighbor, friend, and former classmate.
Another made up person or convenient actor? Or is it "real?"
And during the months before the killings, it is clear that Tsarnaev had become increasingly radicalized in his religious and political beliefs.
Is it?
Maret Tsarnaeva, Tsarnaev’s aunt, told reporters at a news conference that her nephew went from praying no more than once a day to praying five times a day.
Haven't seen much about the family in the Globe, other than CIA agent uncle.
"His mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaev, told journalists on Monday that the suspects’ father plans to fly to the United States on Wednesday. She said the family would try to bring the body of their elder son back to Russia. ‘‘I want normal justice,’’ Anzor Tsarnaev said over the weekend. ‘‘I have many questions for the police. You know, I am a lawyer myself and I want to clear up many things. . . . I want justice and the truth.’’.... Their father, Anzor Tsarnaev, said he will return to the United States this week to seek ‘‘justice and the truth.’’"
I wish you the best, but you might want to stay home. Who knows what the authorities over here will do to you? Accidents, heart attacks, poisoned food and water, who knows? Put nothing past them. Nothing.
This from a family friend:
"We’re sure it was with the best intentions that Amanda Palmer (right) posted “A Poem for Dzhokhar” on her website. But the response to the poem — a list of things Dzhokhar Tsarnaev , the 19-year-old accused Marathon bomber, likely doesn’t know — has been downright nasty., for example, called it “the worst poem of all time,” adding: “It’s bad writing, it’s bad timing, it’s bad ideas; it’s inane and self-serving, and adds nothing to our understanding of the marathon bombing.” (Here are the first several lines of the poem: “you don’t know how it felt to be in the womb but it must have been at least a little warmer than this/ you don’t know how intimately they’re recording your every move on closed-circuit cameras until you see your face reflected back at you through through the pulp/ you don’t know how to stop picking at your fingers/ you don’t know how little you’ve been paying attention until you look down at your legs again. . .”) didn’t object to the poem itself but to Palmer’s “determined haughtiness” when it was criticized. “Taking a tragedy and swiftly making it all about yourself is never pretty — and it isn’t art,” wrote’s Mary Elizabeth Williams. Palmer, who has over 866,000 followers on Twitter, seemed surprised by the response, tweeting: “ahhh, it’s been a long time on since internet trolls yelled at me that i was a slut, a talentless whore and a hippy!!! welcome, friends!!” She also encouraged people to revisit the poem: “now that everybody’s panties are in a twist, i’d like to say: the poem is actually about more than you think it is. read it again.” If you get to the end, you’ll see Palmer links to The One Fund, which helps those affected by the Marathon bombings."
She on drugs?
And a neighbor and family friend in Cambridge said Tsarnaev had become a devout Muslim within the past few years.
Sure turned away from the family quick.
“He started talking about religion,” said the family friend, who asked not to be identified. “He grew a long beard.”
When the friend joked about the beard, he said, Tamerlan became upset, asking, “Why are you making fun of my religion?”
It appears that Tsarnaev also toyed with extremism online. A YouTube account created in Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s name in August 2012 includes a video dedicated to the prophecy of the Black Banners of Khurasan, which is apparently embraced by Islamic extremists.
Related: Sunday Globe Special: The Killers of Khorasan
Must have been another MISSPELLING!
In another video, featured on a play list titled “terrorists,” a speaker holds an assault rifle and wears camouflage fatigues while flanked by armed men wearing masks.
The relative of the Waltham homicide victim interviewed by the Globe said he and others hope their recent appeal to police about Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s possible role in the killings will lead to a conclusion of the case.
Just another normal day in Boston -- well, not really.
Also see:
Federal and state courts can capably try Tsarnaev
Local TV bombing coverage was best
Boston Marathon Bombings to Initiate Total Surveillance Society
The latest on that:
"New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg predicts that soon “there’ll be cameras everyplace.” In other words, cameras are inevitable. Cameras are here to stay. On occasion they may prove a boon to public safety. But even when we are in public, we should be able to expect that our private actions will, for the most part, remain private."
That is what it is all about.
"Video helps ID suspect in shooting" Associated Press, April 23, 2013
DENVER — Denver police said Monday they had identified a man wanted in connection with a shooting at a weekend marijuana rally that wounded two people, but officers declined to identify the suspect because an arrest had not yet been made.
That is an agent provocateur and government agent -- if it ever even happened -- in another psy-op. Yeap, the video helped us id the shooter at a pot rally. Honestly, THIS STINKS more then any MARIJUANA you want to smoke.
Btw, why is this the FIRST I'VE SEEN OF IT in my Glob?
The man was shown on a video posted on YouTube and is believed to have been an accomplice to the primary shooter at the Saturday event, said police spokesman Sonny Jackson. Police had urged the public to watch the video, which showed a man walking away from the shooting scene as sirens wail in the background.
‘‘We’ve identified the man,’’ Jackson said. ‘‘We’re not releasing his name because he’s not in custody yet.’’
As was the case with the Boston Marathon bombings, Denver police asked those at the rally to share anything they may have seen, photographed, or recorded.
Still unknown is the identity of the primary shooter. Police are looking for a man who was wearing a blue hat, gray sweatshirt, and black pants at the rally.
It wasn’t clear if the shooting would affect future plans by organizers of the annual “4/20” rally, which traditionally attracts tens of thousands of pot smokers to downtown Denver. It was the first rally since Colorado legalized marijuana last fall.
Ah, just stay home and smoke.
"Terrorism’s ‘homegrown wannabes’" by Farah Stockman | Globe Columnist, April 23, 2013
So what do we do now?
In 2008, Marc Sageman, a forensic psychiatrist who once worked for the CIA, made a bold prediction: Al Qaeda’s glory days were over. The greatest threat now was not a plot hatched and paid for by a mastermind in Afghanistan, but rather the ideas of countless “homegrown wannabes” in Europe and the United States.
Translation: He still works for the CIA. And we can come home now, right?
“The threat is no longer ‘foreign fanatics,’ but people who grew up in the West,” he wrote in his book “Leaderless Jihad.”
Yeah, he's a real psychic.
His prediction sparked controversy back then. But time has proven his point: the Marathon bombing appears to be the work of what Sageman describes as the “Third Wave” of terrorism. The Third Wave isn’t about Al Qaeda grooming recruits and dispatching them to do its bidding. It’s about young men who surf the Internet and decide on their own to write their names in history with a bomb. They get inspiration from Al Qaeda. In some cases, they even get training. But they are the ones that seek it out, fairly secular childhoods. So why the turn to radicalism?
The 2004 Madrid bombing was planned by a group of friends who sold hashish and ecstasy, but grew increasingly obsessed with the Iraq war.
Looks like another false flag to me.
The 2005 London subway bombing was planned by a group of friends who worked out at a gym together, whose Pakistani parents were described in the newspaper as the “picture of assimilation.”
May Day Memories: British Patsies
May Day Memories: The U.S. Connection
Terror Expert: London Bomber Was Working For MI5
Israeli Connections to the London Tube Bombs
Just another normal day in Boston -- well, not really.
Also see:
Federal and state courts can capably try Tsarnaev
Local TV bombing coverage was best
Boston Marathon Bombings to Initiate Total Surveillance Society
The latest on that:
"New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg predicts that soon “there’ll be cameras everyplace.” In other words, cameras are inevitable. Cameras are here to stay. On occasion they may prove a boon to public safety. But even when we are in public, we should be able to expect that our private actions will, for the most part, remain private."
That is what it is all about.
"Video helps ID suspect in shooting" Associated Press, April 23, 2013
DENVER — Denver police said Monday they had identified a man wanted in connection with a shooting at a weekend marijuana rally that wounded two people, but officers declined to identify the suspect because an arrest had not yet been made.
That is an agent provocateur and government agent -- if it ever even happened -- in another psy-op. Yeap, the video helped us id the shooter at a pot rally. Honestly, THIS STINKS more then any MARIJUANA you want to smoke.
Btw, why is this the FIRST I'VE SEEN OF IT in my Glob?
The man was shown on a video posted on YouTube and is believed to have been an accomplice to the primary shooter at the Saturday event, said police spokesman Sonny Jackson. Police had urged the public to watch the video, which showed a man walking away from the shooting scene as sirens wail in the background.
‘‘We’ve identified the man,’’ Jackson said. ‘‘We’re not releasing his name because he’s not in custody yet.’’
As was the case with the Boston Marathon bombings, Denver police asked those at the rally to share anything they may have seen, photographed, or recorded.
Still unknown is the identity of the primary shooter. Police are looking for a man who was wearing a blue hat, gray sweatshirt, and black pants at the rally.
It wasn’t clear if the shooting would affect future plans by organizers of the annual “4/20” rally, which traditionally attracts tens of thousands of pot smokers to downtown Denver. It was the first rally since Colorado legalized marijuana last fall.
Ah, just stay home and smoke.
"Terrorism’s ‘homegrown wannabes’" by Farah Stockman | Globe Columnist, April 23, 2013
So what do we do now?
In 2008, Marc Sageman, a forensic psychiatrist who once worked for the CIA, made a bold prediction: Al Qaeda’s glory days were over. The greatest threat now was not a plot hatched and paid for by a mastermind in Afghanistan, but rather the ideas of countless “homegrown wannabes” in Europe and the United States.
Translation: He still works for the CIA. And we can come home now, right?
“The threat is no longer ‘foreign fanatics,’ but people who grew up in the West,” he wrote in his book “Leaderless Jihad.”
Yeah, he's a real psychic.
His prediction sparked controversy back then. But time has proven his point: the Marathon bombing appears to be the work of what Sageman describes as the “Third Wave” of terrorism. The Third Wave isn’t about Al Qaeda grooming recruits and dispatching them to do its bidding. It’s about young men who surf the Internet and decide on their own to write their names in history with a bomb. They get inspiration from Al Qaeda. In some cases, they even get training. But they are the ones that seek it out, fairly secular childhoods. So why the turn to radicalism?
The 2004 Madrid bombing was planned by a group of friends who sold hashish and ecstasy, but grew increasingly obsessed with the Iraq war.
Looks like another false flag to me.
The 2005 London subway bombing was planned by a group of friends who worked out at a gym together, whose Pakistani parents were described in the newspaper as the “picture of assimilation.”
May Day Memories: British Patsies
May Day Memories: The U.S. Connection
Terror Expert: London Bomber Was Working For MI5
Israeli Connections to the London Tube Bombs
But still, whatever.
I can not say I'm not disappointed.
As for the co$ts of this staged and scripted production?
"The collective lost business and wages must already be in the tens of millions. Some of this will never be recovered.”"
Actually, it was $333 million a day, but you know, who cares about accuracy in a newspaper anymore. Besides it will provide a nice excuse for the continuing Grand Depression. Anything but lotting banks are to blame.
And don't look for the in$urers to bail you out. I know that probably weighs heavily on your hearts, but that is the price of tyranny. At least the fear is gone and you have your balance again.
And as if the psy-ops about Boston were not enough propaganda for you:
"2 arrested in Canada terror plot" Associated Press, April 23, 2013
TORONTO — Two men were arrested and charged with plotting a terrorist attack against a Canadian passenger train with support from Al Qaeda ‘‘elements’’ in Iran, police said Monday.
Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, and Raed Jaser, 35, who live in Montreal and Toronto, were planning to derail a Via Rail passenger train in Toronto but posed no immediate threat, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said.
‘‘This is the first known Al Qaeda planned attack that we’ve experienced in Canada,’’ Superintendent Doug Best told a news conference.
RCMP’s assistant commissioner, James Malizia, said the two men had ‘‘direction and guidance’’ from ‘‘Al Qaeda elements located in Iran,’’ though there was no reason to think the planned attacks were state-sponsored. Police said the men did not get financial support from Al Qaeda, but declined to provide more details.
Right, radical, Shi-ite-hating, Sunni "Al-CIA-Duh" in Iran.
It's an EITHER/OR "Al-CIA-Duh" operation!
‘‘It was definitely in the planning stage but not imminent,’’ said RCMP’s chief superintendent, Jennifer Strachan. ‘‘We are alleging that these two individuals took steps and conducted activities to initiate a terrorist attack. They watched trains and railways.’’
Charges against the two men include conspiring to carry out an attack and murder people in association with a terrorist group. Police said the men are not Canadian citizens, but declined to say where they were from or why they were in the country. Best said they had been in Canada ‘‘a significant amount of time,’’ but would not say how long.
The investigation was part of a cross-border operation involving Canadian law enforcement agencies, the FBI and the US Department of Homeland Security.
Translation: Another psy-op set-up of pathetic patsies.
There is no connection between the Canadian terrorist plot and the Boston Marathon bombings, said a US Justice Department official in Washington, speaking on condition of anonymity because the source was not permitted to speak on the record about the matter.
Strachan said the two men will have a bail hearing in Toronto on Tuesday.
And look what came in the mail today:
"Search finds no ricin in Miss. home" Associated Press, April 23, 2013
OXFORD, Miss. — Investigators haven’t found any ricin in the house of a Mississippi man accused of mailing poisoned letters to President Obama, a US senator, and a local judge, according to testimony Monday from an FBI agent.
You had forgotten all about those, hadn't you -- just like the anthrax letters are an afterthought in the wake of 9/11.
"Search finds no ricin in Miss. home" Associated Press, April 23, 2013
OXFORD, Miss. — Investigators haven’t found any ricin in the house of a Mississippi man accused of mailing poisoned letters to President Obama, a US senator, and a local judge, according to testimony Monday from an FBI agent.
You had forgotten all about those, hadn't you -- just like the anthrax letters are an afterthought in the wake of 9/11.
Agent Brandon Grant said that a search of Paul Kevin Curtis’s vehicle and house in Corinth, Miss., on Friday did not turn up ricin or ingredients for the poison. A search of Curtis’s computers has found no evidence so far that he researched making ricin.
That's an ominous choice of words that implies the government is getting ready to plant something.
That's an ominous choice of words that implies the government is getting ready to plant something.
‘‘There was no apparent ricin, castor beans, or any material there that could be used for the manufacturing, like a blender or something,’’ Grant testified. He speculated that Curtis could have thrown away the processor.
Grant said computer technicians are now doing a ‘‘deep dive’’ on the suspect’s computers after initially finding no ‘‘dirty words’’ indicating Curtis had searched for information on ricin.
So he wasn't into porn, either? Just reported the body parts harvesting ring, huh?
Grant said computer technicians are now doing a ‘‘deep dive’’ on the suspect’s computers after initially finding no ‘‘dirty words’’ indicating Curtis had searched for information on ricin.
So he wasn't into porn, either? Just reported the body parts harvesting ring, huh?
Through his lawyer, Curtis has denied involvement in letters sent to Obama, Senator Roger Wicker, a Mississippi Republican, and a Lee County, Miss., judge. The letters, bearing a Memphis postmark, were detected beginning April 15. Curtis’s lawyer said in court that someone may have framed Curtis, suggesting that a former co-worker with whom Curtis had an extended exchange of angry e-mails may have set him up.
No doubt about it in my mind.
No doubt about it in my mind.
Still, Grant testified that authorities believe that they have the right suspect.
They are incorrigible, and not interested in justice at all -- unless it is AmeriKan justice.
They are incorrigible, and not interested in justice at all -- unless it is AmeriKan justice.
Federal investigators believe the letters were mailed by Curtis, an Elvis impersonator who family members say suffers from bipolar disorder.
Translation: a cover story is being advanced so they can claim he's another pharmaceutically-phed nut case.
Translation: a cover story is being advanced so they can claim he's another pharmaceutically-phed nut case.
Christi McCoy, his lawyer, said she would seek to have a federal judge release Curtis for lack of probable cause.
He's not going anywhere. The FBI will "find" something on the "deep dive."
Yeah, something is getting pretty deep around here.
He's not going anywhere. The FBI will "find" something on the "deep dive."
Yeah, something is getting pretty deep around here.
UPDATE: Ricin suspect released from jail
If you feel like taking a little run this is a pretty good route.
"Boston bombing: citizen video-analysts create major problems for controlled media
by Jon Rappoport
April 23, 2013
You’re a reporter for a TV news outlet.
You’ve become aware of a disturbing trend. Thousands of private citizens are now analyzing video and photographs of crime scenes and posting their findings.
They’re hounds, and they can’t be stopped. They’re looking at news footage, casual video, photos, and what they’re coming up with challenges the official story lines your network pushes.
Some of their analysis is ridiculous, but some of it isn’t.
For example, video footage of the first bomb in Boston doesn’t appear to show any shrapnel damage to the fencing near the explosion, or to the blue canopy just above the street. You, the reporter, wonder about that.
The now-famous 78-year-old runner who fell down in the street, just after the first explosion? Security personnel wearing yellow jackets were standing closer to the bomb, but they didn’t wobble or duck or waver. You, the reporter, wonder about that, too.
You, the reporter, see a photo of a storefront which was presumably right next to the first bomb. The windows are blown out. But all the glass is lying in the street, which would indicate the force of the explosion was coming from inside the store. How is that possible, you ask yourself.
Then there are the quickly circulating photos of the man in the wheelchair. He’s missing large parts of both legs. People are pushing the chair. His legs are bleeding. But other posted photos? Do they show he already was wearing prosthetics? Is it true he should already be dead from the massive blood loss? You, the reporter, are disturbed by this.
You also look at several photos of the pressure-cooker bomb. In the twisted metal remains, you see discoloration, but no signs the nails or ball bearings in the bomb penetrated the pressure cooker or pitted it or ended up embedded in it.
You look at photos of men standing near the Marathon finish line, the men in identical uniforms, who have variously been described as Navy Seals, Coast Guard, and Craft International security personnel.
What were they doing there? Running a drill? Watching suspects or patsies or bomb-planters? What was going on?
You look at a photo of the younger Tsarnaev brother leaving the scene after the bombs went off. He’s still…wearing his backpack? And another photo, the one of the ripped-apart backpack on the ground. Is that a white square on it? Because one of the Seal-Craft-Coast Guard guys had a white square on his intact backpack…and is that him, leaving the scene of the bombing without that backpack? Hmmm…
You, the reporter, now face several quandaries.
First, if you decide to look into all this, you’ll have to do actual work. Investigation. That isn’t part of your job description. You basically talk to official sources, obtain their statements, repeat them, and sound like you know what you’re talking about. Investigation? What’s that?
Second, if you undertake a serious inquiry, you’re going to have to verify that all these photos and all this video footage are pristine and haven’t been altered or cropped in order to mislead.
You’ll have to find experts to help you. More work. You’re already feeling exhausted, just thinking about it.
On the other hand, your network has shown faked and cropped photos and edited footage in the past, to slant stories. So maybe you can get by with less work.
However, there is a rule in your business. Reporters aren’t allowed to follow their noses. They aren’t allowed to do investigations on their own. They most definitely aren’t permitted to do technical analysis of evidence, like crime-scene photos or video. No, all technical interpretation has to come from government agencies.
If you go off the reservation, you’ll take heavy hits from your bosses.
But all this is meaningless. It’s just mental masturbation, because, finally, you know there is no possible way your producer will allow you to present evidence that the official Boston scenario has gaping holes in it.
Your own network has the explicit job of promoting that scenario.
You’d be torpedoing your own people. Professional suicide. Just walking into your producer’s office and pointing to issues raised by private-citizen analysis of video? It would put you on a watch list.
Your producer would think, “This guy’s gone soft in the head. He wants to pursue a story on his own. He must be some kind of grandstanding goof. He doesn’t have a firm grip on things. He doesn’t know what his job really is. And he wants to raise doubts about the Boston bombing? Wow…”
To the degree that you have any shred of conscience left, you’re in a bind. Maybe it’s the moment to offload that last bit of idealism and go completely corporate. It’s not as if you’ve been challenging your bosses; you’ve just been asking yourself questions privately. So what’s the problem? Just stop asking the questions.
Maybe you’re depressed. Maybe you should go in and see a shrink and get a script for Zoloft. Something to take the edge off. Of course, then you’d have to cut back on your drinking. Screw that. Just up the booze. Have a few more every night after work. Make the coffee stronger in the morning.
Wait. An idea is forming.
It’s coming.
Sit there. Let it formulate.
Yes. Yes! Here it is. Some of these video hounds are saying no one at all was hurt or killed in Boston; the whole bombing thing was a hoax. Well, tell that to the doctors at the hospitals who were doing amputations.
Okay. Okay. Now you’re on to something. You can feel it. There’s an obvious way to destroy all this wildcat video evidence in one fell swoop and, at the same time, endear yourself to your bosses.
They’ll be grateful. You can rack up some brownie points. They’ll think of you as a company man. A tough defender of the realm, their realm.
Anyway, you’ve got a deadline to meet. You have to put something together. It may as well be this:
Take the most radical opinions these video hounds are promoting, package them all into one article, and imply that every hound is a complete freak. All their video analysis must be wrong, because they’re all crazy. It’s the old rejection by generality. And by ad hominem. By straw man. Didn’t you learn something about those logical fallacies in college? Time to put them to use.
Do the conspiracy-theorist thing. Say these weirdos have far too much time on their hands. And what else? They’re dangerous. Sure. Refer back to that FBI dude who’s in charge of the Boston investigation, DesLauriers, who said people should focus on helping the investigation by looking at certain photos and no others.
How did he put it? He said there were irrelevant photos out there, and if people tipped the FBI to them, they’d overload agents and delay the search for the bombers.
That’s it. These private video hounds are dangerous. They’re giving people too much information.
So they have crazy ideas, one. They’re saying nobody was hurt, there were no bombs, two. They’re claiming all the bleeding people at the Marathon were actors brought in from some outfit in Colorado, three. They’re saying these massacre ops are designed to shut down freedom in America, four. They’re dangerous, five.
Roll all that up into a ball and you’re good to go. Whatever they’ve actually got in terms of troubling and disturbing and truthful video and photo evidence will disappear in a sea of ridicule.
Imply there are two basic classes of people: the normals and the crazies. The crazies are threatening the rest of us. They’re multiplying like fruit flies. They’re swarming the Internet. They’re disrespecting the wounded and dead—don’t forget that one. How dare they come out with all this insanity as the families are grieving and in turmoil.
Yeah. There is only one true stream of information, and the public has to know it. It comes from the major networks. There has to be a central story line, because if there isn’t, the whole country will fall into chaos. Don’t actually say that, but realize you’re on the side of the angels here. You’re standing tall against the barbarians at the gates.
Right. You’re giving the audience a choice. Do they want to be nuts, or do they want to be normal. Normal is the wave of the future. Soon, that’s all there will be. The others will be wiped out. They have no cache. They have no right to challenge the order of things.
Isn’t that what Arthur Jensen said in the movie Network? There is one planetary, galactic order of things, and everybody has live under it.
Expand the piece. Take it all the way back to 9/11, and the loonies who claimed the towers couldn’t have been taken down by the planes. Yeah. They said there were bombs inside the buildings. They said Building 7 didn’t go down from a fire. Idiots.
Why not do history? Makes you sound smarter. JFK. “Oswald didn’t act alone.” That’s where it all started, that’s how the conspiracy germ spread. It was a disease.
That’s a great metaphor. The plague of conspiracy theories. It had a ground zero, in Dallas, on November 22nd, 1963. From there, the virus moved through time. It’s all one epidemic.
Call a few shrinks. Get comments from them. A psychological pandemic. These guys always want face time. Give it to them. Let them speculate on why the plague is accelerating.
Geez. Maybe this could become a three-part series. “We investigate the trend of conspiracy thinking. Why is it happening? Who are these people? Where do they come from? What do they really want?”
Then…oh yeah. We find some guy who was a conspiracy nut but he woke up and realized he was about to go off the cliff, so he stepped back. He was addicted. It was an addiction. He had alienated his whole family and all his friends.
Then he had a revelation. He saw what had happened to him. Get a few juicy quotes. “I needed a way to rebel against society, so I chose this. It was a fad. I joined up. It was a kind of cult. I made new friends. But then I saw that these people weren’t like me. I was ruining my life. I was walking around paranoid all the time…I finally came to my senses…”
Nail down the place and time when he woke up. Maybe take a camera crew there. “This was the spot. I was walking along this stretch of beach one night, all alone, and it hit me. I was isolated. I had no ties left to my community…”
Yeah. Plays very well. Do you want to be in the cold, on the outside, or do you want to be near the hearth, where the tribe is safe?
With a series, a three-part “investigation,” you could establish yourself as the go-to guy whenever a new conspiracy theory pops up. They’d come to you. You, the expert. This could be a very good career move.
And why pretend? That’s what you’re in this for, isn’t it? A career? So stop fooling around with all the freakazoid photo and video evidence. Just go for it.
It’s a war. The independent journalists and bloggers and video loons are trying to steal food out of your kids’ mouths. You can lie down in the road or you can fight back. If you’re going to fight, take off the gloves. Screw that half-way stuff.
Who knows more about conspiracies than anyone else? The CIA, the FBI, the intelligence community. Hell, after a few years of attacking the weirdos and nutballs out there, you might graduate up into a more distinguished and rarefied atmosphere, where real conspiracies are planned and carried out for the sake of national security. The real stuff, the right stuff.
You could become a “our national intelligence correspondent.” Wouldn’t that be something. You’d have access to the big boys and some of their secrets. You’d prove you could be trusted.
You’d never have to look at another foot of video put together by losers who’ll never get within a thousand miles of real news.
You’ll never have to wonder whether you’re doing the right thing. You’ll live in a place that’s far from the madding crowd. You’ll drink single malt instead of rotgut. You’ll sit down with senators and lobbyists and bankers and diplomats.
You’ll turn into a controlled drunk who knows when to start and when to stop. You’ll find inner peace and all that crap, knowing you’re serving the best interests of your country and the people who own it and run it.
You’ll write a movie script about the Agency stopping a terrorist plot in New York. You’ll meet people from Hollywood.
One night, high above the city of angels, a beautiful actress will take you in her arms…
And some day, through your CIA connections, you’ll learn about a brain-bending scandal that’s brewing under the surface of Washington, and they’ll give you the green light to go out there and dig up the information you already have in your back pocket.
You’ll be Bob Woodward and the doors will open for you wherever you go.
You’ll be unstoppable.
You’ll be the man who finds out all the secrets.
Except the real ones.
Jon Rappoport
The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
"In a speech over the weekend Obama said that people should not think independently about the Boston terror attacks, but rather wait until the government comes forward with their official version of events....
All political leaders are so filled with arrogance that they actually believe they have the right to tell everyone else how to think and behave, but few are so bold to actually come out and say it. Obama and Bush for whatever reason, be it blind ego or desperation, have actually come out and told people not to think, but to just accept the government version of events in every circumstance....
Also see:
"I’m not a conspiracy-minded person, but something definitely stinks about this whole Boston Marathon bombing story."
Well, get on board.
7-Eleven robbery not related to Boston bombing suspects
Or lied.
’Israeli Mossad agents posed as CIA spies to recruit terrorists
Boston Marathon Attacks, Chechnya and Oil – the Hidden U.S. Connection
Boston bombing will boost U.S. support for Israel, says Netanyahu aide
Did the FBI Just Bungle The Boston Bomb Plot, or Did It Actually Create It?
Boston Becoming A Very Very Real Hoax
Who Are These Men?
'Disgusting' Facebook group called 'Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is innocent' attracts more than 11,000 fans worldwide
F*cking Massholes!!!!
She is so right!
UPDATE: Ricin suspect released from jail
If you feel like taking a little run this is a pretty good route.
"Boston bombing: citizen video-analysts create major problems for controlled media
by Jon Rappoport
April 23, 2013
You’re a reporter for a TV news outlet.
You’ve become aware of a disturbing trend. Thousands of private citizens are now analyzing video and photographs of crime scenes and posting their findings.
They’re hounds, and they can’t be stopped. They’re looking at news footage, casual video, photos, and what they’re coming up with challenges the official story lines your network pushes.
Some of their analysis is ridiculous, but some of it isn’t.
For example, video footage of the first bomb in Boston doesn’t appear to show any shrapnel damage to the fencing near the explosion, or to the blue canopy just above the street. You, the reporter, wonder about that.
The now-famous 78-year-old runner who fell down in the street, just after the first explosion? Security personnel wearing yellow jackets were standing closer to the bomb, but they didn’t wobble or duck or waver. You, the reporter, wonder about that, too.
You, the reporter, see a photo of a storefront which was presumably right next to the first bomb. The windows are blown out. But all the glass is lying in the street, which would indicate the force of the explosion was coming from inside the store. How is that possible, you ask yourself.
Then there are the quickly circulating photos of the man in the wheelchair. He’s missing large parts of both legs. People are pushing the chair. His legs are bleeding. But other posted photos? Do they show he already was wearing prosthetics? Is it true he should already be dead from the massive blood loss? You, the reporter, are disturbed by this.
You also look at several photos of the pressure-cooker bomb. In the twisted metal remains, you see discoloration, but no signs the nails or ball bearings in the bomb penetrated the pressure cooker or pitted it or ended up embedded in it.
You look at photos of men standing near the Marathon finish line, the men in identical uniforms, who have variously been described as Navy Seals, Coast Guard, and Craft International security personnel.
What were they doing there? Running a drill? Watching suspects or patsies or bomb-planters? What was going on?
You look at a photo of the younger Tsarnaev brother leaving the scene after the bombs went off. He’s still…wearing his backpack? And another photo, the one of the ripped-apart backpack on the ground. Is that a white square on it? Because one of the Seal-Craft-Coast Guard guys had a white square on his intact backpack…and is that him, leaving the scene of the bombing without that backpack? Hmmm…
You, the reporter, now face several quandaries.
First, if you decide to look into all this, you’ll have to do actual work. Investigation. That isn’t part of your job description. You basically talk to official sources, obtain their statements, repeat them, and sound like you know what you’re talking about. Investigation? What’s that?
Second, if you undertake a serious inquiry, you’re going to have to verify that all these photos and all this video footage are pristine and haven’t been altered or cropped in order to mislead.
You’ll have to find experts to help you. More work. You’re already feeling exhausted, just thinking about it.
On the other hand, your network has shown faked and cropped photos and edited footage in the past, to slant stories. So maybe you can get by with less work.
However, there is a rule in your business. Reporters aren’t allowed to follow their noses. They aren’t allowed to do investigations on their own. They most definitely aren’t permitted to do technical analysis of evidence, like crime-scene photos or video. No, all technical interpretation has to come from government agencies.
If you go off the reservation, you’ll take heavy hits from your bosses.
But all this is meaningless. It’s just mental masturbation, because, finally, you know there is no possible way your producer will allow you to present evidence that the official Boston scenario has gaping holes in it.
Your own network has the explicit job of promoting that scenario.
You’d be torpedoing your own people. Professional suicide. Just walking into your producer’s office and pointing to issues raised by private-citizen analysis of video? It would put you on a watch list.
Your producer would think, “This guy’s gone soft in the head. He wants to pursue a story on his own. He must be some kind of grandstanding goof. He doesn’t have a firm grip on things. He doesn’t know what his job really is. And he wants to raise doubts about the Boston bombing? Wow…”
To the degree that you have any shred of conscience left, you’re in a bind. Maybe it’s the moment to offload that last bit of idealism and go completely corporate. It’s not as if you’ve been challenging your bosses; you’ve just been asking yourself questions privately. So what’s the problem? Just stop asking the questions.
Maybe you’re depressed. Maybe you should go in and see a shrink and get a script for Zoloft. Something to take the edge off. Of course, then you’d have to cut back on your drinking. Screw that. Just up the booze. Have a few more every night after work. Make the coffee stronger in the morning.
Wait. An idea is forming.
It’s coming.
Sit there. Let it formulate.
Yes. Yes! Here it is. Some of these video hounds are saying no one at all was hurt or killed in Boston; the whole bombing thing was a hoax. Well, tell that to the doctors at the hospitals who were doing amputations.
Okay. Okay. Now you’re on to something. You can feel it. There’s an obvious way to destroy all this wildcat video evidence in one fell swoop and, at the same time, endear yourself to your bosses.
They’ll be grateful. You can rack up some brownie points. They’ll think of you as a company man. A tough defender of the realm, their realm.
Anyway, you’ve got a deadline to meet. You have to put something together. It may as well be this:
Take the most radical opinions these video hounds are promoting, package them all into one article, and imply that every hound is a complete freak. All their video analysis must be wrong, because they’re all crazy. It’s the old rejection by generality. And by ad hominem. By straw man. Didn’t you learn something about those logical fallacies in college? Time to put them to use.
Do the conspiracy-theorist thing. Say these weirdos have far too much time on their hands. And what else? They’re dangerous. Sure. Refer back to that FBI dude who’s in charge of the Boston investigation, DesLauriers, who said people should focus on helping the investigation by looking at certain photos and no others.
How did he put it? He said there were irrelevant photos out there, and if people tipped the FBI to them, they’d overload agents and delay the search for the bombers.
That’s it. These private video hounds are dangerous. They’re giving people too much information.
So they have crazy ideas, one. They’re saying nobody was hurt, there were no bombs, two. They’re claiming all the bleeding people at the Marathon were actors brought in from some outfit in Colorado, three. They’re saying these massacre ops are designed to shut down freedom in America, four. They’re dangerous, five.
Roll all that up into a ball and you’re good to go. Whatever they’ve actually got in terms of troubling and disturbing and truthful video and photo evidence will disappear in a sea of ridicule.
Imply there are two basic classes of people: the normals and the crazies. The crazies are threatening the rest of us. They’re multiplying like fruit flies. They’re swarming the Internet. They’re disrespecting the wounded and dead—don’t forget that one. How dare they come out with all this insanity as the families are grieving and in turmoil.
Yeah. There is only one true stream of information, and the public has to know it. It comes from the major networks. There has to be a central story line, because if there isn’t, the whole country will fall into chaos. Don’t actually say that, but realize you’re on the side of the angels here. You’re standing tall against the barbarians at the gates.
Right. You’re giving the audience a choice. Do they want to be nuts, or do they want to be normal. Normal is the wave of the future. Soon, that’s all there will be. The others will be wiped out. They have no cache. They have no right to challenge the order of things.
Isn’t that what Arthur Jensen said in the movie Network? There is one planetary, galactic order of things, and everybody has live under it.
Expand the piece. Take it all the way back to 9/11, and the loonies who claimed the towers couldn’t have been taken down by the planes. Yeah. They said there were bombs inside the buildings. They said Building 7 didn’t go down from a fire. Idiots.
Why not do history? Makes you sound smarter. JFK. “Oswald didn’t act alone.” That’s where it all started, that’s how the conspiracy germ spread. It was a disease.
That’s a great metaphor. The plague of conspiracy theories. It had a ground zero, in Dallas, on November 22nd, 1963. From there, the virus moved through time. It’s all one epidemic.
Call a few shrinks. Get comments from them. A psychological pandemic. These guys always want face time. Give it to them. Let them speculate on why the plague is accelerating.
Geez. Maybe this could become a three-part series. “We investigate the trend of conspiracy thinking. Why is it happening? Who are these people? Where do they come from? What do they really want?”
Then…oh yeah. We find some guy who was a conspiracy nut but he woke up and realized he was about to go off the cliff, so he stepped back. He was addicted. It was an addiction. He had alienated his whole family and all his friends.
Then he had a revelation. He saw what had happened to him. Get a few juicy quotes. “I needed a way to rebel against society, so I chose this. It was a fad. I joined up. It was a kind of cult. I made new friends. But then I saw that these people weren’t like me. I was ruining my life. I was walking around paranoid all the time…I finally came to my senses…”
Nail down the place and time when he woke up. Maybe take a camera crew there. “This was the spot. I was walking along this stretch of beach one night, all alone, and it hit me. I was isolated. I had no ties left to my community…”
Yeah. Plays very well. Do you want to be in the cold, on the outside, or do you want to be near the hearth, where the tribe is safe?
With a series, a three-part “investigation,” you could establish yourself as the go-to guy whenever a new conspiracy theory pops up. They’d come to you. You, the expert. This could be a very good career move.
And why pretend? That’s what you’re in this for, isn’t it? A career? So stop fooling around with all the freakazoid photo and video evidence. Just go for it.
It’s a war. The independent journalists and bloggers and video loons are trying to steal food out of your kids’ mouths. You can lie down in the road or you can fight back. If you’re going to fight, take off the gloves. Screw that half-way stuff.
Who knows more about conspiracies than anyone else? The CIA, the FBI, the intelligence community. Hell, after a few years of attacking the weirdos and nutballs out there, you might graduate up into a more distinguished and rarefied atmosphere, where real conspiracies are planned and carried out for the sake of national security. The real stuff, the right stuff.
You could become a “our national intelligence correspondent.” Wouldn’t that be something. You’d have access to the big boys and some of their secrets. You’d prove you could be trusted.
You’d never have to look at another foot of video put together by losers who’ll never get within a thousand miles of real news.
You’ll never have to wonder whether you’re doing the right thing. You’ll live in a place that’s far from the madding crowd. You’ll drink single malt instead of rotgut. You’ll sit down with senators and lobbyists and bankers and diplomats.
You’ll turn into a controlled drunk who knows when to start and when to stop. You’ll find inner peace and all that crap, knowing you’re serving the best interests of your country and the people who own it and run it.
You’ll write a movie script about the Agency stopping a terrorist plot in New York. You’ll meet people from Hollywood.
One night, high above the city of angels, a beautiful actress will take you in her arms…
And some day, through your CIA connections, you’ll learn about a brain-bending scandal that’s brewing under the surface of Washington, and they’ll give you the green light to go out there and dig up the information you already have in your back pocket.
You’ll be Bob Woodward and the doors will open for you wherever you go.
You’ll be unstoppable.
You’ll be the man who finds out all the secrets.
Except the real ones.
Jon Rappoport
The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
"In a speech over the weekend Obama said that people should not think independently about the Boston terror attacks, but rather wait until the government comes forward with their official version of events....
All political leaders are so filled with arrogance that they actually believe they have the right to tell everyone else how to think and behave, but few are so bold to actually come out and say it. Obama and Bush for whatever reason, be it blind ego or desperation, have actually come out and told people not to think, but to just accept the government version of events in every circumstance....
Also see:
"I’m not a conspiracy-minded person, but something definitely stinks about this whole Boston Marathon bombing story."
Well, get on board.
7-Eleven robbery not related to Boston bombing suspects
Or lied.
’Israeli Mossad agents posed as CIA spies to recruit terrorists
Boston Marathon Attacks, Chechnya and Oil – the Hidden U.S. Connection
Boston bombing will boost U.S. support for Israel, says Netanyahu aide
Did the FBI Just Bungle The Boston Bomb Plot, or Did It Actually Create It?
Boston Becoming A Very Very Real Hoax
Who Are These Men?
'Disgusting' Facebook group called 'Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is innocent' attracts more than 11,000 fans worldwide
F*cking Massholes!!!!
She is so right!