That's because informant has been tainted by the agitating self-serving scum instigators setting these guys up to continue the fraud of terror.
Related: What Happens When You Don't Cooperate With The FBI
This kid found out big time!!!
"FBI calls Sudbury suspect inept but serious terror plotter" by Shelley Murphy, Globe Staff | October 22, 2009
They allegedly tried to get into terrorist training camps overseas, but could not find one that would take them. They plotted to shoot shoppers and emergency responders at a suburban mall, but scrapped the plan because they could not get their hands on automatic weapons, according to the FBI.
Yet, even though Tarek Mehanna, 27, of Sudbury and his friend, Ahmad Abousamra, who allegedly was rejected by the Taliban because of a lack of experience, were portrayed as hapless would-be terrorists in an FBI affidavit unsealed yesterday, federal authorities allege their intentions were deadly serious.
Early yesterday, Mehanna, who was free on bail since his January indictment on a charge of lying to authorities conducting a terrorism investigation, was arrested at his parents’ home on Fairhaven Circle on a new and more serious charge of conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists. Abousamra, who fled Boston for Syria nearly three years ago, was not charged yesterday.
“We don’t want to wait for somebody to become a terrorist before we stop them,’’ Warren T. Bamford, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Boston office, said by phone yesterday. “We don’t want them to blow something up and kill somebody, because our whole mission is to prevent.’’
That is going to be pretty darn hard you PoS!
See: FBI Planning False-Flag Terror Attack on Boston
He said that anyone who would travel to Yemen, as Mehanna allegedly did in 2004 in search of a terrorist camp that would train him, was a significant concern and had to be taken seriously. Acting US Attorney Michael K. Loucks said at a press conference that authorities brought the new charge after conducting a lengthy investigation. “We’re satisfied that we know every member of this group’’ involved in the alleged terrorist plot, Loucks said....
Last November, Mehanna was arrested on a charge that he lied to the FBI in December 2006 when questioned about the whereabouts and activities of Daniel J. Maldonado, a former Methuen resident who was suspected of training at an Al Qaeda terrorist camp to overthrow the Somali government. Mehanna was indicted on the charge two months later, but no trial date had been set. Maldonado, who is serving 10 years in prison after pleading guilty two years ago in Houston to receiving training at a terrorist camp in Somalia, is cooperating against Mehanna, according to the affidavit unsealed yesterday in Boston.
Oh, so he is SELLING OUT THIS GUY (under torture?) to save his own skin?
Or is the government just lying again!
The affidavit says Abousamra traveled to Pakistan twice in 2002 and 2003 trying to find a jihadist training camp that would take him, but the Lashkar e Tayyiba group would not accept him because he was Arab and the Taliban camp rejected him because of a “lack of experience.’’
Later, Mehanna, Abousamra, and an unnamed cooperating witness allegedly talked about attacks on US soil, including assassinating the two executive branch members, who were not identified by officials, and a mall shooting. Loucks would not disclose whether a particular mall had been targeted or how far the alleged plot had progressed. The affidavit made no mention of a specific target. The acting US attorney did not identify the two government officials who had allegedly been targeted, but said they are no longer in the executive branch and “neither were in any danger at any time from Mehanna or his coconspirators.’’
Had enough wading in the BULLSHIT because I have!
In 2003, Mehanna, Abousamra, and the cooperating witness, inspired by the panic caused by snipers who randomly executed people in the Washington, D.C., area the previous year, “discussed a plan to obtain automatic weapons, go to a shopping mall, and randomly shoot people,’’ the affidavit says. The cooperating witness met with Maldonado in New Hampshire and asked him to use his gang contacts to get automatic weapons, but Maldonado said he could only get handguns, the affidavit says....
The BG will not SAY IT, but read between the lines and put two-and-two together.
During a secretly recorded conversation with Mehanna in January 2007, the cooperating witness expressed reservations about what they had done....
Yeah, the FBI puke didn't want to get himself in trouble while he was framing this nice boy!
Mehanna, a graduate of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy....
Why would he THROW THAT ALL AWAY?!
Bamford said the FBI has no information about terrorist cells operating in New England.
What are we paying you guys for then --other than setting up patsies for false flag attacks?
But he added, “The home grown terrorists, those individuals who have become radicalized by looking at the Internet . . . are of great concern because those people often fly below the radar.’’
F*** You!
Would I be OUT HERE YAPPIN' if I wure "terrorist?"
"Records show man intent on terror, but supporters skeptical" by Milton J. Valencia and John R. Ellement, Globe Staff | October 22, 2009
SUDBURY - Calling them freedom fighters while others called them terrorists....
This is no time to cite Reagan commending the 9/11 terrorists he supported and supplied against the Soviets in the 1980s in Afghanistan, 'kay?
“You could see the kindness in his eyes,’’ said a neighbor, Cafic Maalouf, 47, who lives down the street from Mehanna and saw him recently as he was out mowing the family’s lawn. Another neighbor, Paul McManus, said: “He was everyday normal. When he was out walking, he was friendly, neighborly.’’
Mehanna, barrel-chested and bearded, lives in a sprawling home in a cul-de-sac off Hudson Road in Sudbury with his mother, Souad, and father, Ahmed. His mother runs a licensed day care there. State officials said they have had no day care-related complaints in the past, but will be looking into whether the setting is appropriate.
I'm sorry, but this kid is NO TERRORIST!! He HAD a GOOD LIFE!!!
A recent graduate of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, where his father is a professor, Mehanna had planned a career as a pharmacist in Saudi Arabia, after working as a pharmacy intern at Walgreens in Marlborough from 2006 to 2008.
Why would he want to shoot up a mall then?
Wouldn't he just hand out the wrong medications and slowly poison the dumb 'murkns?
In Saudi Arabia, he had been promised a hefty benefits package and free return trips to the United States. But as he was boarding a plane at Logan in November to go to Saudi Arabia, he was arrested on charges that he lied to investigators in a terrorism investigation.
Related: TSA Says Guns on Plane are O.K.
Sorry, wrong case!
In an informal interview with the Globe several months ago and in statements through his lawyer, Mehanna was quick to deny the charges, and he accused federal investigators of targeting him with trumped-up charges because they were trying to turn him into a government informant.
And YOU know what happens when YOU say NO to the FBI!!!!
A federal indictment released last year revealed little of what the government knew of Mehanna and only seemed to blur the line between the terrorist alleged by the government and someone from the general Muslim community, his supporters said. “They’re kind of painting the wrong picture of the Muslim community,’’ a supporter said last year. Supporters cited his work with youth, as a teacher at the Islamic Center of Boston in Wayland. He was a young pharmacist in the making, following in his father’s footsteps....
Yeah, NO REASON to be a "terrorist!!!!"
But through the years, Mehanna seemed to grow more dedicated to his beliefs, and eventually he connected with figures who seemed to promote the extremist movement, according to court records and interviews with friends. Several years ago, he met Daniel Maldonado, a Massachusetts native who was convicted two years ago of undergoing terrorist training. He was sentenced to 10 years in jail....
He also met Ahmad Abousamra, and together they planned to join jihad in the Middle East, according to court records. Little was known about Abousamra yesterday. He fled to Syria after he was initially questioned by federal investigators in 2006 about his trip to the Middle East and his ties to Maldonado. But court records alleged that Mehanna, Abousamra, and an unidentified government witness conspired to do anything they could to further jihad, even if it meant suicide bombers.
Again, the government can BLOW THIS PFFFFFT out its you-know-where, readers! I'M NO LONGER FALLING FOR IT, nor are the people around here I'm talking to. They may not want to hear 9/11 truth, but they ain't buying this s*** no more.
In the interview earlier this year, Mehanna did not deny his support of violence for a Muslim cause. However, he seemed to draw a line at the random killing of civilians and said he wished the American news media would learn the difference.
We ALL WISH SO MANY THINGS for the divisive, distorting, obfuscating, omitting, enemy-creating, agenda-pushing, war-promoting, Zionist Amerikan MSM!!!
But, the court records said, Mehanna knew no line.... Much of the material in court records refers to a blog he wrote. While some have seen his passages as poetic, others have referred to him as the “Al Qaeda blogger,’’ for his promotion of Islamic fundamentalism. Federal investigators allege he used the blog to promote terrorism, a possible crime....
And YOU know what happens when you have a WEAK SET-UP for a case, right, readers?
That's right, DELAY and BURY!!!
"Hearing postponed on terrorism charges
A hearing on whether a Sudbury man should remain jailed while awaiting trial on terrorism charges has been postponed because his lawyer said he needs more time to prepare. Tarek Mehanna, 27, is accused of plotting with two other men to shoot shoppers at a suburban mall, to join a terrorist training camp, to kill American soldiers overseas, and to assassinate two unnamed government officials. He was arrested last week on a charge that he conspired to provide material support to terrorists. Yesterday in US District Court in Boston, US Magistrate Judge Leo T. Sorokin postponed a hearing scheduled for today until Nov. 12.
--more--"Thanks for the brief.
"Two indicted in alleged terror plot" by Jonathan Saltzman and Shelley Murphy, Globe Staff | November 6, 2009

Mehanna, a graduate of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, was arrested Oct. 21 at his parents’ home in Sudbury on federal charges. Two weeks after a Sudbury man was arrested in an alleged terrorist plot to kill Americans, federal authorities announced his indictment yesterday along with a former Mansfield man they say is now in Syria.
Oh, yeah, that proves they are terrorists!!
Either that or they are testifying at a Kennedy rape trial.
Tarek Mehanna, 27, of Sudbury and Ahmad Abousamra, 28, who last lived in Mansfield, were charged in a 10-count indictment with providing and conspiring to provide material support to terrorists, conspiracy to kill in a foreign country, and other charges. Abousamra left Boston for Syria nearly three years ago after being questioned by the FBI, according to the bureau.
Acting US Attorney Michael K. Loucks also released two undated photos of Mehanna smiling at Ground Zero in New York City with friends, as well as excerpts of conversations he allegedly had online in which he expressed admiration for Al Qaeda, the 19 hijackers who participated in the 9/11 attacks, and Osama bin Laden....
Oh, the DEAD GUY?
Mehanna, prosecutors say, was a blogger who promoted jihad, or holy war, online, hoped to become part of Al Qaeda’s “media wing,’’ and was translating a document called “39 Ways to Serve and Participate in Jihad’’ for a radical jihadi website.
He also allegedly reveled in the misfortunes of westerners abducted or killed overseas, such as Jill Carroll, a Christian Science Monitor journalist kidnapped in Iraq but later freed. Boston attorney J.W. Carney Jr., who represents Mehanna, declined to comment yesterday about the indictment or filings by prosecutors. In a recent interview, Abousamra’s father disputed the FBI’s suggestion that his son fled to Syria in December 2006 after being questioned by the FBI.
“My son is the most peaceful man,’’ said Abdul Abousamra, a prominent doctor who worked at Massachusetts General Hospital for 21 years before moving to Michigan two years ago. He said that he is in touch with his son and that the young man was shocked by the allegations. Dr. Abousamra said his son went to Syria to be with his wife after graduating from UMass Boston with a degree in computer science.
He said his son has been in contact with US immigration officials, who have his address in Syria, for more than a year while trying to help his wife obtain a visa to return to the United States with him. He said his son has been taking care of his wife, daughter, and grandparents while in Syria.
Translation: We have ANOTHER PATSY!
Therefore, the lying government has to come up with something new!
"Mass. man faces new charges in alleged terror plot" by Denise Lavoie, AP Legal Affairs Writer | November 5, 2009
BOSTON --A pharmacy college graduate was indicted Thursday on new charges in an alleged terror plot to kill two prominent U.S. politicians and shoot people at American shopping malls.
Tarek Mehanna, of Sudbury, Mass., is accused of conspiring with two other men -- Ahmad Abousamra, who authorities say is now in Syria, and an unnamed man who is now cooperating with authorities....
The men... allegedly talked about killing U.S. soldiers in Iraq.
Then why didn't they enlist?
Mehanna is being held without bail pending a detention hearing scheduled for Nov. 12. His attorney, J.W. Carney, declined to comment Thursday on the indictment. After Mehanna's initial court appearance last month, Carney said he was "confident that the American people will put aside their fears and instead rely on the fairness guaranteed by our Constitution."
In a memorandum arguing for Mehanna to be held without bail while awaiting trial, federal prosecutors contend that because the new charges carry a possible life sentence, there is a serious risk that Mehanna will flee, as Abousamra did....
These guys HAD CAREERS!! No one THROWS THEM AWAY for THIS, sorry!!
Not for the FICTION of "Al-CIA-Duh!"
Authorities said he and the two other men never came close to pulling off an attack. The men allegedly told friends they were turned down for terrorist training because of their nationality, ethnicity or inexperience and that the people they'd hoped would get them into such camps were either in jail or on a religious pilgrimage. Federal prosecutors said the men abandoned plans to attack malls because their weapons contact said he could find only handguns, not automatic weapons.
How much longer can you take the lies and omissions, 'eh, readers?
Imagine if you were picking up the paper for the first time thinking you were learning something.
"Court papers say terror suspect tried to ‘recruit’ others; Officials seek to have man held without bail" by Shelley Murphy and Milton J. Valencia, Globe Staff | November 7, 2009
Yeah, so they WON'T TALK to the PUBLIC!!!
A Sudbury man indicted this week on terrorism charges confided to a friend three years ago that he stopped speaking during prayer sessions at a Sharon mosque because someone complained that he sounded like an Al Qaeda operative, according to documents filed in federal court Thursday. Tarek Mehanna, 27, an Internet blogger who is accused of promoting violent jihad, wrote to a friend online in June 2006 that after he spoke at the mosque someone told his father, “If we didn’t know he was ur son . . . we would say that he was a member of Al Qaeda,’’ according to the records. Mehanna added that as a result, “I can’t speak anymore . . . and I have to pack up all my books.’’
The Internet chatter was detailed in a 75-page memorandum filed by prosecutors in US District Court in Boston to support their argument that Mehanna is a danger and might flee the country unless he is jailed without bail until trial. A hearing is scheduled Thursday on whether he will be detained. The memorandum, based on information the FBI seized from Mehanna’s computer, secret recordings, and interviews with witnesses, portrays Mehanna and his codefendant, Ahmad Abousamra, as radicals who were trying to recruit other young men in Boston to join them in a jihad, or holy war....
Wow, is the BG ever a HORRIBLE PoS now! A LONG WAY from the paper that came highly recommended to me over twenty years ago!
Mehanna graduated with a doctorate in 2008 from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Abousamra graduated from the University of Massachusetts in Boston in 2006 with a degree in computer science.
And he would throw all that in the toilet so soon?
They are accused of trying to join a terrorist training camp overseas, plotting to attack a mall, assassinate two unidentified US government officials, and attack US soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Now it is Afghanistan, too! Why not join up and make it "friendly" fire??
Prosecutors allege Mehanna hoped to be part of Al Qaeda’s “media wing.... If we are lucky . . . we get to clean their toilets.’’
That is the GOVERNMENT and MSM's laughing, SUBTLE, in-yo-face way of telling you IT KNOWS about Al-CIA-Duh fraud, ha-ha!
His friend messaged back that he would be “the happiest man in the world’’ if Osama bin Laden “just let me hang around him . . . and clean . . . his toilet.’’
Kid doesn't mind hanging around a mountainside grave swabbing dead man's s***, huh?
Globe is SO BAD NOW!!!!
"Detention hearing in alleged terror plot
Federal prosecutors plan to ask a judge this week to keep a Massachusetts man locked up as he awaits trial in an alleged terror plot. A detention hearing is scheduled Thursday for Tarek Mehanna, 27, a Sudbury man accused of conspiring with two other men to shoot people at malls and to kill two prominent US politicians. Authorities say Mehanna and the other men tried, but failed, to get into terrorist training camps in the Middle East. They are also accused of plotting to kill Americans in malls and US servicemen in Iraq. Mehanna is charged with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, conspiracy to kill in a foreign country, and other charges. (AP)."
Did AP just reprint the government handout, or.... ?????
Maybe the Glob can redeem itself:
"Lawyer says FBI sought terror suspect’s help; Refusal brought arrest, he argues" by Shelley Murphy, Globe Staff | November 13, 2009
A defense lawyer argued yesterday that a Sudbury man was charged with terrorism after he refused to be an FBI informant and is now being prosecuted for voicing unpopular views that should be protected by the First Amendment....
The FBI visited Mehanna three times between 2007 and 2008 and “urged him to become a cooperating informant against individuals in the Muslim community, and he declined,’’ J.W. Carney Jr., a Boston attorney who represents Mehanna, told a magistrate during a hearing in US District Court in Boston on whether his client should be released on bail. He said the FBI warned Mehanna in April 2008 that he could face criminal charges for allegedly lying to agents 16 months earlier about the whereabouts and activities of a suspected terrorist, but he still refused to cooperate. “He didn’t flee; he got a lawyer,’’ said Carney, arguing that Mehanna, who earned a doctoral degree last year from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and was recently teaching religion, math, and science to middle schoolers at an Islamic school, should be released to his parents and ordered to stay off the Web.
The terrorist lawyered up?
Downplaying the government’s contention that Mehanna made a significant contribution to terrorists by spreading their message of violence and propaganda on pro-jihadist websites, Carney noted that some of the videos that Mehanna is accused of downloading came from reports on CNN and Fox News.
Actually, THAT is CRIMINAL!!!
“Listening to the prosecutors makes me afraid about where the First Amendment stands in the eyes of this government,’’ Carney said.
It DOESN'T EXIST anymore!
Amendments are NOT ARBITRARY, and if they are they are NOT RIGHTS!
Assistant US Attorney Aloke S. Chakravarty fired back that the government recognizes everyone’s right to say or think what they want, “even if they say they want to kill Americans.’’ But, he said Mehanna crossed the line and was “engaging in action and inciting other people to engage in action.’’ While other young men got together with friends to watch “American Idol,’’ Mehanna would have friends over to watch videos of Americans being beheaded overseas, he said....
Government said? (Flushing sound)
Dressed in an orange prison jumpsuit and wearing shackles, Mehanna blew kisses to his parents and waved to friends as he was led into court under heavy security.
Mehanna, who has been in custody since his arrest on Oct. 21, pleaded not guilty to charges of providing and conspiring to provide material support to terrorists, conspiracy to kill in a foreign country, and making false statements to law enforcement.... About 150 supporters gathered outside the courthouse yesterday holding signs that read, “Free Tarek, injustice to anyone is a threat to everyone,’’ and “Stop Persecuting Muslims.’’
In court, Carney presented letters of support for Mehanna to the magistrate, including some from the Alhuda Academy in Worcester, where Mehanna was teaching before his arrest. A letter from one seventh-grader said Mehanna taught him that “non-violence is the way to go,’’ Carney said. Chakravarty told the court that Mehanna is “a person of two faces,’’ the son of a well-respected family that he portrays to the public, and the blogger who idolized Osama bin Laden as “my real father’’ and relished and incited violence against Americans.
He accused Mehanna of secretly aiding terrorists, “often in the confines of his own home,’’ and argued that there were no bail conditions that would “short circuit’’ his radical thinking and prevent him from posing a danger if he is freed.
Yeah, even though he NEVER REALLY DID ANYTHING at all!!
At least one dissenter stood in the crowd of Mehanna supporters yesterday. Ilya Feoktistov of the group Americans for Peace and Tolerance said, “Boston has one of the oldest, moderate, educated Muslim communities in America, but unfortunately in recent years there’s been an influx in radical ideology that’s having a terrible effect on Boston Muslims.’’ He added, “We’re very concerned about what they are teaching kids at Islamic centers that are radical around here.’’
You mean, like here: Hearing the Call of the Minaret
Seems no one is very concerned about the Zionist garbage we are brainwashed with. Do I sound bitter about having been lied to about my ejerkashun?
I guess I am; I paid good money for garbage and thought it was good at the time.
Also see: FBI Case File: Murder at the Mosque
And remember what they said about kids and lies?
"Letters portray suspect as a role model" by Shelley Murphy, Globe Staff | November 17, 2009
Some of the letters were scrawled in pencil by middle-schoolers who wrote that they were shocked to hear that Tarek Mehanna, their funny and kind teacher at an Islamic school, had been arrested on terrorism charges. Others were neatly typed by doctors, professors, and Muslim community leaders. Their names were blacked out at the request of Mehanna’s lawyer, who filed copies of the 39 letters in US District Court in Boston Thursday and released them to the public yesterday. But the message was the same. All spoke glowingly of Mehanna, 27, of Sudbury, in custody since Oct. 21, and urged a federal magistrate judge to free him on bail until his case goes to trial.
“He is nice to us, he never yells at us, and he’s a peaceful man,’’ wrote a student, adding that “Brother Tarek’’ had taught him religion for two months at the Alhuda Academy in Worcester. “Please can you let him get out of jail? We would like him to be our teacher again.’’ Another wrote: “We never stopped laughing during his class. He was extremely funny.’’ A fifth grader wrote, “I don’t think he would try to kill anyone because he taught us killing is very bad. Children don’t lie, so you should believe me.’’
Yup, and they can SPOT LIARS and it AIN'T HIM!
Let 'em have a look at the government puke!
Mehanna’s lawyer, J.W. Carney Jr. of Boston, gave the letters to US Magistrate Judge Leo T. Sorokin, who is expected to rule soon on the government’s request to keep Mehanna jailed until the charges are resolved. A federal indictment charges Mehanna and Ahmad Abousamra, 28, once of Mansfield, with providing and conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, conspiracy to kill in a foreign country, and making false statements to law enforcement. Abousamra is believed to be in Syria, court filings say. An FBI affidavit filed in the case alleges that Mehanna and Abousamra tried to join a terrorist training camp overseas, but were rejected, and plotted to shoot shoppers at a suburban mall, then scrapped the plan because they could not get automatic weapons. They are also accused, but not charged, with plotting to assassinate two unidentified government officials. Assistant US Attorney Aloke S. Chakravarty argued in court last week that Mehanna is “a person of two faces,’’ the son of a well-respected family that he portrays to the public and the Internet blogger who idolized Osama bin Laden as “my real father’’ and relished and incited violence against Americans.
Yeah, I'M TIRED of reading the SAME REPEATED S***!!!
GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA transmitted by a rectum of a MSM mouthpiece!
Friends who wrote on Mehanna’s behalf knew him as a positive role model who never promoted violence. “In our religion class, he was against terrorism,’’ one wrote.
But he SAID NO to the FBI, so....
Carney asked the court to redact the names of supporters before releasing the letters because Mehanna’s indictment has led to “a great deal of backlash against the Muslim community.’’
That is what it was INTENDED to DO!!
Keep WHIPPING UP that WAR HYSTERIA and keep America on a yo-yo!
So what was the decision, judge (I'll give you one guess)?
"Terror suspect held with no bail; Judge cites ties to Al Qaeda" by Shelley Murphy, Globe Staff | November 19, 2009
A federal magistrate judge ordered yesterday that a Sudbury man remain jailed until his trial on terrorism charges, citing evidence that he has “a strong allegiance’’ to Al Qaeda and would pose a danger if released on bail....
Okay, so WHEN is the TRIAL?
No trial date has been set....
Prosecutors allege....
During a hearing last week packed by Mehanna supporters, Carney argued that the suspect should be released to live with his parents in Sudbury. Mehanna earned a doctoral degree from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and was recently working at a pharmacy and teaching at an Islamic school in Worcester. Carney said that Mehanna, who was initially arrested in November 2008 on a charge of lying to investigators, had not tried to flee and did not pose a danger to anyone while on bail before his recent arrest. Dozens of friends and students of Mehanna wrote letters to Sorokin, describing him as peaceful, humorous, and kind.
In his ruling, Sorokin wrote: “The court credits this evidence. However, the court has before it evidence that there is another side to Mehanna.’’ He cited evidence detailed in a 75-page memorandum filed by prosecutors, including Internet chatter and other information seized from Mehanna’s computer by the FBI, secret recordings, and accounts from witness interviews.
Prosecutors said Mehanna, an Internet blogger, promoted jihad, or holy war, online, hoped to become part of Al Qaeda’s “media wing’’
You truly get TIRED of reading the SAME SLANTED SLOP!!!!!
Sorokin found that the evidence presented by prosecutors “shows Mehanna promoted terrorist activities, encouraged others to engage in terrorism, recruited others to participate in terrorism, and protected, or attempted to protect, a terrorist from law enforcement scrutiny.’’
Referring to the defense assertion that Mehanna is being prosecuted for unpopular views and statements that are protected by the First Amendment, Sorokin said, “The court has detained Mehanna because the evidence establishes that he poses both a risk of flight and that he poses a danger to the community. This ruling presents no First Amendment concerns.’’ Who knows how long that kid will be in a torture chamber hole.
That article was over a week ago and still no date set for trial.
Also see: FBI Case File: The Truth About Tariq Mehanna