See: Schalit Swap in Works
Israelis Are Better Than Americans
Instead the news is this?
"Israel offers a pause in new West Bank construction; Palestinians reject proposal as meaningless" by Mark Lavie, Associated Press | November 26, 2009
JERUSALEM - Israel proposed a 10-month halt to new construction in West Bank settlements yesterday as a step toward restarting Mideast peace negotiations.
Washington welcomed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s offer, but the Palestinians swiftly rejected it because it did not include a building freeze in Jewish neighborhoods in east Jerusalem.... The Obama administration welcomed the Israeli decision, but coolly.
Related: The USraeli Position on Palestine
U.S. Seethes Over Jerusalem Settlements
Cutting off the tax loot to Israel yet, 'bamer?
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton issued a statement saying the Israeli decision was a helpful move toward resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The administration’s special envoy for Mideast peace, former US senator George Mitchell, also welcomed the move: “It is more than any Israeli government has done before and can help movement toward agreement between the parties,’’ he said, adding that he planned to return to the Mideast “in the near future’’ to resume his efforts to win agreement from the Israelis and Palestinians to return to the negotiating table.
I guess they feel better now, huh?
Netanyahu said the “far-reaching and painful step’’ was designed to “encourage resumption of peace talks with our Palestinian neighbors.’’ He added: “Israel’s government has made an important step toward peace today,’’ Netanyahu said. “Let us make peace together.’’
The freeze applies only to new housing, meaning about 3,000 units under construction can be finished. “We will not halt existing construction and we will continue to build synagogues, schools, kindergartens, and public buildings essential for normal life’’ in the settlements, Netanyahu said in a statement broadcast live from his office....
And this is my breakthrough world lead, BG?
Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said there was nothing new in Netanyahu’s announcement, pointing to the 3,000 new housing units under construction in the West Bank: “This is not a moratorium. Unfortunately, we hoped he would commit to a real settlement freeze so we can resume negotiations and he had a choice between settlements and peace and he chose settlements.’’
They always do!
Trying to cement its claim, Israel built new quarters around east Jerusalem, where 180,000 Israelis now live. Palestinians denounce them as settlements, but Israel considers them neighborhoods. Israel committed to a total freeze in settlement construction in the West Bank in 2002, when it accepted the US-backed “road map’’ peace plan, which is still considered a viable blueprint.
No it is NOT!
Besides, how you gonna get a state out of this?

No wonder Hamas holds Gaza with all its might!!!!
The plan, which sets up negotiations on the key issues of Jerusalem, borders, settlements,and refugees after three stages of interim steps, got stuck in its first stage with disputes over settlements and Palestinian violence.
The road map ruled out even limited construction for “natural growth’’ of the kind Netanyahu exempted from the freeze he announced yesterday.
Where are you, U.N.?
Until yesterday, Netanyahu resisted declaring a freeze beyond his pledge not to build new settlements. He has said that peace talks must resume without preconditions, and issues like settlements should be discussed in negotiations.
Related: Israel Intends to Keep All Settlements
But that is NOT a precondition!!!
I think the word is CHUTZPAH!!!!!