"The approach is similar to the policy advocated by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu"
It is still NOT FUNNY, and it is NO JOKE!!!!!!
And SOME PEOPLE are SMARTER than your AVERAGE Amurkn and NOT FOOLED at ALL!!!!!
"Clinton changes tone on Israeli settlements; Says nation’s offer ‘falls far short’ of US expectations" by Robert Burns, Associated Press | November 3, 2009
Translation: She's an ignorant, two-faced b***!!
See: Clinton Caves For Israel
Also see: Hillary Clinton Drones On and On
What, YOU THINK MUSLIMS do not READ?!!!!!!!
MARRAKECH, Morocco - Trying to mute Arab criticism that the Obama administration had retreated from its tough stance on Israeli settlements, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday softened her praise for Israel’s offer to restrain new housing in Palestinian areas.
What, was she STILL DRUNK?!!!!!
While Israel was moving in the right direction in its offer to restrict but not stop the settlements, Clinton said, its offer “falls far short’’ of US expectations. Clinton said her earlier praise of Israel’s offer had been intended as “positive reinforcement.’’
Yup, it was UNPRECEDENTED BULLSHIT from the AmeriKan Sec-of-State!
But it drew widespread criticism from Persian Gulf ministers....
In a sign of US eagerness to calm Arab concerns about the US position on settlements, Clinton is extending her trip by one day to fly to Cairo to meet with President Hosni Mubarak tomorrow, her staff announced. She had been scheduled to return to Washington today.
Yup, I am RIGHT AGAIN!! She got an EARFUL from the ARABS!!!!!!
And if we were SO EAGER to calm Arab concerns then the GENIUSES running this nation would NEVER HAD MADE such a STOO-PID STATEMENT!! The IDIOTS DOWN THERE were CAUGHT OFF-GUARD when the Muslims COMPLAINED about OUR NOSES in ISRAEL'S ASS!!!
I thought THIS ADMINISTRATION was supposed to be SMARTER than the LAST ONE!!!!
Clinton’s comments appeared to reflect a realization within the Obama administration that Netanyahu’s government will not accept a full-on settlement freeze and that a partial halt may be the best lesser option. Her appeal on Saturday seemed designed to make the Israeli position more palatable to the Palestinians and Arab states.
The ONLY REALIZATION I see is REALIZING the AmeriKan government is a TOOL of ISRAEL!!!!!!
“We have to work with what we’ve got,’’ said one US official, adding: “We need to press both sides not to miss this opportunity.’’
How about CUTTING OFF the AID we send to those WAR CRIMINALS, hanh?!!!!!!
Work with what we got!! What CHUTZPAH!
Clinton had traveled to the region only reluctantly, concerned her visit might be seen as a failure, according to several US officials.
Well, SHE was RIGHT ABOUT THAT 100%!!!!!!
She agreed to meet Israeli and Palestinian leaders after pressure from the White House, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal administration thinking. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Oh, so SHE DIDN'T EVEN WANT to DO THIS -- and NOW she has to STAY an EXTRA DAY!!!!
During a photo-taking session yesterday with her Moroccan counterpart, Clinton was asked by a reporter about the Arab reaction, and she responded by reading from a written statement that appeared designed to counter the skepticism about the Obama administration’s views on the Israeli settlements.
Oh, so ISRAEL actually WROTE OUT TALKING POINTS for her!!!
“Successive American administrations of both parties have opposed Israel’s settlement policy,’’ she said. “That is absolutely a fact, and the Obama administration’s position on settlements is clear, unequivocal, and it has not changed. As the president has said on many occasions, the United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements.’’
Do you think MUSLIMS LIKE LIES any better than the rest of us?
Clinton’s tweaking of her earlier remarks appeared to satisfy at least some of the Morocco meeting attendees. Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki said yesterday that “we are happy that such a position was highlighted and brought back to the right line and right now we will see how things will go.’’
PFFFFTT!! He must work for Abass!
In her recalibrated comments, Clinton also called on the Israelis to do more to improve “movement and access’’ for Palestinians restricted by Israeli security arrangements. She added, however, that Israel deserved praise for moving in the right direction.
(Blog editor just shaking his head; she must have her head up to their stomachs by now)
“I will offer positive reinforcement to either of the parties when I believe they are taking steps that support the objective of reaching a two-state solution,’’ Clinton said....
Even if ISRAEL takes STEPS AWAY!!!
Also see: Memory Hole: Future Vision of Israel
Yeah, that is the ONLY WAY!!
"Israeli-Palestinian peace talks stall; ‘Baby steps’ now being advocated" by Karen DeYoung and Howard Schneider, Washington Post | November 4, 2009
CAIRO - The Obama administration has all but abandoned hope for an early resumption of face-to-face negotiations between Israeli and Palestinian leaders or substantive movement toward agreement on a Palestinian state - an acknowledgment it has fallen short of one of its major foreign policy goals.
Translation: Clinton FAILED!!!
With virtually no possibility of comprehensive high-level negotiations in the foreseeable future, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has begun to urge the Arabs to encourage Palestinian participation in lower-level talks with Israel on narrow economic, social, and security issues, according to Arab and Western diplomats....
Translation: the U.S. has ADOPTED ISRAEL'S AGENDA!!!
The approach is similar to the policy advocated by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu....
What more do you NEED to KNOW, world?!!!
Clinton flew to Cairo last night from a conference in Morocco, where Arab foreign ministers listened skeptically to her reasons for describing an Israeli offer - to allow unlimited construction in East Jerusalem and the completion of up to 3,000 housing units, while exercising restraint in the rest of the West Bank - as unprecedented and worthy of discussion. The Arabs offered little response to the limited engagement option Clinton outlined.
Yeah, because they were SHOCKED and OFFENDED and it took 'em a bit to get their bearings!
Although she had been scheduled to return to Washington yesterday, following a weeklong trip that began in Pakistan, Clinton quickly arranged to travel here for talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak....
Yeah, SHE quickly arranged, right! That OLD FOSSIL DEMANDED to see her!!!
And I WILL BET it is over IRAN, not the Zionist AmeriKan cover-story and deception of "peace!"
US special envoy George Mitchell made a similar appeal Monday to Jordanian King Abdullah in Amman....
TELL it to ISRAEL, George!
Related: Mitchell Massages Israel
So much for that!
And what would a Zionist War Daily be without slandering Palestinians with propaganda?
"Hamas test-fires rocket, Israel says" by New York Times | November 4, 2009

Palestinian boys drove their cart past a wall covered with graffiti showing rockets in Gaza City yesterday. (Hatem Moussa/Associated Press)
They fired GRAFFITI?
JERUSALEM - A spokesman for Hamas denied that there had been any such launching and said that the Israeli report was timed to divert international attention from accusations that Israel had committed war crimes.
Yeah, THAT'S HOW they DO IT!!!!!
The rest of this article is TOTAL MSM CRAP!!!!
Hamas militants in Gaza recently test-fired a rocket that flew 37 miles into the sea, Israel’s military intelligence chief said here yesterday, a development that would put the environs of Tel Aviv within range and would attest to the success of Hamas in rebuilding its military abilities since Israel’s three-week offensive in Gaza last winter.
Rebuilding it to WHAT? The place was SMASHED by ISRAEL and is UNDER SIEGE!!!!!!
The stated purpose of the Israeli assault on Gaza was to halt incessant rocket fire into southern Israel by striking at the infrastructure of Hamas, the Islamic group that has controlled the Palestinian coastal strip since 2007.

On the 4th November, the day when Americans were watching the results of the Presidential election, the Israeli army broke the ceasefire by raiding the strip.
Also see: Hamas Halts Palestinian Vote
Hey, what is MORE AmeriKan MSM LIES and DECEPTION, huh?
Israel came under international scrutiny and censure after hundreds of Palestinian civilians were killed in the war.
See: The Great War Crime Debate
Ever notice when Israeli figures are meticulously reported it is down to the individual in the Zionist AmeriKan MSM?
The military intelligence chief, Major General Amos Yadlin, told the Parliamentary Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee yesterday that Hamas had fully replenished and improved its stock of rockets, according to an official who attended the meeting.
Good! Then MAYBE YOU ASSHOLES will NOT ATTACK again!!!!
The official said it was not clear whether the rocket had been smuggled into Gaza or was locally produced, but he said that Yadlin had asserted that those who fired it must have received training abroad, in Syria or Iran.
Or by USrael, you false-flagging SOBs!!!!
Can't let an Israeli talk for too long or else you will end up with a BIG, STINKING, STEAMING PILE of S*** in the room!!!