"State jobless rate declines, bucking trend; First drop since ’07; economists remain wary" by Robert Gavin, Globe Staff | November 20, 2009
Related: Boston Globe Business Pages Are Nothing But Bulls***!
Yup, this FRONT-PAGE LEAD is NOTHING but BULLS***!!!!!!!
The Massachusetts unemployment rate dropped last month for the first time in two years, and job losses slowed - signs the state’s beleaguered job market may be stabilizing.
Yeah, whatever you say, Glob! HEARD IT ALL BEFORE, you lying pukes!!!!
Bucking a national trend, the state’s jobless rate fell to 8.9 percent in October, down from 9.3 percent in September, the state Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development reported yesterday. Unemployment in Massachusetts had not fallen since June 2007.
“The only way you can read this employment report is as good news,’’ said Alan Clayton-Matthews, a Northeastern University economics professor. “You need to take monthly data with a grain of salt, but the fall is so dramatic that it’s likely things are improving in the labor market.’’
Yeah, I need that grain of salt because it is ALL ESTIMATES!!!!!!!!
Governor Deval Patrick also hailed the decline in the jobless rate as good news but acknowledged that “8.9 percent is high.’’ “There are still families struggling. We have a lot of work to do,’’ Patrick said in an interview. “But I’m cautiously optimistic. This suggests the job market is stabilizing.’’
Economists, however, cautioned that one good month doesn’t necessarily signal a turnaround in the job market. The unemployment rate could rise again in the next month. It usually requires several months of data to get a clear picture of the economy’s direction. For now, analysts expect more job losses and higher unemployment into next year. Still....
The diminishing job losses are consistent with an economy that is beginning to turn around, analysts said. Fueled by low interest rates and federal stimulus money, businesses are increasing production....
I think I'm goign to stop reading this business bullshitter entirely; it's always the same old cheerleading s*** with him.
Some signs point to an increase in hiring in the Bay State, analysts said.
Yup, STILL LOSING JOBS but hiring has increased! Know what a CONTRADICTION and LIE is, s***-shoveler?
Day-care employment, for example, has risen in each of the past four months, suggesting that more people are going back to work.
Temporary employment has increased for six consecutive months. Economists consider temporary hiring to be a leading job market indicator because as business first improves, firms often use temps.
Related: Temporary seasonal jobs reported in short supply in Western Mass.
Looks like that DOUBLE-DIP DEPRESSION is ON ITS WAY, huh?
“They’re not ready to make the leap to permanent hiring,’’ said Elliot Winer, an independent economist in Sudbury, “but employers are starting to think about expanding and bringing back people.’’
Such liars.
Thinking about and DOING are TWO SEPARATE THINGS!
Certainly, the state’s labor market remains weak, as many sectors continue to struggle. Manufacturing shed another 2,300 jobs in October, bringing job losses over the past year to nearly 18,000, or 6 percent of employment....
Also see: Not Making It in Massachusetts
Massachusetts' Economic Magic
Economic Recovery Missing Massachusetts
A picture says it better than I can.
Yup, THAT'S WHAT the BOSTON GLOBE BUSINESS PAGES have been doing to you for MONTHS, readers!
But much of those losses were offset by strong gains in two of the state’s most important sectors: education and health services, as well as professional, scientific, and technical services. Each sector added about 1,500 jobs last month.
Even construction added 100 jobs, the industry’s first monthly gain since February. Construction has been hit hardest by the downturn, shedding 1 in 5 jobs since the recession began in March 2008.
You know, you start to wonder HOW COULD we HAVE ANY JOB LOSSES at all reading this s***!!!!! And the lying bastards wonder why you are angry?
Massachusetts has lost 125,000 jobs, or just under 4 percent of employment, during this recession. So far, though, the state has fared better than the nation, which has lost more than 5 percent of employment.
Yeah, YOU GOT RAPED up the ass, but it was with a condom, so you are better off, Bay State! Yes, the INSULTING LIES of the BOSTON GLOBE MUST CEASE here at MSM Monitor!
In recent months, it appeared the state might recover sooner than the nation as whole, but September’s steep job losses, coupled with sharp declines in income, led economists to downgrade their expectations. Clayton-Matthews, the Northeastern economics professor, recently projected the state would lag the nation by three or four months.
But we have HAD IT BETTER than MOST!!!
“September was really bad, but October’s data is consistent with a labor market that is getting better,’’ Clayton-Matthews. “If it continues, I’ll have to revise my forecast again.’’
Translation: I'm a BULLSHITTER for the Boston Globe!!!!
"The common wealth of Mass.; Firms base choice to expand here on quality work force" by Robert Gavin, Globe Staff | November 21, 2009
Konarka, which acquired the New Bedford plant earlier this year, is the kind of Massachusetts company that often seems to get overlooked: one that is expanding and adding workers in the state.
Related: Corporate Cheerleaders
Yeah, I'm done with this s***ter!
While recent headlines have focused on such firms as Watertown battery maker A123 Systems Inc., which is locating manufacturing operations to Michigan, or Marlborough solar panel manufacturer Evergreen Solar Inc,. which is moving some production to China, many local companies are finding what they need to grow right here....
Related: Boston Battery-Maker Drained
Game Report: Mass. Loses to Michigan
Evergreen Grows Tall in China
Yeah, don't focus on a sea of losers! Pick the one turd floating in the water.
The Bay State, of course, is not the easiest place to do business.
Throughout state history, its economy has had to meet competitive challenges from regions with lower costs, better weather, and greater natural resources. The key has been its people, said Michael Goodman, a professor of public policy at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth.
Look at the guy patronizing you now!!
“From its very founding, Massachusetts has always relied on its highly innovative population and its Yankee ingenuity,’’ Goodman said. “This combination has made it very attractive for cutting-edge firms.’’
How many ways can you roast and slice a turd, huh, Yankee?
Certainly, the state could do more to improve the business climate and help firms grow here, executives said. Additional tax breaks for manufacturers, lower health care costs, and streamlined local permitting processes were among the suggestions. In addition to these and such traditional measures as improving education and keeping tax rates competitive, Massachusetts Housing and Economic Development Secretary Gregory Bialecki said the state can also call attention to its successful firms.
See: Slow Saturday Special: State Defies the Fed
“If you’re a successful tech entrepreneur in California, you’re a celebrity. In Massachusetts, you’re not,’’ Bialecki said. “It does matter that the state recognizes what great companies and industries we have, and that’s something that will attract and retain more companies.’’
Are you as tired of the hot-fart mist of state slugs as I am, readers?
"Economy showing signs of sustained growth; Forecast rises, obstacles remain" by Bob Willis, Bloomberg News | November 20, 2009
Yup, it is the SAME BS every day!!!
WASHINGTON - The US economic recovery will extend into next year as manufacturing expands and the pace of firings abates, reports yesterday indicated.
I'm SO TIRED of LYING SHITTERS I can't stand it anymore!!!!!
The Conference Board’s index of leading indicators, a gauge of the outlook for the next three to six months, rose 0.3 percent in October, preserving a string of gains that began in April.
The rally in stock prices, low short-term interest rates, and slowing job losses signal consumer confidence and spending are likely to stabilize, limiting the risk the economy will retrench. The data supported Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s forecast yesterday that the emerging expansion will be sustained into 2010....
Oh, NOW I CAN SMELL the BS!!!!!!
“We expect continued growth in the fourth quarter and ahead in 2010,’’ Geithner said in testimony before the Joint Economic Committee of Congress. He urged Congress to pass a financial regulation overhaul intended to strengthen the banking system and guard against “market-driven excess,’’ to avoid a repeat of the worst crisis since the Great Depression...
“It’s very clear that the economy is now expanding, but I don’t see it being a vigorous expansion,’’ said Michael Moran, chief economist at Daiwa Securities America Inc. in New York, who correctly forecast the leading index. “We are seeing a gradual improvement, but the key word is gradual.’’
Stocks, however, extended a global drop yesterday as concern grew that the rally outpaced the prospects for economic growth.... A longer factory workweek, a rise in money supply, and an increase in factory orders for consumer goods also helped. Weaker consumer expectations, fewer building permits, shorter delivery times, and a drop in orders for business equipment limited the advance.
Manufacturers that export to China and other emerging economies are among companies profiting from growth abroad. Caterpillar Inc., the world’s largest maker of excavators, posted third-quarter earnings that beat analysts’ estimates and issued a full-year forecast that exceeded the highest prediction.
“We are seeing encouraging signs that indicate a recovery may be under way,’’ chief executive Jim Owens said in a statement Oct. 20. “When it comes, it can come quickly, and we . . . will be prepared.’’
Can YOU make sense of the CONTRADICTIONS, readers?
The US economy probably expanded at a 3 percent annual pace from October through December after growing at a 3.5 percent rate in the previous quarter, according to the median estimate of economists surveyed earlier this month. That followed a 3.8 percent contraction in the 12 months to June, the economy’s worst performance since the 1930s.
Give me that grain of salt please; government spoke.
Related: Job, foreclosure reports depress stocks
"Survey sees slow jobs recovery in early 2010" by Emily Fredrix, Associated Press | November 23, 2009
NEW YORK - The joblessness that has weighed down the economic recovery will slowly start to abate in 2010, economists say, but they predict consumers will continue to keep a tight rein on spending, according to a survey....
Another s***-spewing, agenda-pushing urvey, 'ey?
“While the recovery has been jobless so far, that should soon change,’’ said Lynn Reaser, NABE’s president. “Within the next few months, companies should be adding instead of cutting jobs.’’
But companies are not expected to ramp up hiring very quickly.
Do you know HOW TIRED I AM of reading words that my college told me were BAD WORDS for a "report!"
Some 7.3 million jobs have been lost since December 2007, according to the NABE. Of the 48 panelists surveyed, 61 percent do not expect a complete recovery of those lost jobs until 2012. And they expect the unemployment rate to remain “stubbornly high.’’
See: The Last Job You Will Ever Have
And THANKS for HIDING a RECESSION for 10 months, MSM!
Panelists ranked high unemployment as their second-biggest concern over the next five years, expressing “extreme concern’’ first and foremost about the federal deficit.
Oh, NOW THEY TELL US!! After the STORE has been LOOTED!!!!
Of course, THEY are not worried about UNEMPLOYMENT because THEY are STILL WORKING!!!!!
Those surveyed expect inflation to remain low and the dollar to remain weak, though they see it strengthening against the euro and continuing to be a major reserve currency....
Well, the LIARS have been WRONG all along as they PURPOSEFULLY DO THIS to usher in global government, so you figure out if you need the salt shaker, readers.
"Retailers brace for bleak sales season; Consumers cut back, even as prices slashed"by Jenn Abelson, Globe Staff | November 21, 2009
Shoppers facing rising unemployment and tight credit are expected to keep their wallets shut tight as merchants prepare for another bruising holiday season. New Englanders are projected to spend on average about $445 on gifts this season, down 17 percent from last year. The national picture is only slightly better....
So the Globe has to make this FRONT-PAGE LEAD SALES PITCH for BIDNESS PROFITS!!
My expected outlay this year for corporate profits: $0!
Also see: Here Comes Santa Claus' Sleigh
The threat of a dismal holiday season is a bad sign for merchants, who normally make between 25 and 40 percent of their annual sales during November and December.
But, but, but.... we are ROARING ALONG at 3% growth my MSM liars tell me!!!!
Last year’s holiday meltdown caught many retailers off guard, leaving them with piles of unwanted merchandise. That meant significant losses in profits for shop owners. This year, retailers are trying to get ready by slashing inventory up to 20 percent, reducing hiring, and controlling other costs.
Jon Hurst, president of the Retailers Association of Massachusetts, said shoppers will see big discounts on some merchandise, but they will likely find fewer items on store shelves. “The lower inventories could mean certain sizes, items, and products won’t be there the final week for procrastinators,’’ he said.
Who cares? It's all crap anyway!
But so far, trade-in programs and early deals aren’t enough to win over Bill Josephson of Andover. The self-employed executive recruiter says nothing will motivate him to spend other than his clients telling him they need to increase hiring. Feeling less optimistic than last year, Josephson said he will slash spending on holiday gifts for his family of four to $300 from $1,000.
Though signs of a recovery have begun to emerge, like better-than-expected sales in August and upward momentum in the stock market....
IHS Global Insight in Lexington reported that consumer sentiment dropped sharply in early November as consumers’ attitudes about the short-term economic outlook collapsed to the lowest level since April 2009; consumer assessments of their own personal finances also deteriorated sharply....
Even Americans know there is a BIG, STEAMING, STINKING TURD in the room -- despite what the MSM keeps pumping out its ass (or BECAUSE OF IT!)!
One problem retailers face is shoppers who have adapted so well to the idea of spending less that they like it better that way. Millions of Americans have adopted simpler lifestyles, preferring vacations at home and cooking instead of eating out....
Just DOING MY PART to help the economy!!!
--more--"And you SET a RECORD, Massachusetts -- despite the GROWTH the last two quarters!!!
"As jobs remain elusive, foreclosures rise again; Data suggest government’s help should target homeowners who are unemployed" by Jenifer B. McKim, Globe Staff | November 20, 2009
More Massachusetts borrowers lost their homes to foreclosure in October than in the month before, figures released yesterday show, adding to evidence that the sluggish economy is hindering national efforts to help homeowners keep their property....
Then WHY DOESN'T the government PAY OFF the MORTGAGES, huh?
Where is YOUR BAILOUT, American homeowner?
After all, THIS is why they told you they needed it, right?
Foreclosures in the state jumped by nearly 30 percent to 911 in October from 703 in September, according to data released by the Warren Group, a private company that tracks real-estate numbers. At the same time, the number of foreclosures in October fell from a year ago. Although data were mixed, the steady flow of foreclosures indicates federal efforts to keep distressed borrowers in their homes will not succeed unless the government also comes to the aid of unemployed homeowners, housing specialists said.
The Obama administration this year launched a massive program, called Making Home Affordable, focused on letting borrowers in trouble modify or refinance their loans, but the effort does not target the unemployed.
Yeah, f*** them, 'eh, WH?
To address the growing problem, US Representative Barney Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, is lobbying the US Treasury Department to lend money to jobless mortgage holders through a $2 billion fund created from monies repaid after the Wall Street bailout.
In June, Frank filed similar legislation, which is pending. “I am pushing to have it done administratively,’’ Frank said in an interview with the Globe yesterday. He said he is encouraged by talks with Treasury officials.
Related: Frankly Speaking
Yeah, he is a REAL PIECE of WORK, isn't he?
Morris A. Davis, an assistant professor in the Department of Real Estate and Urban Land Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business, said the government needs to act quickly before the foreclosure crisis worsens....
Which just goes to tell you THEY DON'T CARE!
They WANT IT THIS WAY because THAT is what BANKS WANT!!!
“We know it is going to get much worse,’’ Davis said of foreclosures. “Policy makers need to act now.’’
Yeah, especially when COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE starts collapsing!
So where is the damn help, huh?
More Massachusetts homeowners have also started the foreclosure process this year....
And yet FOR MONTHS the Glob and MSM have been saying housing is up, blah, blah, blah!!!
“Job losses continue to increase and drive up delinquencies and foreclosures because mortgages are paid with paychecks, not percentage point increases,’’ said Jay Brinkmann, chief economist for the Mortgage Bankers Association. Even in some of the state’s more expensive communities, such as Brookline, Newton, and Wellesley, the number of homeowners facing foreclosure is on the rise, according to the Warren Group.Oh, THAT is why the PAPER NOTICED and made this the BUSINESS FEATURE of the DAY! The WEALTHY ELITE they serve is being affected.
While the numbers are not high.... homeowners struggling to make mortgage payments probably are being affected more by the economy than by problems with a subprime loan, housing specialists say. Mortgage difficulties are now occurring “much more in the prime mortgages where people had good credit, got good mortgages, and perhaps they lost a job,’’ said Timothy M. Warren Jr., chief executive of the Warren Group. “We are moving to the more expensive communities.’’
Yeah, it is SPREADING as BLOGGERS have been saying for MONTHS!!!!
And about those job losses:
"To outcry, Brigham’s heads to bankruptcy" by Megan Woolhouse, Globe Staff | November 20, 2009
When sheriff’s deputies unexpectedly told employees at the Brigham’s restaurant in Arlington to leave last Friday, locking the doors behind them, longtime waitress Kathy Hogan was angry. But not at the county officers.
Related: Stopping at the Ice Cream Shoppe
Let's hope you are not forgotten as quickly as the Hyatt, 'eh?
The owner of the failing ice cream shop chain, Luke T. Cooper, is “terrible,’’ said Hogan, who waited tables at the Arlington location for 37 years. “It’s very obvious he doesn’t care about people or give a damn about them.’’
So how come this guy is getting pilloried by the Globe?
Must not have the correct agenda-pushing connections, huh?
The abrupt closure, caused by a landlord’s eviction of the restaurant for failure to pay rent, meant she was unable to say goodbye to regular customers she considered family. They included an elderly blind woman who relied on Hogan to read her mail aloud most days.
The restaurant chain - once a household name in New England - is expected to file for bankruptcy today, and the 13 locations operated by Cooper’s company, Deal Metrics LLC, are closing, Cooper said this week. About a dozen independently owned stores that feature Brigham’s ice cream remain unaffected by the bankruptcy. That will leave only a hint of a chain that once had more than 100 restaurants across Massachusetts.Related: No silver lining: Lunt closes
I don't want to hear about the ice cream shoppe's troubles, 'kay?
Hogan and many other former Brigham’s employees say Cooper, a 33-year-old equity investor based in Baltimore, betrayed the Brigham legacy. They say that in less than 18 months he appears to have dismantled the last vestiges of the 95-year-old institution....
Nice to see some anger from the people; now if only it didn't concern their selfish selves to get their heads out their asses!
Deal Metrics bought part of the financially ailing Brigham’s company in 2008 for an undisclosed amount from New England Capital Partners, a Newton private equity firm that owned it for four years. Kevin M. McCafferty, chairman of New England Capital Partners, could not be reached for comment yesterday.
Except for the RICH! They have been splurging!
Cooper said he bought the restaurants despite the fact they were $1.1 million in debt because he thought he could make improvements that would boost profits. He said he consolidated vendors, improved the company’s website, and reassigned employees. But the recession, combined with high rents and other problems, hurt business, he said....
Employees point to what they say was a gradual decline in service and quality under Deal Metrics’ tenure.
Welcome to AmeriKa in the 21st century!
The menu grew thinner. and some restaurants fell into disrepair.
Were they checked by the health department!?
In some locations, rent has gone unpaid for months, they say, and vendors - those who continued to deliver - were typically paid by managers with cash from registers.
Diane Dunleavy, who worked at the downtown Boston Brigham’s for 21 years, said her paychecks bounced in the last several months, so she started cashing them at the restaurant. She said she called the attorney general’s office to complain when her health insurance was suddenly dropped. The attorney general’s office said it could not say whether it is investigating claims against Brigham’s....
"Beverly Hospital, site in Danvers losing jobs; 22 positions cut to save $1.8m" by Robert Weisman, Globe Staff | November 20, 2009
Pressed by growing uncertainty in the health care industry, Northeast Hospital Corp., parent company of Beverly Hospital and an outpatient affiliate in neighboring Danvers, said it has eliminated 22 jobs in an effort to become leaner and more efficient.
The job cuts, which include 11 vacant positions and layoffs of 11 employees ranging from managers and assistants to secretaries, will save the Beverly health care provider about $1.8 million annually in salary and benefits.
I guess they REALLY DIDN'T NEED those 11 loot-sucking positions, huh?
Chip Payson, vice president of external affairs, said the layoffs were based on organizational needs. He said no doctors or staff nurses lost jobs and no patient services would be affected at Beverly Hospital or Beverly Hospital at Danvers.
That tells you two things: They didn't need all that top-heavy weight in the first place, and it was looting when they did.< Either that or this official is lying!
Payson said Northeast earlier this year hired management consulting firm FTI to examine its hospitals’ operations, productivity, and staffing structure in light of the uncertainty over state and federal health care reform and Medicare and private payer reimbursement....
So HOW MUCH DID THAT COST that could have went to actual health care, hmmm?
More job cuts:
"AOL will pare third of its workforce" by Associated Press | November 20, 2009
SAN FRANCISCO - The struggling Internet company AOL plans to shed up to 2,500 jobs - more than a third of its workforce - as it prepares to separate from Time Warner and sever their ill-fated marriage.
Major job cuts seemed certain after Time Warner said last week that AOL would take $200 million in charges for severance and other restructuring-related costs. But the magnitude was not known until yesterday.... The reductions show the company is endeavoring to become lean as it leaves Time Warner’s side in three weeks, but it is still unclear how they will help the Internet company, which has been trying to reinvent itself as a content and advertising company amid an ongoing decline in its dial-up Internet access business. AOL’s operations still make money overall, but that profit has been falling.
Oh, you are BEING CUT to MAKE MORE PROFIT, loyal workers!!!!
Nonetheless, AOL does have a few bright spots, including tech blog Engadget and celebrity website TMZ.com.
What, like they are losing money and struggling?
WTF is with the QUALIFIER, s***-shill MSM
"Casual Male cuts losses in 3d quarter" by Associated Press | November 20, 2009
CANTON - Stifel Nicolaus analyst Richard Jaffe said earnings missed his expectations due to a larger-than-anticipated drop in sales at stores open at least a year. He said the Casual Male Retail Group Inc. is doing everything it can to manage weak customer traffic, but Jaffe said men just did not return to shopping at the rate he had expected during the quarter.
We have not seen evidence of the male consumer returning to the market and this may be due to the absence of winter weather, a cautious male shopper, or a focus by the consumer on kids and gifts,’’ Jaffe wrote in a note to clients.
“The company believes it is not losing share to competitors, just that its customers have refrained from spending temporarily but when they do shop, they will return to Casual Male.’’
Yup, we're HOPING!!!
--more--"Considering all the GROWTH the GOVERNMENT says we have had, it is HARD to BELIEVE people are NOT SHOPPING, huh?
SAN FRANCISCO - Dell Inc. said yesterday its net income dropped 54 percent in the latest quarter amid signs the company isn’t fully benefiting from the computer industry’s fledgling recovery.
Dell’s numbers missed Wall Street’s forecasts, and the shares fell almost 6 percent in extended trading. In the last quarter, Dell lost its ranking as the world’s number two personal computer maker.... Dell gets 80 percent of its business from corporations, government agencies, and other large institutions, which have remained hesitant to spend money on new technology.
The company has said it is willing to lose some market share rather than lower prices too much.And DELL will be GOING OUT of BUSINESS SOON!
That is a key part of Dell’s strategy to improve its profitability - an effort that has included a huge restructuring. Dell is also trying to expand into more profitable markets through acquisitions. The most significant is Perot Systems Corp., a technology services company Dell is buying for $3.9 billion.
So it ISN'T ABOUT COMPETITION or anything at all; it's ALL ABOUT MORE PROFIT at ALL COSTS!!!!!!
And did you notice how the MSM did NOT give you a $ number on the PROFITS?
They said down 54%, but DIDN'T TELL YOU what they were!!!
Then they DID IT AGAIN!
"American Superconductor up on outlook
American Superconductor Corp. inched up after the Devens company reaffirmed its full-year outlook and said it expects profit to double next fiscal year. The forecast for fiscal 2010 is ahead of Wall Street expectations. American Superconductor, which makes equipment for power generators and utilities, and reported its first quarterly profit in company history this year, said it expects to drive earnings with greater productivity and lower manufacturing costs. For fiscal 2009, the company expects profit of 24 cents to 29 cents per share and revenue of $300 million to $310 million. For fiscal 2010, the company expects profit of 77 cents per share and more than $400 million in revenue.What, am I supposed to do the algebraic math on the profit totals?
Back to the JOB LOSSES:
"MassMutual retools some operations" by Todd Wallack, Globe Staff | November 20, 2009
MassMutual Financial Group, the Springfield insurance company, is restructuring two subsidiaries to consolidate its real estate investment operations.
The insurer plans to shift 100 employees who handle real estate debt investments from Babson Capital Management LLC, an asset management firm in Springfield, to another subsidiary, Hartford-based Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers LLC, which owns stakes in real estate properties.... After the moves, Cornerstone said it will have a “full service, global real estate investment organization’’ with 250 employees and $30 billion in assets under management.
And we all know who gets hit harder according to the divisive, agenda-pushing MSM!
"Latinos, blacks take harder hit amid recession; Jobless rate could climb to highest in decades" by Joseph Williams, Globe Staff | November 21, 2009
WASHINGTON - Latinos and African-Americans in Massachusetts and across the country are facing high unemployment rates that could spiral to levels not seen in decades as the jobless economic recovery drags on, analysts and urban community advocates say.
Then it is NOT a RECOVERY!!!!
At the same time, some big-city mayors and community activists complain that the $787 billion federal stimulus package that the Obama administration promised would preserve or create jobs has not put a significant dent in urban unemployment, threatening to leave blacks and Latinos behind when the economy finally turns around....
Here you guys are telling us it already did in one breath, and then saying no with the next! F*** you, scumbags!
Community activists from Massachusetts and around the country want the administration and Congress to give direct federal aid to urban areas, including an extension of unemployment benefits, more food assistance for the poor, and a broad jobs program modeled on the New Deal’s Works Progress Administration. They plan to take their case to the Dec. 3 White House jobs summit, and some are also discussing a demonstration akin to the 1968 antipoverty march on Washington to dial up the pressure on Capitol Hill.
“Make no mistake: this is the civil rights issue of the moment,’’ said Wade Henderson, president of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, who suggested a multiracial Poor People’s Campaign like the one Martin Luther King Jr. helped organize just before his assassination. “There is no greater priority for the civil rights community.’’
Yeah, that's why they killed him.
He was moving away from the agenda to BIGGER and BETTER THINGS: Poverty and War!!
Such a campaign, advocates say, would spotlight the plight of people like Ysidra Frias, 49, an unemployed bus driver in Lynn who said she has been looking for work for more than a year. She had hoped that federal stimulus money would put her back in the driver’s seat; instead, she has found more people than ever in her situation. “It hasn’t been what I expected,’’ Frias, who cares for a 5-year-old grandson, said through an interpreter....
The Boston Globe doesn't know anyone who speaks English in town, huh?
It is always the SAME AGENDA pushed by the SAME PEOPLE!!!!
The White House, however, pointed to stimulus money that paid for teachers and police officers in big cities, and that financed work projects such as installing solar panels or laying fiber-optic cable. While there are no “Hoover Dam projects’’ to employ tens of thousands of people at once, “we are touching as many hands as possible,’’ a spokesman said.
That explains the THEFT!
The jobs summit will include a focus on “people who need it most, including families in urban communities struggling to find work,’’ said White House spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki.
This is SUCH SHIT!
But some in Congress, hearing from angry constituents back home, are not satisfied.
Yeah, WE ARE ALL OVER the PLACE -- black and white!
Thursday, the Congressional Black Caucus sent a message to the White House that it wants more help for struggling African-American communities by temporarily blocking a committee vote on a key piece of the administration’s financial regulation overhaul.
Yeah, they BLOCKED the FED AUDIT for this?!!!
That's not helping you with me, African-American members.
House Democratic leaders this week discussed a possible jobs bill, including more help for small business, increased road and bridge spending, and an extension of business tax breaks set to expire at year’s end.
Sounds like a SECOND STIMULUS!!!!
Suzanne M. Bump, the Massachusetts labor secretary, agreed that cities need help. Hardest hit, she added, are urban areas and immigrant “gateway cities’’ such as New Bedford, where the unemployment rate was nearly 13 percent in September.
Yup, they are WORRIED about the ILLEGALS more than YOU, whitey!!!!!!
“Clearly, we need some economic development that creates jobs in those areas,’’ she said, suggesting more government-funded projects to upgrade roads and rail lines - work that, in turn, can attract business investment and quality, long-term jobs.
Don't you DO ENOUGH for the ILLEGALS, Massachusetts?
This week, leaders of the nation’s civil rights organizations - including the NAACP, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, and the National Council of La Raza - said the upcoming jobs summit is a prime opportunity to address chronic black and Latino unemployment....
Oh, the RACIST LA RAZA is going to be involved, 'eh?
Yeah, I knew this was a divisive piece of agenda-pushing s***!
Meanwhile, SOME have LOADS of CASH!
"Despite sales gain, retailer’s shares fall Pittsburgh-based Dick’s Sporting Goods Inc. said third-quarter profit more than tripled, helped by higher store and online orders....
And some find it EASY to get FINANCING:
"JPMorgan to buy out UK brokerage" by Bloomberg News | November 20, 2009
NEW YORK - JPMorgan Chase & Co., the second-largest US bank, will buy out its venture with Cazenove Group for $1.7 billion, sealing the takeover of a 190-year-old British brokerage whose clients include the Queen.
JPMorgan will pay 535 pence a share, more than twice the price at which the stock last traded when Cazenove reported earnings in February, the bank said yesterday. About 1,500 Cazenove employees and former partners will receive the money. Chairman David Mayhew will remain in his job and will receive more than $31 million from the sale.
William Winters, the former cohead of JPMorgan’s investment bank, forged the Cazenove venture in November 2004 to boost the bank’s European business. It’s been profitable each year since beginning operations in 2005, even as markets crumbled in 2007 and 2008....
How does it feel to GET TOOK?
Naguib Kheraj, the London-based broker’s CEO, told reporters on a conference call that.... jobs will be cut following the merger, “but not a huge number,’’ Kheraj said. He declined to give further details. The Cazenove venture employs 660 people.
Related: Blackstone to pay $1.3b for Birds Eye