"Read this story carefully. There is no actual crime involved here. The FBI just gunned down a clergyman for no real reason at all, other than he was Muslim. This time they didn't even bother planting a fake bomb on him." -- Wake the Flock Up
Thanks for the heads-up, Mike!
Now let's TEST the MSM and Boston Globe, shall we?
This first item came off the web site only, no paper version or printed edition. I immediately smelled cover up.
"Feds: Leader of radical Islam group killed in raid" by Ed White, Associated Press Writer | October 28, 2009
DETROIT --Federal authorities on Wednesday arrested several members of a radical Sunni Islam group in the U.S., killing one of its leaders at a shootout in a Michigan warehouse, the U.S. attorney's office said.
Agents were trying to arrest Luqman Ameen Abdullah, 53, at a Dearborn warehouse on charges that included conspiracy to sell stolen goods and illegal possession and sale of firearms. Authorities also conducted raids elsewhere to try to round up 10 followers named in a federal complaint.
So those are the trumped up charges, 'eh?
No one was charged with terrorism. But Abdullah was "advocating and encouraging his followers to commit violent acts against the United States," FBI agent Gary Leone said in an affidavit filed with the 43-page criminal complaint unsealed Wendesday. FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold said Abdullah refused to surrender, fired a weapon and was killed by gunfire from agents.
Well, the FBI LIES, so....
In the complaint, the FBI said Abdullah, also known as Christopher Thomas, was an imam, or prayer leader, of a radical group named Ummah whose primary mission is to establish an Islamic state within the United States. He told them it was their "duty to oppose the FBI and the government and it does not matter if they die," Leone said.
Abdullah regularly preached anti-government rhetoric and was trained, along with his followers, in the use of firearms, martial arts and swords, the agent said. Leone said members of the national group mostly are black and some converted to Islam while in prisons across the United States....
Oh, NOW IS SEE!!! This is an INTERNAL CRACKDOWN of OPPRESSION to KEEP the "terrorist" myth alive!
Seven of the 10 people charged with Abdullah were in custody, including a state prison inmate, the U.S. attorney's office said. Three were still at large. Another man not named in the complaint also was arrested.
THERE is your INFORMANT, right? Charges to be dropped later?
The group believes that a separate Islamic state in the U.S. would be controlled by Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rap Brown, who is serving a life sentence in a federal prison in Colorado for shooting two police officers in Georgia in 2000, Leone said. Al-Amin, a veteran of the black power movement, started the group after he converted to Islam in prison.
"They're not taking their cues from overseas," said Jimmy Jones, a professor of world religions at Manhattanville College and a longtime Muslim prison chaplain. "This group is very much American born and bred."
Related: A Tale of Two Jails
That is SOOOOO AmeriKa, circa 2010!!!!!
By evening, authorities still were working the scene near the Detroit-Dearborn border and the warehouse was surrounded by police tape. The U.S. attorney's office said an FBI dog was also killed during the shootout. Abdullah's mosque is in a brick duplex on a quiet, residential street in Detroit. A sign on the door in English and Arabic reads, in part, "There is no God but Allah."
Several men congregated on the porch Wednesday night and subsequently attacked a photographer from The Detroit News who was taking pictures from across the street. Ricardo Thomas had his camera equipment smashed and had a bloody lip from the attack.
Imad Hamad, regional director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee in Dearborn, said the FBI had briefed him about Wednesday's raids and told him they were the result of a two-year investigation. "We know that this is not something to be projected as something against Muslims," Hamad said. The complaint shows the FBI built its case with the help of confidential sources close to Abdullah who recorded conversations.
Here we go again!!!!
FBI Frame Jobs Go Way Back
First WTC attack
Fort Dix Frame-Up Works
They are ALL FRAME-UPS, folks!
A source said that Abdullah regularly beat children inside the mosque with sticks, including a boy who was "unable to walk for several days," Leone said.
Oh, then he deserved to be gunned down, no questions asked.
You know, because the MSM lie so much and because this is government script, I do not believe a word.
They could be telling the truth now and I won't believe them. YOU RUINED IT with the LIES, MSM -- and the CONCEALMENT of CLIMATE GATE forever ruined you, Boston Globe!
The source, according to the agent, regularly listened to a recording of a 2004 sermon in which Abdullah said, "Do not carry a pistol if you're going to give it up to police. You give them a bullet!"
In January 2009, members were evicted from a former mosque for failing to pay property taxes. An FBI search turned up empty shell casings and large holes in the concrete wall of a "shooting range," Leone said.
Dawud Walid, executive director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said the federal authorities' description of Abdullah's extremist links didn't match what he knew of Abdullah.
"I knew him to be charitable," Walid said. "He would open up the mosque to homeless people. He used to run a soup kitchen and feed indigent people. ... I knew nothing of him that was related to any nefarious or criminal behavior."
Abdullah had a wife and children, Walid said. A phone number for the family had been disconnected.
In other words, HE WAS A GOOD MUSLIM!!!!!
And Rivero was right: There WERE NO ACTUAL CRIMES there!!!
Meanwhile, look at what I get the next day in my printed Globe:
"Leader of radical Islam group killed; FBI says imam died in shoot-out" by Associated Press | October 29, 2009
DETROIT - A man described as a leader of a radical Sunni Islam group in the United States was fatally shot yesterday afternoon while resisting arrest and exchanging gunfire with federal agents, authorities said.
Oh, now he is resisting arrest!
Agents at a warehouse in Dearborn were trying to arrest Luqman Ameen Abdullah, 53, on charges that included conspiracy to sell stolen goods and illegal possession and sale of firearms. Ten followers listed in a criminal complaint were also being rounded up in the area.
Abdullah refused to surrender, fired a weapon, and was killed by gunfire from agents, said Sandra Berchtold, FBI spokeswoman.
The STORY has CERTAINLY been EMBELLISHED from above, huh?
In a court filing, the FBI said Abdullah, also known as Christopher Thomas, was an imam of a radical group named Ummah whose primary mission is to establish an Islamic state within the United States. No one was charged with terrorism, but Abdullah was “encouraging his followers to commit violent acts against the United States,’’ FBI agent Gary Leone said in an affidavit.
That all sounds familiar, no? What's with the rewrites?
“He regularly preaches antigovernment and antilaw enforcement rhetoric,’’ Leone said. “Abdullah and his followers have trained regularly in the use of firearms and continue to train in martial arts and sword fighting.’’
It was not immediately clear how many were in custody.WTF? That's a LIE!!!
What did I read above in that elaborate account?
The MSM proves it's a lie with their coverage of the aftermath:
"Son of imam in shoot-out arrested; FBI still hunting 2 in radical group" by Ed White, Associated Press | October 30, 2009
DETROIT - Authorities arrested the son of the slain leader of a radical Detroit-area Islamic group in Canada yesterday, a day after the FBI arrested several members and a raid at a suburban warehouse ended in gunfire.
The FBI asked for the public’s help in catching two of the 11 suspects in the case who are still at large. They emphasized that the group, a faction of the radical group Ummah, comprised of Sunni Muslims, holds beliefs that are not at all representative of mainstream Islam....
You LYING PROPAGANDISTS have SATURATED US with anti-Muslim sentiment and hate so LIVE WITH IT!!!!
Don't try BACKTRACKING on a COLD-BLOODED MURDER, FBI, like you did up here in Boston!!!!!!
Local police arrested Mujahid Carswell, the 30-year-old son of group leader Luqman Ameen Abdullah, across the Detroit River in Windsor, Ontario, where he lived, the FBI said.
The LONG ARM of the LAW, 'eh, AmeriKa?
Abdullah, 53, was killed during a shoot-out Wednesday with federal agents. He was one of 11 people named in a criminal complaint. The charges included conspiracy to sell stolen goods and illegal possession and sale of firearms.... “This is obviously something we don’t relish. But in the end, we take solace that we took some bad people off the street,’’ said Andrew Arena, the head of the FBI in Detroit.
This reminds me of RUBY RIDGE!!!! The FBI entrapped that Weaver fella and murdered his wife and son.
Neither Abdullah nor his codefendants were charged with terrorism. But he was “advocating and encouraging his followers to commit violent acts against the United States,’’ FBI agent Gary Leone wrote in an affidavit filed with the 43-page complaint Wednesday.
The FBI said Abdullah, also known as Christopher Thomas, was an imam, or prayer leader, of a faction of Ummah, a group devoted to establishing an Islamic state within the United States. Eight of the 10 people charged along with Abdullah were in custody. Another man not named in the complaint also was arrested....
And yet above I'm sandwiched with a vague, we don't know who is in custody.
What is with the SHODDY JOURNALISM, MSM?!! Cover-ups that messy, huh?
"Mosque members deny FBI claims" by Associated Press | October 31, 2009

Luqman Ameen Abdullah was fatally shot by FBI agents.
That's him? That's the "terrorist?"
I wouldn't be afraid of him even if I saw him riding the subway!!!!
WTF, FBI?!!!!
DETROIT - A mosque dismissed as “utterly preposterous’’ the FBI’s allegations that its slain leader was part of a radical Islamic group.
Luqman Ameen Abdullah, the imam or prayer leader of Masjid Al-Haqq in Detroit, was a “recognized and respected member of numerous mainstream Muslim organizations and leadership bodies,’’ the mosque said yesterday.
But the WAR on TERROR is worth MORE than this man's life!
Related: Occupation AmeriKa: The Day the War Came Home
WakeTF up, America!!!!
Next time it MAY NOT be a MUSLIM, it MAY BE YOU!!!!
Abdullah, 53, was fatally shot Wednesday as FBI agents tried to arrest him on several charges, including conspiracy to sell stolen goods. The FBI says he resisted arrest inside a warehouse and fired a gun.
Anytime the FBI says anything now I think "LIE!"
A criminal complaint filed by the government describes Abdullah as a leader of a national radical Sunni group that wants to create an Islamic state within the United States. The FBI says he had extreme antigovernment views and encouraged followers to commit violence. No terrorism-related charges were brought against any of the 11 people charged in the complaint, including Abdullah. “The slanderous allegations of his being a national leader of a radical Islamic sect is utterly preposterous. . . . These allegations are contrary to what we as a community stand for,’’ the mosque said.
Remember, these are the people whose KIDS he is WHIPPING, right?
The statement was read by an assistant prayer leader, Mikail Stewart Sandiq, as many members milled outside the mosque after Friday prayers. He declined to answer questions. Abdullah’s son, Omar Regan, 34, of Los Angeles said he helped prepare the body for a funeral. He said his father was shot multiple times, and called the killing barbaric....
Oh, it was an EXECUTION then!!!!!
As for the government’s allegations, Regan said “they can hold up a piece of paper but show me you have proof. Where is it?’’
Oh, yeah, the Muslim-bashing was in full force that day.
Located just below the brief I just presented to you:
Really, I've had it with the Zionist lies and propaganda about Muslims and their women. Another area where I don't believe a damn word anymore.
And the BRIEFS get SMALLER until they FADE FOREVER!!!!
"Hundreds mourn for mosque leader
But he beat children!!!
That's just ANOTHER FBI LIE, huh?
DETROIT - Hundreds of people offered hushed prayers yesterday at the funeral for a slain Detroit mosque leader while authorities across the border in Canada made the final two arrests in a criminal case that is stirring some anger in the Muslim community.
With DAMN GOOD REASON (sorry, Muslim readers, for the curse words inserted in this post; however, that is what I do when I am angry and this case infuriates me)
Luqman Ameen Abdullah was remembered as a caring man who followed the tenets of his Islam faith as an imam, or prayer leader, of a small mosque north of downtown.
Now, THAT brought a TEAR!!!!!
No one mentioned the FBI’s assertion that he had a violent, antigovernment ideology. The FBI says Abdullah, 53, was fatally shot inside a suburban warehouse Wednesday after firing at agents and resisting arrest (AP)."
Yeah, well F*** the FBI and ITS LIES, 'kay?
They get ENOUGH of a MSM MEGAPHONE as it is!!!!!