Really, the bias sticks out like a sore thumb once you are aware it is there.
Reading an AmeriKan *ewspaper isn't going to help you get any smarter, 'murka!
"Palestinians to set new elections date" by Associated Press | November 21, 2009
RAMALLAH, West Bank - The militant group has controlled the Gaza Strip since seizing power from forces loyal to Abbas in June 2007, leaving the president at the head of a Western-backed government that controls only the West Bank....
Yeah, except "Hamas overwhelmingly won Palestinian Parliament elections in 2006."
Yup, the MSM KNOWS THEY WON but keeps repeating the same garbage!
Btw, Hamas foiled a COUP ATTEMPT!!!!
So WHY SHOULD WE BELIEVE THEM about ANYTHING -- especially all things Israel!
"Hamas offers bounty for Israeli soldiers" by Associated Press | November 19, 2009
GAZA CITY - A Gaza charity headed by the interior minister of the militant Hamas group yesterday offered $1.4 million to any Arab citizen of Israel who abducts a soldier.
Palestinians have frequently called on Israeli Arabs to abduct Israeli soldiers, but this is the first time that money has been offered. The Waad group from Gaza offered the bounty for Israeli soldiers in an e-mail sent to Palestinian media. The organization, which supports Palestinian prisoners held by Israel, is headed by Hamas Interior Minister Fathi Hamad. The minister did not return messages seeking comment.
The charity could presumably raise the cash through its connections with Hamas. The militant group is thought to have millions of dollars at its disposal, both through its tight control of Gaza and support from Iran and other allies.
Yeah, they just can' get out of the Gaza concentration camp to spend it!!!!
Waad’s director, Usama Kahlout, said the bounty was in response to an Israeli group’s offer to pay Gaza residents for information on the whereabouts of Sergeant Gilad Schalit, an Israeli soldier captured more than three years ago by Hamas-allied militants.
The Born to Freedom Foundation offered $10 million for information pertaining to Israeli soldiers missing in action or held captive. Activists routinely call phone numbers in Gaza as well as in Lebanon looking for leads on missing Israeli soldiers.
Oh, so BY the END of the piece we find it is REALLY ABOUT ISRAELIS OFFERING BRIBES for information!!! Unreal!
Israeli intelligence is also believed to call Gazans in search of information.
Probably the last time you will ever read that in the BG.
Meanwhile, the WAR CRIMES CONTINUE!!!
"Israeli strikes wound 7 in Gaza; Hamas promises end to rocket fire" by Josef Federman, Associated Press | November 23, 2009
JERUSALEM - Israeli aircraft attacked two suspected weapons-making factories and a smuggling tunnel in the Gaza Strip early yesterday in what the military said was retaliation for Palestinian rocket fire into southern Israel.
Hamas, factions agree on halting Gaza rocket-fire Hamas authorities agreed with Palestinian armed groups in the Gaza Strip not to fire rockets at Israel for the time being to avoid possible Israeli military reaction, a senior official said on Saturday.
The air strikes, which wounded at least seven people, including one seriously, were launched despite an announcement by Gaza’s Hamas rulers that the territory’s military factions had all agreed to stop firing rockets.... Hamas’s interior minister, Fathi Hamad, said the proclaimed halt in rocket fire was designed to prevent Israeli retaliation and provide stability for Gaza, which continues to suffer from the aftermath of a massive Israeli military offensive in December and January.
The offensive killed some 1,400 Palestinians, according to UN and Palestinian estimates, and damaged or destroyed thousands of homes....
Most of the damage in Gaza has not been repaired because of an Israeli blockade that has prevented construction materials from entering the territory. Israel said it launched the offensive to crush the Palestinian rocket squads that had severely disrupted life in southern Israel for years.
What a LIE!!!
The removed Israeli government graph: 'Monthly distribution of rockets hits.'
On the 4th November, the day when Americans were watching the results of the Presidential election, the Israeli army broke the ceasefire by raiding the strip.
--MORE--"While the Iranian-backed Hamas has all but halted its own rocket fire, smaller militant groups have continued to launch attacks, though the number of attacks has decreased dramatically....
Yeah, just as it had BEFORE the ISRAELIS BROKE the TRUCE!
And the timing on that abduction item sure was peculiar, wasn't it?
"Israel, Hamas in prisoner deal talks; Exchange would have implications across Mideast" by Ethan Bronner, New York Times | November 24, 2009

A mural depicts captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in Jabalya in the northern Gaza Strip. He was abducted in 2006. (Mohammed Salem/ Reuters)
JERUSALEM - Israel and the Islamist group Hamas appeared to be nearing a deal last night to exchange a captured Israeli soldier for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners, possibly including a popular leader, a move with far-reaching implications not only for stalled Middle East peace talks but for a range of regional relations.
Related: The Death Throes of the PLO
Expectations of a swap in the coming week have been raised by meetings in Cairo sponsored by the Egyptian government and by a growing number of statements by Israeli, Palestinian, and Egyptian officials. The emerging agreement, should it be approved, would trade Sergeant Gilad Shalit, who was seized by Palestinian militants in a cross-border raid in June 2006, for hundreds of Palestinians in Israeli prisons, including many convicted of organizing acts of terror.
Hamas and Israeli officials said the deal could include Marwan Barghouti, one of the most popular leaders in the West Bank, widely seen as a potential heir to the current Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas....
Ooooooooh, I see!
Yup, Abass is stepping down and his replacement is needed!!!!!
I knew Israelis had an angle; nothing they do is from their heart because they don't have one.
While prisoner exchanges have occurred in the past, this one has unusual potential to allow the Israelis to shift some policies toward Palestinians, as well as to unleash violence against Israel, making it the topic of anguished debate in the country.... Many Israelis have followed the fate of Shalit as if he were their own son.
Yeah, the Israelis are so much better than the rest of us, huh?
They never leave anyone behind and never forget!
Most Israelis perform mandatory military service, and the government goes to sometimes extraordinary lengths to bring home soldiers or their remains.
Yeah, NO MENTION that the military is SLOWLY BEING TAKEN over by ZIONIST EXTREMISTS even worse than the current crop of Ashkenazi!
Yet the release of legions of violent fighters and the chance that Hamas would gain politically over the Palestinian Authority have made this a complex negotiation for the Israelis. “From our point of view, this will lay the ground for the next 9/11,’’ Yossi Mendellevich, an engineer whose 13-year-old son Yuval died in a bus bombing in Haifa in 2003, said by telephone....
Oh, COME ON!!!!!!!!!
Leave it to the *** to engage is such OUTLANDISH HYPERBOLE!!!!!!!
Israelis are also concerned by Hamas’s request that some Israeli Arabs be released, fearing that Hamas’s standing would increase among the 20 percent of Israel’s citizens who are Palestinians, some of whom Israel fears are already becoming radicalized.
Oh, HOW NICE to see ISRAEL FEAR something!
Getting a TASTE of your OWN MEDICINE?!
I'll bet this deal NEVER HAPPENS!!!!
Moreover, because Hamas receives a great deal of support from Iran, any boost for Hamas could strengthen a country that Israel considers the region’s greatest menace....
It is also being passionately debated among Palestinians because of the division between Hamas and its rival, the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority. Among Palestinians, any prisoner release is a source of joy. But this is an especially delicate moment in Palestinian politics. Abbas has vowed not to run again for the Palestinian presidency because of what he said was his frustration over Israeli and American policies.
With no clear successor to Abbas and a stalled peace process, some fear that if released prisoners are seen as gifts from Hamas, Abbas and his party will suffer a severe blow. Ziad Abu Ein, the Palestinian Authority’s deputy minister for prisoner affairs, played down the damage that a prisoner exchange credited to Hamas could inflict on the authority and Abbas. “This is the first time that Hamas will be releasing any prisoners,’’ Abu Ein said in a telephone interview. The Palestine Liberation Organization, by contrast, has released “tens of thousands’’ over the years, he said.
They have HAD THAT MANY ISRAELIS in their jails?
Oh, they had THEIR OWN CITIZENS in JAIL for the ISRAELIS and let them out!!!
NO WONDER Hamas is so popular now!!!
“There is no deal yet and there might not be one’’
Other items the BG and AmeriKan MSM ignored this week:
Israeli Who Stabbed Palestinian May Have Carried Out Series of Such Attacks
New poll: 53% of Israelis think ethnic cleansing is the solution to the conflict
Palestinian Ministry of Prisoners' affairs: Israeli army kidnapped 6200 children since 2000
Interview with Doctor Thabet El Masri - Gaza: A Death Camp?
Gaza Children Need Justice
The Water Situation In Gaza Is Now At Critical
Israeli secret rape and murder of Bedouin girl uncovered
Israel Plans To Deport More Than 20,000 Palestinians From Jerusalem
Video: Israeli warplanes pound Gaza