Sunday, November 29, 2009

Black Sunday: Bernanke's Blackmail

The sad thing is, it gets the criminal scum reappointed -- when the entire system should be scrapped!

"Bernanke makes case for strong Fed role on banks

NEW YORK – The chairman of the Federal Reserve is concerned that congressional efforts at financial reform could weaken the central bank's ability to handle future crises and may politicize monetary policy.


: Ron Paul Audit Bill Blocked By Barney Frank and Blacks

Which group will next be mobilized to thwart the will of the people -- and the politicians (feels weird typing that)?

Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke made the comments in an Op-Ed piece to appear in Sunday's Washington Post, five days before the Senate Banking committee holds a hearing on his nomination for a second term. His current four-year term expires Jan. 31.

Bernanke wrote....

(Blog editor's note: the Washington Post is the CIA 's newspaper, so you are getting this straight from the agenda-pushing horse's mouth -- located in the back, WaPo?; that explains the platform for this looting criminal)

Two proposals being considered "are very much out of step with the global consensus on the appropriate role of central banks, and they would seriously impair the prospects for economic and financial stability in the United States," he said....

You know what a veiled threat is, right?

Yup, they will bring this economy crashing down and implode the dollar -- as opposed to the slow-motion deflating we are seeing (not in newspaper).


Also see: Bernanke Says F*** the Buck

I guess that's the Zionist *ews way of saying Merry Xmas.