Related: Slow Saturday Special: Food Wars
The United Nations is Racist
Yeah, they care about the kids, uh-huh!
"Billion children deprived despite rights treaty, UNICEF says; But fewer dying and more are going to school" by Edith M. Lederer, Associated Press | November 20, 2009
UNITED NATIONS - Twenty years after the United Nations adopted a treaty guaranteeing children’s rights, a billion children are still deprived of food, shelter, or clean water and nearly 200 million are chronically malnourished, UNICEF said yesterday.
Then I would say the U.N. has FAILED! They HAD 60 YEARS!
There are some bright spots - fewer youngsters are dying and more are going to school, the UN children’s agency said in a report issued on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Ann Veneman, UNICEF executive director, said the convention “has transformed the way children are viewed and treated throughout the world.’’
They are STILL BEING BOMBED INTO OBLIVION in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, right?
Only two countries - the United States and Somalia - have not ratified it.
Isn't that classic!?
The Clinton administration signed the convention but never submitted it to the Senate for ratification because a number of groups argued that it infringed on the rights of parents and was inconsistent with state and local laws.
Asked about the United States’ decision not to ratify, Veneman called it “frustrating’’ but said President Obama and US Ambassador Susan Rice “have expressed a strong desire to move the US in the direction of approving the convention.’’
The convention has also brought measures “to ensure that children are safeguarded from violence, abuse, discrimination, and exploitation,’’ Veneman said.
Still, the report said, between 500 million and 1.5 billion children experience violence annually....
And WHAT of the CHILDREN of GAZA, huh, U.N.?
While the gender gap has narrowed, girls are still losing out, however, it said.
Nevertheless, UNICEF said children’s rights are far from assured.
“It is unacceptable that children are still dying from preventable causes, like pneumonia, malaria, measles, and malnutrition,’’ Veneman said in a statement.
And WARS!!!!
“Many of the world’s children will never see the inside of a school room, and millions lack protection against violence, abuse, exploitation, discrimination, and neglect.’’
An estimated 1 billion children lack access to good health care, adequate nutrition, education, clean water, sanitation facilities, or adequate shelter. More than 24,000 children under 5 die every day from largely preventable causes, according to the report.
I'm sorry, but I read that and I see failure.
"Islamic nations pressing UN panel for treaty that would ban blasphemy" by Frank Jordans, Associated Press | November 20, 2009

Pakistanis protested against cartoons depicting Mohammed in 2008. Officials in Pakistan and Algeria are calling for a treaty that would protect religious symbols from mockery. (Arshad Butt/Associated Press)
GENEVA - A collision course with free speech laws in the West. Documents obtained by the Associated Press show that Algeria and Pakistan have taken the lead....
If ratified in countries that enshrine freedom of expression as a fundamental right, such a treaty would require them to limit free speech if it risks seriously offending religious believers. The process, though, would take years, and no showdown is imminent.
Then why the divisive, conflict-producing article, MSM?! WTF?!
The proposal faces stiff resistance from Western countries, including the United States, which in the past has brushed aside other United Nations treaties, such as one on the protection of migrant workers.
Yeah, when USrael defies the world it is okay! Goodbye, global government!
Observers say the bid stands some chance of eventual success if Muslim countries persist. Whatever the outcome, however, the campaign risks reigniting tensions between Muslims and the West that President Obama has pledged to heal, reviving fears of a “clash of civilizations.’’
Gee, and WHO wants THAT? Not me -- or most people!
Four years ago, a Danish newspaper published cartoons lampooning Mohammed, the prophet and founder of Islam, prompting angry mobs to attack Western embassies in Muslim countries, including Lebanon, Iran, and Indonesia. In a countermovement, several European newspapers reprinted the images.
Yeah, FAN the FLAMES of CONFLICT, western MSM!
It is WHAT YOU DO BEST, *ews***s!
The countries that form the 56-member Organization of the Islamic Conference are now lobbying a little-known Geneva-based UN committee to agree that a treaty protecting religions is necessary....
Only if Jews want it.
If the treaty was approved, any of the UN’s 192 member states that ratified it would be bound by its provisions. Other countries could face criticism for refusing to join. The United States has declared it will not accept international treaties that restrict the First Amendment right to free speech.
But EUROPE will LOCK PEOPLE UP for even QUESTIONING the Holohoax™ and the U.S JUST PASSED a "HATE" LAW!!!!
But there are signs the United States is worried about the Islamic Conference campaign. Behind the scenes it has been lobbying hard to quash the proposal, dispatching a senior diplomat to Geneva last month for talks described as akin to trench warfare.
The HYPOCRISY of the WEST STINKS and the WORLD can SMELL IT!!!!!!
“The US presence can be significant in determining the whole destiny of the process,’’ said Lukas Machon, who represents the International Commission of Jurists at the UN. “The whole exercise is dangerous from A to Z because it’s a departure from the practice and concept of human rights,’’ Machon said. “It adds only restrictions.’’ In a letter obtained by the Associated Press, Pakistan said insults against religion were on the increase....
Oh, did I fail to log the link?
And as far as I am concerned, the talk of human rights and free speech from the West is a bunch of FART MIST considering this:
"Lithuanian officials open new inquiry into secret CIA prisons" by Craig Whitlock, Washington Post | November 20, 2009
VILNIUS, Lithuania - Twice in the past three years, the Lithuanian Parliament investigated reports that the CIA secretly imprisoned Al Qaeda leaders in this Baltic country. Both times, legislators concluded that there was no evidence.
Now the Parliament is investigating a third time, and it is looking a little harder.
Fresh reports of covert CIA flights carrying prisoners from Afghanistan to Lithuania, as well as the revelation that US contractors built a high-security complex at the edge of a forest near Vilnius, have added to the suspicions.
Many Lithuanian officials said they remain unconvinced that their country’s secret services allowed the CIA to detain international terrorists. A few legislators blame Russia and other outside interests for inventing the allegations in an attempt to besmirch Lithuania’s reputation.
But increasingly, after years of issuing denials, Lithuania’s leaders are no longer ruling out the possibility that the CIA may have operated a secret prison in this northern European country of 3.5 million people, and that its government will have to deal with the fallout.
From where? U.N. coming? War crimes rials starting?
Last month, newly elected President Dalia Grybauskaite said she had “indirect suspicions’’ that the CIA reports might be true, and urged Parliament to investigate more thoroughly. “And I am not alone,’’ she added in an interview with the newspaper Lietuvos Rytas. “The international community has similar suspicions. The West does not doubt that the prison could have been set up in Lithuania.’’
Valdas Adamkus, who was president when the CIA prison was reportedly in operation, from 2004 until 2005, said he had no personal knowledge of the covert program. But he raised the possibility that Lithuanian security officials could face prosecution if the reports are publicly confirmed. “If this actually did occur, and it is grounded with proof, we have to apologize to the international community that something like this went down in Lithuania,’’ he told the Baltic News Service. “And those who did it,’’ he added, “in my eyes are criminals.’’
In neighboring Poland, prosecutors in the capital of Warsaw have opened a criminal probe into reports that the CIA operated a prison for Al Qaeda suspects near a former military air base. No charges have been filed, and it is unclear how far along prosecutors are in their investigation.
And this is a ONE-DAY WONDER of a story, too!!!!
Dainius Zalimas, a legal adviser to the Lithuanian Defense Ministry, said the existence of a covert prison would violate both Lithuanian statutes and international human rights conventions that the government signed. If firm evidence is gathered by the Parliament, he said, prosecutors would be obliged to open a case and could target both Lithuanian and US officials.
“From a legal point of view, it would mean that Lithuania, along with the United States, was contributing to quite serious violations of human rights,’’ said Zalimas, who is also a law professor at the University of Vilnius. Legal specialists said the odds of a successful prosecution are remote, given the extremely secret nature of the CIA’s overseas prison network for terrorism suspects.
Not too worried about FREE SPEECH NOW, are they!!!!???
But there is precedent. On Nov. 4, after a long-running trial, an Italian judge convicted 22 CIA operatives and a US Air Force colonel of kidnapping a Muslim cleric in Milan and flying him to Egypt, where, he said, he was tortured.
Related: CIA Kicked Out of Italy