You know, you read those and then see how much is covered up after the fact by the MSM and it really destroys their already shattered image. Fed dog s*** by the government and they chew it with a straight face.
"FBI, police strive to engender trust from US Muslims; Fine line amid investigations" by Carrie Johnson, Washington Post | October 11, 2009
Keep in mind the Washington Post is the CIA 's newspaper!
No, I'm not letting go of that.
NEW YORK - Investigators seeking to uncover terrorist plots for years have walked a fine line between keeping tabs on the Muslim community and alienating the same people who could serve as an early warning signal.
That tenuous balance has been tested again in what law enforcement authorities say is one of the most worrisome terror investigations in decades, the unfolding case against Denver shuttle bus driver Najibullah Zazi, who has been charged with conspiracy to unleash weapons of mass destruction in the form of hydrogen peroxide bombs.
That they NEVER FOUND!!!!
A Queens man who had been a power broker in his Muslim community - and a source for the New York City Police Department - allegedly tipped off Zazi of the police interest early last month. That complicated the ongoing investigation of what investigators say were Al Qaeda operatives on American soil, and led to the indictment of the Queens man on criminal charges.
Now why no mention that the "police source" is an imam in the mosque?
Tension among the FBI, local police, and members of the Islamic community has flared several times in the years since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist strikes. Earlier this year some Muslim charities and advocacy groups threatened to cut ties with the FBI amid concern that investigators were infiltrating mosques in California and elsewhere. FBI leaders say they have tried to strengthen ties to Muslims through advisory councils, community group meetings, and other contacts. Building such relationships is important because investigators, who often lack language skills and deep understanding of immigrant enclaves, must rely on insiders to help guide them through the maze of cultural issues.
GOVERNMENTS CREATE the "enemies" they must fight, world!!!
“Your job is to know everything that’s going on in that mosque - everything,’’ said Jack Cloonan, a retired special agent for the FBI who worked in the Afghan community in Queens from the late 1980s until 2002. “What is going on in this community? Do I know what’s going on within the mosque? Do I know who’s coming in? Do I know what’s going on in terms of criminal activity? Who will know this?’’
By all accounts, that type of thinking inspired police last month to approach Ahmad Wais Afzali, 37, a Flushing community leader who had helped agents in the past, and ask him to “find out everything you can’’ about the 24-year-old Zazi - “who he is, where he is, where he’s going,’’ said Afzali’s lawyer, Ronald Kuby. They did not tell Afzali why they were looking for the younger man, Kuby said.
This is all such garbage!! They were ALREADY TAILING the GUY before he LEFT DENVER!!!! This was ALL a SET-UP!!!!
Afzali, who had prayed alongside Zazi in various mosques for years, used his network of contacts to track down Zazi’s phone number and eventually called and explained he was in touch because the police had asked about Zazi, said Kuby. Afzali, who has denied wrongdoing, sometimes preached at mosques and also ran the Islamic Burial Funeral Service, a funeral parlor in Queens. His business card was on the bulletin boards of Afghan mosques, and he had entree to the homes and intimate moments of a broad swath of Afghan immigrants.
“If somebody dies in the family, he’s the only person we trust,’’ said a 31-year-old restaurant cook who gave his name only as
Yeah, we call it DAMNED IF YOU DO, DAMNED if you DO NOT!!
Welcome to AmeriKa, Afghans!
The civil liberties concerns resounded again after the FBI released its Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide on Sept. 25 as part of a lawsuit by the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Muslim Advocates.
How did those get in there?
The guidelines amount to a road map for agents who are conducting investigations, but some of the most sensitive material, about agents’ undisclosed participation as informants stationed in mosques and churches, was blacked out in the report.
OF COURSE!!! Must HIDE the HAND of FALSE FLAG ACTORS as they pin the thought crimes on designated patsies!!!!
So when are they going to tell us NO EXPLOSIVES were EVER FOUND or that the guy was STOPPED at a ROUTINE(?) DRUG CHECKPOINT before being allowed into the city?
Nadhira al-Khalili, national legal counsel at the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said in a statement that the guidelines could “inevitably lead to violations of the Constitution and the right of all Americans to practice their faith without fear of government intrusion or intimidation.’’ CAIR and the American Civil Liberties Union called upon the Justice Department and Congress to overhaul the guidelines to ensure that FBI agents are acting in line with the law. But supporters of the guidelines say they were developed in consultation with religious and civil liberties groups, and were the subject of three congressional hearings.
How about TELLING the TRUTH about that INSIDE JOB of 9/11 behind this?
RIP OFF that SCAB and LET IT OUT!!!!
Attorney General Eric Holder made a point to visit a mosque during a trip to the Los Angeles area in July, where he emphasized the administration’s desire to work with the Muslim community and to protect civil liberties.
Pffft! I don't believe this tool! He's going to do show trials in NYC with patsies they tortured while ignoring the massive Bush administration war crimes so I'll take the salt on that.
And didn't I mention they left out some things above?
"Imam denies any role in alleged NYC terrorist bomb plot" by Associated Press | November 3, 2009

Imam Ahmad Afzali, accused of lying to the FBI, arrived at Brooklyn federal court with his wife, Fatima, yesterday. (Louis Lanzano/ Associated Press)
I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing terrorists.
NEW YORK - An imam accused of lying to FBI agents investigating an alleged bomb plot against New York City by a suspected Al Qaeda associate pleaded not guilty yesterday....
Btw, did you know that Al Qaeda doesn't even exist?
That there is no Al Qaeda?
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits
Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business
"Al-CIA-Duh" School in Somalia
New York Times Admits War on Terror is U.S. Creation
See why "Al-CIA-Duh" kind of gets to me after a while?
Afzali, 37, was arrested in September as federal authorities tried to thwart what they said was a plot by Najibullah Zazi, a Colorado airport van driver who allegedly received explosives training from Al Qaeda in Pakistan. Authorities say Zazi conspired to use homemade bombs in a large-scale terror attack, possibly on the city’s transit system.
Yup, stuff they NEVER FOUND!!!!
Court papers alleged that Zazi bought and tested bomb-making materials in a Denver suburb before traveling by car to New York, all while under FBI surveillance. After federal authorities alerted the New York Police Department to the possible threat, detectives tried to gather information about Zazi from Afzali, an imam in the Queens neighborhood where Zazi once lived. The next day, Afzali called Zazi, telling him, “They asked about you guys,’’ according to court papers."
Oh, I didn't snag the link on that one?
Oh well.