My sincere apologies on behalf of my countrymen, world.
"Pakistanis confront Clinton over drone attacks; She softens words on nation’s effort to find Al Qaeda" by Robert Burns, Associated Press | October 31, 2009

Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton talked with Pakistani tribal people in Islamabad yesterday. She came face to face with Pakistani anger over US aerial drone attacks (Irfan Mahmood/Associated Press)
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was confronted repeatedly by Pakistanis yesterday as she ended a tense three-day tour of the country, chastised by one woman who said a US program using aerial drones to target terrorists amounted to “executions without trial.’’
Oh, BRAVO, Pakistanis, BRAVO!!!!!
Oh, TEARS of LOVE today!!!!
On another thorny topic, Clinton slightly softened her blunt charge of a day earlier that Pakistani officials know where Al Qaeda terrorists are hiding and are doing little about it.
Related: Clinton Carries Package to Pakistan
Well, WHAT are they SUPPOSED TO DO?
Drop a commando squad on top of CIA headquarters in Langley?
Clinton faced sharp questions from Pakistani civilians about the US effort that uses unmanned aircraft to launch missiles to kill terrorists along the porous, ungoverned border with Afghanistan. But she refused to go into detail about the classified strikes that have killed both key terrorist leaders and bystanders, long a source of outrage among Pakistan’s population despite an equally deadly campaign of militant-spawned bombings.
Asked repeatedly about the drones, a subject that involves highly classified CIA operations, Clinton said only that “there is a war going on.’’
Were we not told something about transparency.
Clinton left Islamabad for Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates after a tour that was rocked at the start by a devastating terrorist bombing in Peshawar that killed 105 people, many of them women and children.
See: Who Are the Terrorists of Pakistan?
Blackwater Behind Peshawar Bombing
Who Will Protect Hillary Clinton?
And cui bono?
Her visit revealed clear signs of strain between the two nations despite months of public insistence that they were on the same wavelength in the war on terror. What is less apparent is what US officials hope will come from Clinton’s tough language about Pakistani officials’ failure to eliminate Al Qaeda as a threat within their borders.
While her remarks echo the skepticism that many Americans have felt about Pakistan’s failure to target Al Qaeda’s leaders, it is not at all certain that they will prod stepped-up action.
Umm, WHO the HELL are they talking about because it is NOT ANYONE I KNOW -- if they are even aware of what is going there.
The SKEPTICISM THEY FEEL is TOWARD this LYING LOOTING GOVERNMENT WE HAVE on ALL LEVELS -- not some indigenous Pashtun dodging missiles and defending his home!!
Pakistan’s military recently launched a major offensive in the South Waziristan border area to clear out insurgent hide-outs.
The OFFENSIVES never end they just BLEED ONE into the NEXT! Tired of being manipulated by word games, MSM!
But two earlier army efforts made little progress there - leaving questions about the military’s resolve to tackle Al Qaeda head-on.
[Once again our Pakistani friends are pretending to fight a war against their own terrorists. There are no videos of actual battle. Every soldier in every photo that is released is dressed in a clean, freshly-pressed uniform, posing for the cameras, looking very bored. There is no real war there, only dead civilians and destroyed buildings, just like the alleged war in Swat and previous battles in Bara. The only real war in Pakistan is waged against the Pashtun people by very real terrorists. We all know who they work for. If you want to read the actual report below, then follow the link.] -- Source
Also see: Pakistan Tops the Agenda-Pushing in the Washington Post
You KNOW WHERE this is GOING, right?
Two US defense officials said yesterday that the latest Pakistani sweep into South Waziristan, though still early, was making progress. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to talk about the Pakistani offensive.
How many times have we heard that in how many places over the last eight years, America?
Before she flew to the emirates Clinton carefully scaled back her comments from a day earlier suggesting that some Pakistani officials knew where Al Qaeda’s upper echelon has been hiding and have done little to target them.
Yeah, WE ALL KNOW WHERE "Al-CIA-Duh" is!!!
Did you know that Al Qaeda doesn't even exist, readers?
Go get 'em, Hil!
Clinton, during a Pakistani media interview, said yesterday:
“[When the US gathers evidence that Al Qaeda fugitives are hiding in Pakistan], we feel like we have to go to the government of Pakistan and say, somewhere these people have to be hidden out. We don’t know where, and I have no information that they know where, but this is a big government. You know, it’s a government on many levels. Somebody, somewhere in Pakistan must know where these people are. And we’d like to know because we view them as really at the core of the terrorist threat that threatens Pakistan, threatens Afghanistan, threatens us, threatens people all over the world.’’
You can STOP IT with the HYPERBOLE, 'kay?
The White House is standing behind Clinton’s blunt suggestion that Pakistani officials know where top terrorists are hiding.
You can start with this then:
"Pakistan says it’s pounding Taliban" by Tim Sullivan, Associated Press | November 1, 2009
From the looks of it, I believe them.

Pakistani workers cleared rubble yesterday at the site of Wednesday’s bombing in Peshawar. Suspected militants exploded a car bomb in a market crowded with women and children, killing more than 100 people. (Mohammad Sajjad/Associated Press)
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Pakistani soldiers closed in on two major Taliban strongholds in South Waziristan yesterday, officials said, as government jets pounded insurgent hide-outs and the prime minister said the country had no choice but to defeat the militants.
“We are at war,’’ Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said at a news conference in the city of Peshawar, where a car bombing a few days ago killed more than 115 people.
Seeing as they KEEP on FLOGGING that car bombing it is really starting to stink!
See: Pakistanis See Conspiracies
Who can blame them, especially when they are right in front of their faces in the day's light!
“Our civil leadership, our military leadership, and political leadership . . . we are on the same page that we have to fight the militancy. We do not have any other option because their intentions are to take over’’ the country.
No, it is to be LEFT ALONE!!!
And I love this next paragraph for what the AmeriKan MSM OMITS:
Pakistan, which years ago helped nurture the Taliban’s rise in neighboring Afghanistan, is now involved in an escalating fight with the militants.
Yeah, well, THEY HAD HELP!
"The U.S. government was well aware of the Taliban's reactionary program, yet it chose to back their rise to power in the mid-1990s. The creation of the Taliban was "actively encouraged by the ISI and the CIA," according to Selig Harrison, an expert on U.S. relations with Asia. "The United States encouraged Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to support the Taliban, certainly right up to their advance on Kabul," adds respected journalist Ahmed Rashid. When the Taliban took power, State Department spokesperson Glyn Davies said that he saw "nothing objectionable" in the Taliban's plans to impose strict Islamic law, and Senator Hank Brown, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Near East and South Asia, welcomed the new regime: "The good part of what has happened is that one of the factions at last seems capable of developing a new government in Afghanistan." "The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis. There will be Aramco [the consortium of oil companies that controlled Saudi oil], pipelines, an emir, no parliament and lots of Sharia law. We can live with that," said another U.S. diplomat in 1997."
Oh, that's a real kick to the lower groans, isn't it, ladies?
The TALIBAN was established under U.S. AUSPICES?
Well, I SURE CAN as long as the KILLING STOPS -- especially since (sorry) I NO LONGER BELIEVE the LIES PROMOTED by my WAR-MONGERING, MUSLIM-HATING, AGENDA-PUSHING AmeriKan PRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHAT ELSE are they NOT TELLING US, hmmm?
Two weeks ago, the government launched the offensive in the South Waziristan tribal region, viewed as the main stronghold in the country of both the Taliban and Al Qaeda. The offensive has drawn retaliatory militant attacks across Pakistan.
Yesterday, seven paramilitary soldiers driving through the Khyber tribal area were killed in a roadside bomb planted by suspected Taliban militants, said local official Ghulam Farooq Khan. The area is famed for the Khyber Pass, the main route for ferrying supplies to US and NATO forces in Afghanistan.
That attack came as Pakistani jets bombed three hide-outs of Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud in the Orkazai tribal region, killing at least eight militants and wounding several others, intelligence officials said. Another strike, about 40 miles from the first and near the Afghan border, killed seven militants in the Kurram tribal region, the officials said. The veracity of the reports could not be confirmed.
Gee, the last report says the military gave 'em a tour!
Authorities have effectively sealed off the tribal areas, semiautonomous regions where the central government in Islamabad has long had only minimal authority, and it is all but impossible to independently verify such claims. Pakistan appears eager to prove that it is moving aggressively against the militants after a three-day visit earlier last week by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Are wees doin' well, mistress Clinton?!!?!! Enough BLOOD SACRIFICED for you?
Clinton said she found it “hard to believe’’ that no one in Pakistan’s government knew where Al Qaeda’s leadership was hiding and warned that once the current offensive is finished, “the Pakistanis will have to go on to try to root out other terrorist groups, or we’re going to be back facing the same threats.’’
That is what I FIND HARD to BELIEVE!
American officials have long said Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants accused in the Sept. 11 attacks operate out of the region along Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan - a region that includes South Waziristan.
Oh, no, the DEAD GUY RISES from the GRAVE AGAIN!
You guys are going to get tired digging into every damn mountainside!
Pakistan has reacted to Clinton’s chiding with a mixture of acceptance and resentment.
“If we are honest, we cannot deny that much of what she said was true,’’ The News newspaper said in an editorial yesterday, but it added that US policies - like foreign policy anywhere - stem from self-interest.
WE ALL KNOW it was an INSIDE JOB by CIA/Mossad with Zionist traitors overseeing the operation and covering it up.
In South Waziristan, the army said it had surrounded the key Taliban stronghold of Sararogha on three sides and had reached the outskirts of Makeen, which it called “the nerve center’’ of the Pakistani Taliban. Government soldiers had killed a total of 33 militants over the past 24 hours, discovered a factory for making roadside bombs and seized a handful of weapons, the army said in its statement yesterday.
Gee, that sounds familiar, pffffffftt!
Pakistani forces were facing stiff resistance in the village of Kaniguram, with soldiers fighting house to house and taking mortar and sniper fire as they searched for more militants. Four Pakistani soldiers had been injured in fighting in South Waziristan over the past day, the report said.
Related: Taliban Take Round One
Taliban Taking It to Pakistani Army
Pakistan Scores Points Against Taliban
Pakistan Presses On Into Pashtunistan
I guess Pakistan is ahead after five rounds.
Think the MSM is lying again or telling the truth this time?
Must be OVER 3 MILLION spread out across the area by now!!!
In Karachi, police arrested three suspected militants yesterday and seized 5 pounds of explosives and other weaponry. The men were involved in kidnappings for ransom and bank robberies to help fund the Taliban, said senior police officer Fayyaz Khan.
So the term "Taliban" is "something of a catchall term for loosely affiliated insurgents without a singular command structure. Often, the Afghan government favors the phrase 'enemies of the state' (New York Times July 24, 2007)."
"The Taliban is growing and creating new alliances not because its sectarian religious practices have become popular, but because it is the only available umbrella for national liberation," says Pakistani historian and political commentator Tariq Ali. "As the British and the Soviets discovered to their cost in the preceding two centuries, Afghans never like being occupied."
Also see: Afghanistan's Other Government
And today, readers?
"More and more, people here look back to the era of harsh Taliban rule from 1996 to 2001, describing it as a time of security and peace."
Oh, oh, oh!!!! I'm so offended by the AmeriKan MSM and its bullshit!
Also see: How I Came to Love the Veil
Now I feel like putting one on so I at least won't have to read any more of Clinton's vile words.
"Speaking to reporters in Islamabad, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton called the developments "a big step forward for the inter-American system."
"Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, traveling in Abu Dhabi, gave the administration’s only comment. “We see that happen in our own country where, for whatever combination of reasons, one of the candidates decides not to go forward,’’ she said. “I don’t think it has anything to do with the legitimacy of the election. It’s a personal choice which may or may not be made.’’
Also see Clinton Caves For Israel in its entirety.
More mouth:
- African Safari: What Clinton Did Not See
- African Safari: Covering Clinton's Fat Ass
- African Safari: She's No Bill Clinton!
- African Safari: Clinton Cuts Nigerian Peace Deal
- African Safari: Clinton Skips Over Sudan
- African Safari: Clinton Returns to the Scene of th...
- African Safari: Clinton Avoided Ethiopia
- African Safari: Clinton Supports Somali Islamists
- African Safari: Clinton Threatens Kenya
- African Safari: From A to Z
- Clinton's Asian Excursion
- Clinton's Asian Epilogue
- She's No Diplomat!
- Clinton Irritates India
- Clinton Gets Toasted in Ireland
- Russia Rebuffs Clinton
This may be "change," but it's NOT for the BETTER!!!