"youngsters.... [are] particularly adept at this important everyday skill.... that helps them distinguish.... a liar from a truth-teller"
Should have run George Bush's Iraq lies through 'em first; maybe we could have avoided the whole mass-murdering fiasco.
Aren't you just ashamed of yourselves, MSM? You couldn't see what a child (and the rest of us did)?
I guess that's why KIDS LIKE ME, huh?
"Hub lab writing the book on face-reading" by Patricia Wen, Globe Staff | November 10, 2009

James Peters-Fransen was fitted with plastic-sponge sensors that pick up electrical brain activity at a Children’s Hospital neuroscience lab. (Suzanne Kreiter/ Globe Staff)
Charles A. Nelson III, a Harvard neuroscience professor runs the nation’s top laboratory studying how people learn to decode facial expressions.... exhaustive research, which unfolds every day in his $1.5 million cognitive neuroscience laboratory at Children’s Hospital Boston, where he studies just when and how humans learn to read faces.
Can you READ THIS!!?!!
To that end, his lab recruits hundreds of babies and preschoolers from the Boston area, with staff members making pitches at day care centers and children’s fairs. Using high-tech equipment to monitor the children’s eye movements and brain activity, researchers seek to discover how people identify one face from another and how they decipher the emotions behind particular expressions. Nelson studies why some youngsters evolve to become particularly adept at this important everyday skill that helps them distinguish Mom from a stranger, a liar from a truth-teller, and a sad look from a fearful look, and why others, particularly those with autism or other developmental disorders, are often perplexed by faces, hobbling their social interactions....
Related: Autism Researchers All Wet
It's the MERCURY in the VACCINES, morons!!!
“What people say is not always what they mean,’’ said Nelson in his sixth-floor lab a few blocks from the main hospital. “All of us are always looking for the match between what someone says and how they look when they say it.’’
How about CHECKING OUT the FACTS? THAT might help!!!
This research on infants is far from easy....
Well, TYRANNY never is!!!