Friday, December 20, 2013

Easy Come, Easy Globe

An easy post:

"EASY COME, EASY GO -- A pile of melting snow created a puddle near the Christian Science Plaza in Boston on Thursday, where a bit of warmer weather and a sunny sky framed the day. It was a fine day to shop for holiday gifts (Boston Globe December 20 2013)."

Wow, talk about a pimping propaganda pre$$! That was a photograph and caption in the upper-right corner of page B3 in my printed Boston Globe. I guess they are just checking to see if I'm still reading.

Related: I No Longer Want to Talk About the Weather

Oddly, I saw chem trails in the sky yesterday and the odd white drone-like plane that was laying them down. Was about 3 or 4 in the afternoon, and they looked like these. I'm not calling him crazy because I saw it and it wrecked an otherwise clear blue sky.

'Twas the Week Before Chri$tmas....

Ah, you know the re$t.