Sunday, December 15, 2013

No Boston Sunday Globe Today

Must be the foot of snow that is out there because there was not one newspaper to be found when I went out around 7:30 after shoveling my way out of the house. Since I've already done a web preview it is looking very much like I won't be purchasing a Globe at all today, although I am going to go back this afternoon and look for the local because it is supposed to have the high-school basketball flier in it. I may break down and get a Globe then. Then again, I may not. I noted the few articles I might be interested in and that should be enough. The others are just links or will be discarded.

I'm sorry I'm failing you, readers. Falling behind further every day and not getting you those vital stories that come forth from the regional flagshit. I guess after more than a decade of reading the luster of lies, distortions, obfuscations, elite insults, and Jewish supremacism of the propaganda pre$$ just isn't as fun as it used to be. Sorry.