Saturday, December 14, 2013

Slow Saturday Special: Maine Democrat Disrespects Truckers

Didn't make my printed paper:

"Maine lawmaker under fire for e-mail about truckers

A Maine lawmaker is drawing criticism for an e-mail he wrote slamming truck drivers. In a November e-mail to city officials released by the Maine Republican Party this week, state Representative Brian Bolduc, Democrat of Auburn, complained about the noisy truck breaks that cause floors in his neighborhood’s homes to rumble and scare pets and children.

Umm, it's brakes, not breaks.

‘‘You would think the drivers would have enough common courtesy not to do this in front of residential homes but then again one look at them and you can see they probably don’t have a whole hell of allot of brains in their heads,’’ he wrote. Maine Republicans called on Democratic lawmakers to denounce the ‘‘offensive words.’’